Exam 1; Concepts Flashcards
Supra-Orbital Foramen
(1) Supra-orbital nerve (branch of the Frontal nerve from CNV1); (2) Supra-orbital vessels.
Infra-Orbital Foramen
(1) Infra-orbital nerve; (2) Infra-orbital vessels.
Mental Foramen
(1) Mental nerve (branch from CNV3); (2) Mental vessels.
Foramen Ovale
(1) Mandibular trigeminal nerve (CNV3).
Foramen Spinosum
(1) Middle meningeal artery.
Foramen Lacerum
(1) Nothing; filled with cartilage.
Carotid Canal
(1) Internal carotid artery (w/ nerve plexus)
Foramen Magnum
(1) Brain stem and spinal cord; (2) vertebral arteries; (3) root of the accessory nerve [XI].
Hypoglossal Canal
(1) Hypoglossal nerve [XII].
Jugular Foramen
(1) Internal jugular vein; (2) glossopharyngeal nerve [IX]; (3) vagus nerve [X]; (3) accessory nerve [XI].
Stylomastoid Foramen
(1) Facial nerve [VII].
Optic Canal
(1) Optic nerve [II]; (2) ophthalmic artery.
Superior Orbital Fissure
(1) Oculomotor nerve [III]; (2) trochlear nerve [IV]; (3) opthalmic trigeminal [CNV1]; (4) abducent nerve [VI]; (5) ophthalmic vein.
Foramen Rotundum
(1) Maxillary trigeminal [CNV2].
Internal Acoustic Meatus
(1) Facial nerve [VII]; (2) vestibulocochlear nerve [VIII].
Superior Sagital Sinus
Location: superior border of the falx cerebri; Receives: superior cerebral, diploic and emissary veins, CSF.
Confluence of the Sinuses
Location: near the internal occipital protuberance; Receives: superior sagital sinus, straight sinus, occipital sinus.
Transverse Sinus
Location: bilateral extensions from the confluence; Receives: confluence drainage, cerebral, cerebellar, diploic and emissary veins.
Sigmoid Sinus
Location: between the transverse sinus and the internal jugular veins; Receives: transverse sinus, cerebral, cerebellar, diploic, and emissary veins.
Cavernous Sinus
Location: lateral aspect of the sphenoid; Receives: cerebral and ophthalmic veins, emissary veins.
Orbicularis Oculi
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: closes the eyelid.
Corrugator Supercilii
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: draws the eyelid in and down.
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: moves the nasal aperture, opens the nostrils.
Depressor Anguli Oris
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: draws the corner of the mouth downward.
Depressor Labii Inferioris
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: draws the lower lip downward.
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: raises and protrudes the lower lip.
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: retracts the corners of the mouth.
Zygomaticus Major
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: draws the corner of the mouth up and out.
Zygomaticus Minor
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: draws the upper lip upward.
Levator Labii Superioris
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: raises the upper lip.
Levator Anguli Oris
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: raises the corner of the mouth.
Orbicularis Oris
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: closes and protrudes the lips.
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: presses the cheek against the teeth.
Innervation: facial nerve [VII]; Function: draws the scalp backward, wrinkles the forehead.
Innervation: mandibular trigeminal [V3]; Function: elevates the mandible, closing the mouth for mastication.
Innervation: mandibular trigeminal [V3]; Function: elevates and retracts the mandible during mastication.
Medial Pterygoid
Innervation: mandibular trigeminal [V3]; Function: elevation and side-to-side movement of the mandible for mastication.
Lateral Pterygoid
Innervation: mandibular trigeminal [V3]; Function: elevation and side-to-side movement of the mandible for mastication.
Tensor Tympani
Innervation: mandibular trigeminal [V3];Function: Contracts to pull the malleus and tighten the tympanic membrane; protects against loud noises.
Levator Palpebrae Superioris
Innervation: Oculomotor nerve [III]; Function: elevates the upper eyelid.