Exam 1 Flashcards
Chapters 1-6
idea that truth is relative to standards of a given culture
moral subjectivism
moral opinions are subjective
presents consideration for accepting a claim
belief bias
tendency to evaluate reasoning by believability of its conclusion
confirmation bias
tendency to attach more weight to evidence that supports our viewpoint
gen earl rules we unconsciously follow in estimating probabilities
availability heuristic
unconsciously assigning probability on basis of how often you think of that event
false consensus effect
inclination we may have to assume our attitudes and those others have are shared by society at large
relational needs
essential elements we look for in our relationships with other people
instrumental needs
communicating to meet practical every day needs
action model
communication as a one way process
put an idea into language
interaction model
describes communication as a process shaped by feedback and context
transaction model
describes communication as a process in which everyone is simultaneously sender and receiver
content dimension
literal info thats communicated by a message
relational dimension
signals about the relationship in which a message is being communicated
communication about communication
interpersonal communication
communication with yourself
interpersonal communication
communication with 2 people in context of their relationship
cognitive complex
ability to understand a given situation in multiple ways
infinite generativity
ability to produce endless number of meaningful sentences using a finite set of words/rules
sound system of a language
units of meaning involved in word formation
way words are combined
meaning of words and sentences
appropriate use of language in different contexts
telegraphic speech
short/precise words without grammatical markers (ex: articles)
fast mapping
helps explain how young children learn connection between words and referent so quickly
whole language approach
reading instruction should parallel children’s natural language learning
phonics approach
reading should teach basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds