Exam #1 Flashcards
What are the 6 Criteria for Abnormality?
- Interference w/ Global Functioning; 2. Psychological Handicap; 3. Subjective Distress 4. Social Deviance 5. Persistence 6. Out of Context
The three things to consider before determining abnormality (Orientation) [how to you orient them?]
Persistence (time), Place, Purpose
First Guiding Assumption (Axiom)
God is already active in the counselee (God is already at work in both the counselee and the counselor)
Example of Axion #1
David and dad (Joshua): violent acts – hospitalization (mental disease, victimization, mind-altering medications) – Identified strengths and exceptions
What was the Roseenhan experiment?
We see what we are looking for: 8 emotionally healthy people diagnosed schizophrenic
Second guiding assumption (axiom)
Complex problems do not demand complex solutions
First Example of axiom #2
Phone call: think of all the things in her marriage that were working: Formula First Session Talk (FFST): between now and the next time we meet, I would like you to observe your family so that you can describe to us next time what happens in your family that you want to continue to have happen
Second example of Axiom #2
Mom/Dad/Jimmy/Johnny: Jimmy was problem maker :: move from deficiency language to solution talk
Third guiding assumption (axiom)
Finding exceptions helps create solutions
Example of Axiom #3
Married couple: harbored resentment – exception (date night): ability to community, mutual respect, capacity to change their problem focus by mutual agreement
Fourth guiding assumption (axiom)
The counselee is always changing (focus on change talk)
Fifth guiding assumption (axiom)
The counselee is the expert and defines goals
What happens if the counselor is the expert
Counselor viewed as expert results in goals that are: vague, not clearly defined, no ownership
What happens if the counselee is the expert
Counselee viewed as expert – recognize the resourcefulness that proceeds from his own personal history and grace events
Example of Axiom #5
Ed & Terri: Ed’s son, marriage
3 types of counseling
Behaviors, Moods/emotions/affect, Cognition/thinking
What is an Individual Paradigm
(psychological set – set to respond in certain ways): When we meet someone for the first time, whether in a group or one-on-one, we form an initial impression of that individual , even if never speaking directly to the individual and only observing them.
Secular counseling today is___________
is problem-focused approach
Kollars approach to counseling is________________
solution-focused approach
The three ways to approach solution focused counseling
- Find out what the counselee wants 2. Look for what God has already placed into the counselee’s life that is working 3. Do something different
What is the deficiency approach?
disease, problem, issue, language -presuppositions lead to deficiency conversation
What is the iceberg theory?
focus on symptoms, rather than root issue
6 Presupposition’s of FBSB Counseling:
- God has given us the ability to create solutions 2. The solutions can be described and clarified 3. More than one outcome to counseling can be created 4. The counselor and the counselee can do the creating and clarifying together 5. We create solutions as a joint effort with God’s preparation 6. This process can be taught
Ernie’s story
Homeless vet looking for work
William’s story
Alcoholic label – socially devalued, Suffers from inability to carry on caring relationships with others
Mini-mental status reference
Appearance/Behavior, Cognition (Thinking), Mood/Affect (Emotions), Intellectual functioning (Intelligence), Sensorium (Awareness, in touch with reality)
What non-directive counseling?
counselee sets agenda
Erikson’s first 2 stages
- Trust/Mistrust 2. Autonomy/Doubt
Steps to addressing the problem/confronting sin:
Establish Trust, Autonomy
What is problem idolatry?
talking about problems so much that you begin to be obsessed/controlled by the problem(s)
Vocab: Therapeutikos:
taking care of or attending to another
ministering to the soul or being of another person
refers to diseases of the soul
Meaning is __________
constant process all of us are engaged in as we seek to make sense of what we experience each day (constructing personal meaning) – our experiences shape our perceptions
Purpose of labels
1.Aid understanding and to find a common language for discussion 2. Pigeonhole, control, depersonalize, and discount individuals and ideas
How is identity formed?
Intentionality: all human personality development begins with God’s intention
Spontaneity: direct intention of the Spirit
Grace events: difficult situations that form our personality
What does the Counselee brings to counseling
- Preexisting strengths and abilities as well as chance events that may have an impact on him 2. Quality of the counselee’s participation in counseling: empathy, respect, genuineness, and a thoughtful appreciation 3. counselee’s sense of hope and expectation for success 4. Least important is the counseling model and theory
What does the Church Counselor brings to counseling:
- Utilize the counselee’s preexisting strengths and chance events 2. Encourage rather than hinder the change that the Spirit is planning 3. God’s Spirit to assist in regard to empathy, genuineness, and hearing the counselee’s concerns 4. Hope is the heart of God’s revelation that the church counselor brings to a counselee 5. Counseling is a sacred moment when one spirit touches another, supporting faith and emotional growth
Assumptions limit________________ ____ ____ ______
Our capabilities, or the capabilities of others