Exam 1 Flashcards
5 Characteristics of Research
1) Systemic
2) Logical
3) Empiracal
4) Reductive
5) Replicable
What is applied research?
has a direct value to practitioners and the researchers have little control over setting
What is Basic research?
limited application, large control over conditions, highly theoretical
What is ecological validity?
the extent to which research relates to the real world.
What is the scientific method of problem solving?
- defining and delimiting the problem
- forming hypothesis
- gathering data
- analyzing, and interpret data
What is tenacity?
clinging to beliefs not founded in research (lucky socks)
What is the rationalistic method?
- men are mortal
- I am a man
- I am mortal
What is the empiracle method?
data based one one’s own data/objective observations
What is the independent variable?
The part of the experiment being manipulated
What is the dependent variable?
The effect of the independent variable
What is a hypothesis?
expected outcome
What is internal validity?
extent of which results can be attributed to treatments in the study
What is external validity?
applicability to the real world
What is qualitative research?
Long term, observational, normal
What is Analytical research?
Deep dive into available research
- historical
- philosophical
- reviews
What is descriptive research?
status of the studies focus
- questionnaire
- surveys
- case studies
What is experimental research?
Changing of treatment to establish a cause and effect relationship
What are the three levels of research?
1) Basic Research
2) Theory based
3) Applied research
What is the goal and approach of basic research?
Goal: theory driven
Approach: Lab
What is the goal and approach of applied research?
Goal: immediate solutions
Approach: Real world settings
What is the goal and approach of level 2 research?
Goal: theory based with relevant movements
Approach: similar to real world
What should be in your lit review?
- historical or intellectual developments of topic
- themes of literature
- variables, and theoretical lit
- understanding/foreshadowing
- critique and related lit
- chapter summary
What should be in your introduction?
Problem Statement
- Variables
- Operational definitions
- Significance of study
- Hypothesis
What are Extraneous variables?
may have an effect(random errors)
What are limitations?
factors where the researcher has no control(gender/age)
What are delimitations?
factors that can be controlled(pop,variables,methods)
What are the 7 areas of Scientific Dishonesty?
- Plagiarism
- Fabrication/falsification
- cooking data
- Faulty data gathering methods
- Poor data storage/retention
- Misleading Authorship
- Sneaky publication process
what are the human rights in research?
- confidentiality
- non-participation
- experimental responsibility
- Informed consent
What must be include with informed consent?
- procedures
- benefit/risk
- appropriate alternative procedures
- offer to answer any questions
- no withdrawal penalty
What respect must be given to participants?
-respect for autonomous choices
-protected non-autonomous
What ways can you select a sample?
- random sampling
- stratified sampling
- systemic sampling
- random assignment
What are central tendencies?
mean, median , and mode
What is a variability score?
standard deviation from mean
What is parametric distribution?
normal bell shape
What is non-parametric distribution?
not a bell shape
What is kurtosis?
many outliers
What does a p value tell you?
Reliability of effect
What are the types of statistical techniques?
Relationships between variables
- Differences among groups
- Correlation