Exam 1 Flashcards
Defined Psychology
study of the mind
Define clinical neuropsychology
looks at lesions in the brain
something wrong/ not working in the brain
Define experimental neuropsychology
typical development
behavioral outcomes
Define trephination
drilling holes in the skull
what was/is trephination used for
was used for letting spirits out
is not used for relieving pressure
what is the brain hypothesis
the brain is the thing closest to heaven so that is where out knowledge is
what is the cardiac hypothesis
knowledge, emotion, cognitive processes are all in the heart because it changes with how you feel
what was the function of the brain in the cardiac hypothesis
it was a cooling center for blood
who made the brain hypothesis
Who made the cardiac hypothesis
what is the ventricular localization hypothesis
the ventricles were broken up into three chambers:
1 for memory, thinking, and imagination
who made the ventricular localization hypothesis
What is the cell doctrine
brain has spaces and that is where soul is and functions occur
who made the cell doctrine
Leonardo de Vinci
What is the Localization Theory
certain parts of the brain control certain parts of the body
What is Phrenology
a drawing of the brain with parts labelled as what they control
what is craniology
bumps and grooves tell us which parts of the brain are developed and underdeveloped
loss of ability to use or understand speech
Fluent aphasia
Can produce meaningful sentences but cannot understand them
what is agnosia
inability to understand sensations and recognize things
Who is Pierre Flourens
came up with equipotentiality
did the Ablation experiment
What was the Ablation experiment and what did it lead to
would destroy parts of bird brains to see what areas were specialized
lead to equipotentiality
what is equipotential
any part of the brain has equal potential to control a function
Who was Karl Lashley
discovered Principle of Mass Action
What is the principle of mass action
how much you take out of the brain in proportional to the amount of damage in motor and behavior function
What did Hughlings Jackson make
Jackson’s Alternative Model
what is Jackson’s Alternative model
there is localization of basic brain function but need may parts to work together for more difficult functions
Who was Alexander Luria
Made Luria’s Functional Model
What is Luria’s Functional Model
the brain is divided into 3 components:
Unit 1- brain stem- arousal and keeping you alive
Unit 2- back 1/2 of brain- input and processing of outside world
Unit 3- frontal lobe- planning and thinking
brain areas may be responsible for 1 function or multiple functions
Who is Wilder Penfield
one of first to put electrical stimulation on brain
What is the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological battery
a collection of tests done on patients with psychological damage
what makes up the central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
what makes up the peripheral nervous system
everything but spinal cord
Sensory neurons
asacending neurons
collect info from environment and send to brain
processing neurons
Motor neurons
response neuron
bipolar neurons
unipolar neurons
sensory neuron
multipolar neurons
motor neurons
what are glial cells
nerve glue
what is the function of microglia
scavengers- clean out area around nervous system
function of astrocytes
parent role-
structural support
function of oligodendrocytes
make myelin sheaths in CNS
can do several
function of shwann cells
make myelin sheaths in PNS
can do one
function of dopamine
reward and pleasure
function of serotonin
mood and emotion
what type of neurotransmitter is Gaba
inhibitory amino acid
what type of neurotransmitter is Glutamate
excitatory amino acid
Gogli stain
shows the structure of neurons
done on dead tissue
Nissl Stain
dye of cell bodies to see how many there are
myelin staining
dyes the myelin sheaths
brain slice to view from top
brain slice to view from front or back
brain slice to view from side
depths and density
brain tissue doesnst give enough density info
Air encephalogram
put air in fluid filled spaces to get a better image then take x-ray
Computed transaxial tomography (CT)
take several layers of pic to create 3D picture
looks at blood vessels
what does hyperdensity look like and what might it mean
white color
tumor or blood
what does hypodensity look like and what might it mean
dark spaces
fluid filled
electroencephalography (EEG)
test brain waves
evoked potential
shows what occurs in the brain right after a stimulus
SPECT test
areas most active are areas using most resources
look at which parts are active when doing a task
introduces readioactive isotopes to the brain
shows function information
structural exam with a magnet
functional MRI
Lumbar puncture
look at color of cerebrospinal fluid
neurologic examination looks at what
evaluate/treat neurological disorders
neuropsychological evaluations look at what
look at executive functions
the ability to asses psychological traits and processes
standardized test
administer tests to large sample so have something to compare future examples to
how well is measures what supposed to
how consistently it measure the same thing
how to stop false positives
cut-off scores to decide where that person will really fall
base rates
explain how common a condition is within a specific tested population
crystalized functions
fluid functions
abstract thinking
standard battery approach
everything is the same every time
process approach
tailor assessments to individual and the referral
person, place time, body
ways to assess orientation
where are you
what is sthe date
can you blink your eyes
specific tests to assess orientation
Glasgo Coma Scale
Mini mental status exam
What is sensation and perception
detecting, knowing
specific tests for sensation and perception
Halstead-Reitan Battery
Skin writing recognition
Attention and concentration
enables our awareness of environment or our specific response
ways to test attention ad concentration
Say the days of the week in reverse
Digit span
Digit symbol
Alberts test
What is the digit span
given a list of numbers and have to remember and write them down
what is the digit symbol
given numbers and symbols code, have to go in order
what is alberts test
have to cross out lines
motor function
voluntary control over upper and lower body movements
ways to test motor function
grip strength
finger tapping
grooved peg board
assessing spatial processing of visual sense
how to assess visuospatial
Identifying matching block design bennder gestalt Rey-Osterrieth
What is the Bender Gestalt test
copy an image
What is the Rey-Osterrieth test
shown an image then taken away and have to remember how to draw it
tests for language skills
Token Tasl
what is COWA
give a letter or category and come up with as many words as you can
when a word gets into the list that doesn’t fit
what is an example of an intrusion
phlem in an F group
What is the Token Task
move tokens as told
Tests for memory
Wechsler Memory Scale IV
tests for abstract thinking and problem solving
Trail making test A and B
Tower of London-Drexel University Test
WCSI- WI card sorting test
what does testing for malingering find
See if symptoms are presenting as they should or if people are lying
Deficit measurement
comparing patients test scores to the standardized “normal”
Pattern analysis
assess relationships among test scores
EPSP- excitatory post-synaptic potentials
bring closer to threshold
IPSI- inhibitory post-synaptic potentials
bring further away from threshold
what enters the neuron during action potential
how does the neuron repolarize
3 sodium out, 2 sodium in