Exam 1 Flashcards
___________ studied the division of labor, religion, and how to conduct proper sociological research methods
Prior to Durkheim, what is covered in Sociology today, was covered in ___________ & ______________
Psychology and Philosophy
Durkheim demonstrated the importance of a social understanding of the world in his work___________.
Durkheim studied the _______ forces that have a bearing upon the decision to take one’s life. By considering these forces, he demonstrated the need for a discipline that considers the _____ influences on our lives.
outside, social
_____ Suicide occurs due to a lack of social integration.
_____ Suicide occurs when we are overly influenced by others.
_______ Suicide occurs due to anomie, or a sense of nomlessness
______ Suicide is found where your life is controlled completely by other people
Give an example of egositic suicide
Give an example of altruistic suicide
Give an example of anomic suicide
Lost everything
Give and example of fatalistic suicide
What are the four types of suicides
________ is known for “Value-Free” teaching and research
Max Weber
____________ (Who?) analyzed what society is, rather than what (the research thinks) it should be
Max Weber
What, taught by ______, links two social institutions: __________ & ____________
Protestant Ethic
Kelvinism - Predestination
Kelvinism = heaven or hell
Looks for hints of God’s grace, such as $ => captialism
_________ was an American sociologist who turned to social activism as a academia was out of reach for most women at this time.
Jane Addams
_____ was the founder of Chicago’s Hull House
Jane Addams
________was the 1931 Nobel Prize winner
Jane Addams
______ was a strong supporter of applied sociology.
Jane Addams
Who believed in taking what you learn & using it to help people, aka ________?
Jane Addams
Applied Sociology
_____ was an American sociologist who was the first African-American student to earn a PhD from Harvard, after which he studied under Weber at the University of Berlin
W.E.B. DuBois
The Chicago School of Sociology Development used _______ analysis and studied _________
Study of diaries, letters, interviews, “more of the written word”
The Iowa School of Sociology Development used ______ analysis and studied _______________.
Numbers and Stats
There are ____ assumptions of symbolic
interactionism. What is the first? Give an example.
- 3
- Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings that the things have for them.
- Likely treat your mom different to other women
What is the 2nd assumption of Symbolic Interactionism? Give and example.
- The meaning of things comes from our interactions with other people.
- Without human interaction, we have no common definitions as to how one is to treat “mom”
What is the 3rd assumption of Symbolic Interactionism?
Give an example.
- The meaning of things may be modified through interaction and interpretation.
- Our interpretation of “mom” will change over time.
Symbolic Interactionism is also used to study_________
Meaningful symbols
________ are sounds, objects, colors and events that represent something other than themeselves
Meaningful symbols
The idea that if people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences is known as ________?
The Thomas Theorem
_______ analysis focuses on the day-to-day interactions of individuals and groups in specific social situations.
Symbolic Interactionism is considered _______-level analysis.
______ -level analysis examines broader social structures and society as a whole.
Structural Functionalism is considered ________-level analysis.
_________ views society as a system of interdependent and interrelated parts.
Structural Functionalism
__________ Functions: Anticipated or intended consequence of social institutions (active)
Manifest Functions
__________ Functions: Unintended or unrecognized consequences of social institutions (passive)
Latent Functions
Some aspects of society are viewed as ______ because they threaten to disrupt social stability and order.
________ views society as composed of diverse groups with conflicting values and interests
Conflict theory
_______ believed that conflict - not evolution - made up the core of social relations
Marx believed that society was made up of two classes: _________ & ___________
________ are those who control the means of production - “the ___________”
Bourgeoisie - “The Haves”
The _______ exploit the __________ - “the _________”
Bourgeoisie, Proletariat, “The Have Nots”
Marx contends that when the proletariat achieve ______ ____, they will start a ______.
Class Consciousness
Conflict Theory is _______-level
_____ Theory: Studies, analyzes, and explains social phenomena from a gender-focused perspective.
Feminist Theory
Feminist theory is ______-level
Can be macro or micro (instructor leans toward micro)
Sociology is __________?
the systematic and scientific study of human behavior, social groups and society
__________ is what makes us who and what we are. Also known as ___________.
Social Expectations
We can only understand ourselves amid the context of others. (T/F)
________ _____ :gives us the ability to recognize that even our most personal decisions are influenced by other people.
Sociological Imagination
Personal Troubles affect________
an individual
Social Issues reflects a ____________
problem for the entire society
The discipline that became Sociology developed in the early _______ during a period of great __________.
Three things that were prevalent during the time that sociology was developed are ______, _____ & _________
1) Development of the Scientific Method
2) Industrialization
3) Political Revolution
As a result of the developments in the natural sciences, much of the early writing in sociology was based on the assumption that laws of ______ _____ could be discovered in the same way that lows of nature had been discovered also known as ________.
Human behavior
The Scientific Method
Sociology became a practical discipline interested in _____
social reform
The industrial revolution occurred when the power of ______ replaced the power of _______.
Human & animal muscle
The industrial capability spread outward from _______, and into ___________, then _______
northern Europe,
How did the industrial revolution impact social life?
Changes within the family
Movement from rural to urban areas
What changes took place in the family unit during the industrial revolution?
Family members were no longer together for most of the day; parents and children worked long hours separated from one another
What 3 main problems arose from the influx of people into urban areas/cities?
Rising Crime Rates,
Air and Water pollution
The _________ fostered a sense of instability and led to a questioning of tradition
Political Revolution
____ believed that science might be the answer to solving social problems.
______ emphasized positivism
________: The use of observation, comparison, experimentation, and the historical method to analyze society.
______ coined the term Sociology
_______ examined both the stable elements of society as well as social change
______:stable elements of society
Social Statics
______: Social Change
Social Dynamics
________ translated Comte’s work into English, thus bringing sociology to Britain and the US
Harriet Martineau
______ authored Society in America
Harriet Martineau
_______ espouses the force and clarity racial equality, the emancipation of the slaves, the abolitionist cause, the rights of women and the need for equalization of property.
Society of America
________ disagreed with Comte’s notion that social reform should be one of the major goals of Sociology.
Herbert Spencer
_____ believed we should avoid interfering with the evolution of society.
Herbert Spencer
________: Those who are well adapted will succeed and survive while those who are not must be allowed to fail and to die away.
Survival of the Fittest
__________: People who live in a specific geographic territory interact with one another, and share many elements of a common culture.
The ____ Society is 10,000 BCE - Present
Hunting and Gathering
People make their living by hunting, collecting wild foods and fishing with simple technologies are characteristics of the ____ society.
Hunting and Gathering
_____ are hunters and ____ are gatherers.
Life organized around the family or band is characteristic of the _____ society
Hunting Gathering
________ society is a society in which hand tools, such as ___ and _____ are used to grow domesticated crops.
Sickle, hoe
The economy of the Horticulture Society requires ______
several months surplus
Horticulture Societies are characterized by what types of social organization
Chiefdoms; specialized religious-military roles
Horticulture Society population size is approximately______
150 - 3000 people
______ society is a society that depends on domestic animals for its livelihood
Pastoral Society population size is approximately______
150 - 10,000 people
Hunter - Gatherer Society settlement pattern is _____
Horticulture Society settlement pattern is ______
Semi-permanent; villages
Pastoral settlement Pattern is ________
Nomadic; semi-nomadic camps
Today, Pastoral societies are under threat (T/F)
______ Society is a society that depends on crops raised with plows ,draft animals and intensive agricultural methods.
The population size of an agrarian society is approximately
larger populations, millions
Pastoral Society technology is _________
domesticated animals
Pastoral society economy is ______
surplus on the hoof
Pastoral social organization consists of ______
Chiefdoms and marked inequality
The agrarian technology consists of ____
animal-drawn plow, irrigation and animals
Agrarian settlement patterns are ______
Cities and empires; large rural populations
The agrarian social organization is (4)____________?
1) Complex division of Labor
2) Complex military, and religious institutions
3) Marked social inequality
4) Massive Public Works
Industrial Society period of dominance was ______
18th - 20th century
An ______ Society is a society that relies on machines and advanced technology to produce and distribute food, information, goods, and services
A ______ Society is a society where service industries and the manufacture of information and knowledge dominate the economy
Social Darwinism was a theory of ___________?
Herbert Spencer
The evolution of society and the survival of those within it were directly linked to their ability to adapt to changing conditions is the theory of _______?
Social Darwinism
The struggle between the two classes will end when those who belong to the proletariat realize that they are being taken advantage of is known as ________.
Class Consciousness
Class Consciousness was a theory of whom?
Class Consciousness would ultimately result in ______?
_______ argued that understanding the meaning of social interaction requires Verstehen.
Max Weber
______: An empathetic and introspective analysis of the interaction
__________ is the conceptual model or typology constructed from the direct observation of a number of specific cases and representing the essential qualities found in those cases.
Ideal Type
Who’s concept was “Ideal Type”?
Max Weber
Who wrote “Souls of Black Folk”?
WEB DuBois
________ is considered the found of “Afro-American Sociology”
WEB DuBois
_________ was one of the founder of the NAACP
WEB DuBois
NAACP stands for________?
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Characteristics of Industrial Society are (3)
1) Mass Production
2) Billions of people
3) Urbanization
Characteristics of Postindustrial Society (3)
1) Computers and Robotics
2) Service Industries
3) Panopticon
_____ indicates we are under observation all the time which impacts how we behave. Ex: Prison
___________ is the learned set of beliefs, values, norms, and material goods shared by group members.
__________ lets us know what to expect from others and what others ought to expect from us.
______ satisfies the need we have for our lives to have at least some level of predictability.
_______ is characterized by artifacts, art, architecture, and other tangible goods that people create and assign meanings and is considered part of the ________ society.
Material Culture
Post Industrial
_______ is characterized by mental blueprints that serve as guidelines for group behavior and is characterized as the _____ society.
Non-material Culture
Post Industrial
Who believed that the ______ type, wouldn’t exist in real life, but act as a comparison?
Ideal Type
WEB DuBoise wrote _______ and was considered a _______ ________.
Souls of Black Folk
]Social Reformer
Symbolic Interactionism was contributed to whom?
Do not interfere and let the weak die out is known as __________?
Social Darwinism
The size of a hunting gathering society has a range of ____ to ___ people.
50 - 150
The industrial society is characterized by 3 things: ___, ___, ___.
1) Mass Production
2) Billions of people
3) Urbanization
________ is known as the complete understanding of every layer.
Signs and symbols are created by___ and ___. Although only _______ can create complex ones.
animals, people
Signs and Symbols are used to ____ ____.
Assign Meaning
What hypothesis supports the idea that language bears upon how we view our reality?
Sapir Whorf
_______ are assertions while _____ are shared ideas as socially desirable.
Beliefs, Values
_________ Sanctions are favorable affirmations (non-actionabe)l: Give an Example
Informal Positive
Smile, Nod, thumbs-up
________ Sanctions are favorable affirmations (actionable): Give an Example
Formal positive
Letter of accommodation, medal
_______ Sanctions are unfavorable affirmations (non-actionable) Give an example.
Informal Negative
shake of the head, thumbs down
_____ Sanctions are unfavorable affirmations ( actionable) Give and example
Formal Negative
Letter of Reprimand, Article 15
_________ are informal rules and expectations that guide people’s everyday behavior. Violations bring about mild sanctions.
_______ are norms that people consider essential to the proper working of society and have considerable moral significance; sanctions are severe. Not all of these are considered laws
____ are formal rules enacted and enforced by the poser of the state,.
_____ are expectations and rules for proper conduct that guide the behavior of group members. They enforced by (4) sanctions ____, ___, ___, and ___.
Norms Informal Positive Formal Positive Informal Negative Formal Negative
____ are norms so strongly ingrained that even the though of their violation is revolting.
______ involves feelings of confusion and disorientation that occur when a person encounters very differnt cultures which is characterized by ___, ___, and ___.
Culture Shock
1) Disorientation
2) Helplessness
3) Frustration
Stages of Culture Shock are:
1) Anticipation
2) This place is great
3) I hate this place
4) Fight or Flight
______ is the tendency to evaluate the customs of other groups according to one’s own cultural standards.
___has the potential to make us feel good about ourselves but is also has the potential to create hate,
bigotry, discrimination, genocide.
________ is the perspective that emphasizes the preeminence of African and African American culture in human development.
A perspective that asks that we evaluate other cultures according to their standards; not ours.
Cultural Relatism
A better alternative than ethnocentrism, but be aware of the __ __ - in its most extreme form it would treat even the most sever social pathologies as legitimate cultural practices.
relativist fallacy
____ are groups that share many common elements of mainstream culture but maintain their own distinctive customs, values norms and lifestyles.
___ a subculture where values place its members in opposition to the values of the rest of society.
___ is one’s knowledge of the finer things in life.
High Culture
___ includes the art, dance, music and other creations of working-class and minority group members
Folk Culture
___ tastes and creations that appeal to the masses.
Pop Culture
___ is the belief that European cultures have contributed the most tohuman knowledge and are superior to all others. A focus on the contributions of Europeans to history, math, science and literature
___ is what people should do, according to group norms and values.
Ideal Culture
— is what people do in everyday social interactions.
Real Culture
Who separated kids from their mothers to see what language they would speak?
Frederick II
Who separated children from all physical contact/interaction to see how they would respond?
Who contended that an individual’s mind and conception of ___ are inseparable from society and social interaction.
Mead, Self
Mead contended that the self is composed of two related and interdependent components: the ___ and the ___.
I, me
___ in Mead’s schema, the un-socialized self as subject.
___, in Meade’s schema, the socialized self as object.
The ___ stage occurs from 0 -2 and is characterized by doing what others do.
The __ stage occurs from 3 - 8 and is characterized by pretending.
The ___ stage occurs from 9+ and is characterized by taking the roll of others.
Who is responsible for the Looking Glass Self?
There are three characteristics of the Looking Glass self, what are they?
1) The imagination of our appearance to others
2) The imagination of their judgment of that appearance.
3) The development of feelings about the responses to these judgements
___ is the self that emerges in a particular situation.
Situated Self
___ are those groups and institutions that both informally and formally take on the task of socialization.
Agents of socialization
___ is the “unlearning” of previous normative expectations and roles.
___ is learning a radically different set of norms, attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors.