Exam 1 Flashcards
preexposure effect
when a unconditioned stimulus is is ineffective because it was previously encountered along without pairing…when a really popular song is suddenly paired with a brand it is not likely to stick
when the first predictive stimulus blocks or prevents learning for other predictive stimuli later; timing is everything; after consumers learn that a target attribute is useful in predicting quality, other cures seem unproductive
when presentations of the conditioned stimulus are alone, this leads to a reduced conditioned response
operant conditioning
the second type of behavioral learning; fab the action is either rewarded or punished to encourage of discourage;
classical conditioning
first type of behavioral learning; when a response follows a stimulus; pairing a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to create a meaningful conditioned response
unconditioned stimulus
automatic; a meaningful idea or concept that evokes something within
conditioned stimulus
neutral object
unconditioned response
natural response to the unconditioned stimulus
conditioned response
created response by pairing the CS with the US
presence of a stimuli
absense of a stimuli
taking away to deter
giving to encourage
positive reinforcement
fab, presence of a good stimulus to encourage behavio
negative reinforcement
fab, taking away a bad stimulus to encourage behavior
positive punishment
fab, giving a bad stimulus to discourage behavior
negative punishment
fab, taking away a good stimulus to discourage beharion
continuous reinforcement
under operant conditioning, when reinforcement occurs every time the desired response occurs (learning occurs faster)
partial reinforcement
in operant conditioning, when reinforcement occurs only some of the time the desired response occurs (learning is more persistent)
reinforcing successive approximations of your desired response….rewarded to visit mall, then encourage to enter store with door prize, then buy products on discount
corrective advertising
is a previous ad was misleading, companies will be forced to issue this
forgetting over time; forget details over time; use it or lose it
recently processed information is easier to retrieve than info that was processed long ago
absent mindedness
shallow or superficial ways of processing information during encoding leads to poor memory performance
attention, comprehension, and transference of information from short-term memory to long-term memory