Exam 1 Anatomy Flashcards
Mouse – medical terms1
mouse – medical terms 2
midsagittal sections
horizontal sections
coronal sections
Spinal Cord Differentiation
Caudaul Hindbrain
Rostral Hindbrain
Midbrain Structure-Function Relationships
–Tectum à Superior colliculus (receives sensory info from eye), inferior colliculus (receives sensory info from ear)
•Substantia nigra (black substance) and red nucleus – control voluntary movement
MidBrain Diff.
•Midbrain Structure-Function Relationships
–Contains axons descending from cortex to brain stem and spinal cord
•e.g., Corticospinal tract
–Information conduit from spinal cord to forebrain and vice versa, sensory systems, control of movements
•Forebrain Structure-Function Relationships
–Cerebral cortex
• Analyze sensory input and command motor output
–Thalamus: Gateway of the cortex
Stick/Ball Model
•Forebrain Structure-Function Relationships (Cont’d)
–Axons from thalamus to cortex pass through the internal capsule
–Carry information from contralateral side of the body
–Axons from cortex to thalamus also pass through internal capsule
• Control of visceral nervous system