Exam 1 Flashcards
What is the Fresh Water Conundrum?
- Fresh water is plentiful and cheap in many places
- But very difficult and expensive to move to places that need it most
Where is Earth’s water?
3% Fresh water
97% Saline (ocean)
Where is earths freshwater?
- 30% ground water
- 68% icecaps and glaciers
- .3% surface water (most of this is lakes)
How much of the worlds water is available for human use?
How much water is needed per yearh for food, industries and the environment?
1.7 million liters per person
Where is the worlds freshwater located?
- 60% is in the Amazon and Congo rivers
- 8% of Canada is lake
How often is atmospheric water recycled?
- 40x per year
- every 9 days
What is the catchment water budget?
a function of the hydrological cycle and watershed characteristics
Conservation of mass
• The time rate of change of mass stored within the
control volume equals the difference between the
inflow rate and the outflow rate
main components of hydrologic cycle
- precipitation
- ET
- Runoff
- Storage
Catchment water budget equation
- Delta S is change in groundwater storage
- Through rearranging, P-ET=RO
- RO is what’s available for human consumption
How is runoff generated?
- when rainfall rate is greater than infiltration rate
- precipitation that can’t infiltrate becomes runoff
Hydrologic connectivity during dry season
-streams fed mainly by groundwater (hyphoreic)
Hydrologic connectivity during wet season
-tributary and mainstem runoff dominates streamflow
In what ways can runoff be measured
- Instantaneous discharge rate (units of V/t
- catchment annual water yield (units of Volume)
- Catchment-average depth (units of length)
For budgeting, water is most often meaured in units of _____
depth, (mm, cm, in)
The water year
- Surface water supple calculations
- from Oct 1 to Sept 30
- named based on the year the water year ends
Why is october the start of the water year
-Water inputs (P) exceed loss to evaporation (ET)
Precipitation supply depends on:
- Air mass circulation patterns
- Distance and direction from large water bodies
- Location with respect to mountains
- Altitude
______ is a major climate driver
When does precipitation occur
-when an air mass is lifted, becomes colled, and reaches saturation vapor pressure
Potential Evapotranspiration (PET)
- the amount of water that would be evaporated and transpired if there were sufficient water available
- Is higher in summer
- Occurs most where ET is high demand (southwest US)
Where does actual ET occur
-where it is hot and wet
When P>ET there is a
- surplus
- divide between surplus and deficit at 100 longitude
When P
-divide between surplus and deficit at 100 longitude
John Wesley Powell’s vision
- settlement denisty and land claim size should follow water supplies
- Stressed self-reliance, farmers should spend their money and not the gov’s on dams and canals for water
- Use of water tied to the land, no selling of water rights to distant entities
Flow Regime
- largely a reflection of climate
- integrates rainfall magnitude, amount and timing of ET, and snowfall
5 Characteristics of flow regime
- Magnitude of discharge
- Frequency of events
- Duration
- Timing
- Rate of change