Exam 1 - Autonomic Nervous System Flashcards
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Adrenergic Target Organs - Dopamine
- Kidney - Dilation of kidney vasculature (used for shock)
- Is considered adrenergic but does not respond to epi and NE and is primarily found in the CNS
- Used for shock and hypotension
Define Catecholamines. Give examples
- Can’t cross BBB
- Short duration of action
- Cannot give by mouth (PO)
- EX: epi, NE, dopamine, dobutamine, isoproterenol
What receptors does Norepinephrine act on?
adrenergic rec’s alpha 1 & 2 and beta 1
Therapeutic uses of Dopamine?
heart failure
acute renal failure
Norepinephrine does not activate which receptor??
Synthetic drug that selectively stimulates B1 receptors, especially in the heart
Define Agonist
directly activate receptor
Post-ganglionic neurons of the PSNS and SNS releases what NT(s)?
SNS: NE, Epi, Dopamine
What are some key things that epinephrine is used to do?
delay absorption of local anesthetic
control superficial bleeding
mydriasis during ophthalmologic procedures
restore cardiac function in arrest
bronchial dilation in asthma
Selective direct-acting sympathomimetic druggs (adrenergic receptor agonists)
Phenylephrine (A1)
Dobutamine (B1)
Terbutaline (B2)
Define Sympatholytic. Give alternate names
Parasympathomimetic, Cholinergic-like,
Synthetic drugs that is non-selective for B1 and B2
Afferent transmission
sensory neurons, impulses toward the spinal cord & brain
Adverse effects of Epinephrine?
hypertensive crisis
angina pectoris
necrosis following extravasation
Phenylephrine activates alpha1 receptors. What therapeutic uses does this drug have?
reduce nasal congestion
elevate blood pressure
dilate pupils
Indirect acting
Stimulate release of neurotransmitter