Exam 1 Flashcards
What is the First Punic War?
the first Punic war was against Carthage and the romans began by losing at sea. It is significant because, due to this war they became the powerhouse of the Mediterranean sea with a strong navy. Rome also received Sicily while the Carthagians received heavy payments that led to later wars between the two states. (264-241)
What is the First triumvirate?
was a group of men who decided to join forces to control the political sphere of Rome and each get what they wanted between 59-53 BCE. It consisted of Julius Caesar, Pompey the Great, and Marcus Licinus Crassus. The significance of this group was the fact that these three men realized that working together they could all but control and manipulate Rome’s politics for a short time and get what they wanted from it.
What are the Samnite Wars?
were wars with the people from central Italy and they people were believed to be barbarious (343-290). The Samnite wars broke out against the Samnium population because the Samnites had attacked a greek city state which asked Rome for help and then surrendered to Rome and Rome decided to protect the city state. this war strengthened the idea of defensive imperialism with the idea that Rome needed to protect those under its care very strongly. It also was one of the first wars with the neighboring direct neighboring Italians that led to the acquisition of Italy.
What is the Second Punic War?
(218-201) was a war against hannibal’s small force of 20,000 fought the Roman army after crossing the alps. He defeated the army in several battles because of the Roman army’s lack of good military leadership. The significance of this was that Rome began looking for leaders who were successful military strategists as great military success began to later promote political success.
What is the Second and Third Macedonian Wars?
second, war with Phillip (200-197), third, war with Perseus 171-168… These wars were against some Greek kingdoms. They are significant because at the conclusion of the war the Romans had control and influence over the eastern Mediteranean area and greek city states. It also led to the greater influence of Romans by the greeks and a greater mix of cultures.
What is the Social War/War of the Allies?
in 91-88 BCEwas a war with the Italian city states who felt that they were not being properly represented because they had to provide soldiers for wars but did not have votes. The war led to the introduction of the city states as citizens with the vote that increased the size of Roman’s voting order greatly.
What is theStruggle of the Orders?
was a struggle between the patrician and plebeian classes for power in Rome during the early to middle republic. It began with the patricians having the most power and after three plebeian successions and many laws the Roman world was much more fair. This struggle was led by the tribunes who was given more and more power that led to more equality between the patricians and plebeians. This was significant because the people strongly protested unfairness and illustrated the power of the masses that culminated in them having more say and power that was important and embodied the roman republic.
What is the War with Pyrrhus?
(281-275) Greeks wanted to have Rome out of the area so they asked King Pyrrhus of Epirus. The war with Pyrrhus led to Pyrrhus winning the war and battles but he had such extreme losses that he could not fight anymore and this war was the first time Rome encountered elephants. This war was important because it illustrated that Rome was not just a military power in Italy among the other nations but could also compete with the Hellenistic kingdoms and it was the first taste of dealings with others in the Mediterranean.
What is Cannae?
in 216 BCE there was a battle at Cannae during the second Punic war. This battle was crucial because Hannibal’s small force of 40,000 beat Rome’s 80,000 by superior cavalry and tactical skills. This led to most of the army being destroyed and even the death of one of the consuls. It taught the Romans to not just rely on superior force and numbers but to rely more on tactics and it taught them a hard lesson that they should change their tactics which led them to be successful in other wars. IT also taught them that they needed capable men of intelligence and military tact and that just the consuls elected alone would not be sufficient.
What is Carthage?
- is a city in North Africa that was a continual enemy of Rome that was destroyed home to a large empire and culminated in multiple wars called the Punic wars. It was destroyed for the final time in 146 BCE. This was significance because with the defeat of Carthage led to the last enemies of Rome defeated for the last time. Without these enemies to keep them busy at war and without their looming threat Rome began to have civil strife at home.
What is Corinth?
was a city founded on Achaia which was south of Greece. The city was destroyed in 146 by Rome who declared war on the Achaean league destroying the city. This battle was significant because it was the final battle that strengthened their hold in the Greek area and the complete and utter destruction of the area illustrated a very different policy than the one they had had previously in Greece.
What is Gaul?
was an area in modern day France, Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany. In 390, the Gallic tribes defeated the Roman citizen army sacking the city and proved to Rome that it was not as unassailable as it thought and tthat it needed a new army structure in order to fight wars with a greater variety of oppnonents. This was important because with the creation of new army manipular army formation Rome was able to become powerful in wars around the world. The Gallic wars were between 58-51 BCE and it was a great success of Caesar that he was able to annex a lot of land and from this war Caesar had a large army that he used to help him take control of Rome.
What is Macedonia?
was a small kingdom in northern Greece that was ruled for a time by Phillip and his son Perseus, and the Macedonian wars during the middle republic which led to the dismantling of the kingdom. This was significant because Rome believed that defeating these kings they were freeing many greek city states who were under the kingdom and this led to a greater connection with these Greek city states and this led to an acclimation of Rome and Greek culture.
What is Pharsalus?
was the final battle between Caesar and Pompey that led to Pompey’s defeat and then him fleeing to Egypt where he was assassinated. This battle ended the wars of the first triumvirate and it was significant because it gave Caesar a very secure hold over power in Rome and of the Roman people and it showed Caesar’s defeat of Pompey and many of his allies in the senate.
What is Rubicon River?
is a river separating Italy proper and the Roman province of Gaul and it was crossed by Julius Caesar in 49 BCE. This was important because in doing so he declared war on Rome marching his army into Rome and taking over breaking the law on imperium. This led to the Civil war between Caesar and Pompey and was an example of the change from citizen armies to the individual leaders having armies that were loyal to them changing the nationalism of Rome.
What is Saguntum?
this was a battle in 219BCE? that consisted of Hannibal laying siege to Saguntum. This is important because it violated the treaty that Carthage had signed with Rome after the first punic war to not cross the boundary, which triggered the second Punic war from where he attacked Rome and destroyed their army.
What is Sicily?
was an island at the end of Italy that was controlled by Carthage until it was given over to Rome at the end of the Punic War. At Sicily there were revolts by the slaves and servants resulting in the first and second Servile wars in the late republic. This was important because the consequences of this war showed the numbers and power of the slaves in the republic and how numerous they were and the impact they had on the economy and instead they began using freedmen or giving slaves status and rights ending the period of the use of slaves, which was found in the late republic with a large influx of wealth.
Who is Lucius Brutus?
(consul 509 BCE)- was believed to be the founder of the Roman republic and was one of the first consuls of the new Republic. He was present at Lucretia’s death and afterwards he incited the Roman people to overthrow and exile the Tarquins and get rid of Tarquin the Proud as monarch. This was important because this led to the Roman republic and the creation of a republic form of government where the control is spread among many people and not placed in the hands of one person and he even made the people wear that they would never accept a king again.
Who is Marcus Brutus?
was a senator and friend of Julius Caesar who is implicated in help spearheading the assassination of Caesar. This is important because it illustrates the frustration of the senate with Caesar for taking over their possibilities for power despite the fact that he was supported by the masses. A friend of Caesar was even willing to take part in his assassination to get rid of him trying to rule
Who is Julius Caesar?
was a successful and powerful Roman statesman and general who was a dictator for life that lasted between between 48-44 BCE after amassing power through the formation of the first triumvirate and his defeat of the Gauls. His rule was important because it was indicative of the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman empire illustrating the militarization of the Roman state. He was important because his career of military success advanced him to the title of consulship early on in his career without having to go through the other offices illustrating the militarization of the Roman state in the late republic leading into the empire. he also made himself the dictator the life and was rejected and killed by the senatorial order because having a dictator made it more difficult for the aristocrats to perform in the public sphere ending their competition for power.
Who is Cicero?
was a famous Roman politician and orator form the equestrian order. His success was important because it illustrated the importance of speaking to the Romans and the importance of oration to the time of politics in the late republic particularly because of the public meetings in the forum before a law was passed. His success was also important because he was of the equestrian order illustrating htat there was upward movement of the classes possible especially because of the increasing wealth coming into Rome and to the equestrian order as well which had a great place in the later republic
Who is Fabius Pictor?
was one of the earliest Roman historians writing in the middle republic and who wrote in greek for a greek audience although he was a Roman senator. He was important because he was a historian who embodied the idea of writing history in order to help Rome develop their own national identity by connecting its founding to a Greek past.
Who is Titus Quinctius Flamininus?
was a Roman politician and general who overtook the command during the second Macedonian war defeating Phillip. He was given proconsular powers which was one of the few times that one man was given extra and extremem amounts of power for dealing with war. His life was important because his success led to the acquisition of a lot of Greek land that was influential to the Roman state as well as being one of the few times almost unlimited power was given to someone indicative of the need for extended power in the hands of certain people for war.
Who is Gaius Gracchus?
was a Roman popularis politician that lived during the late Republic and had several major judicial and land reforms that caused a constitutional crisis and his death by the hands of the senate. This was important because it illustrated the divide between the senate and what the people want as Gracchus was trying to help the homeless people hwile the senate was trying to protect their stake in land and great wealth in the late republic. It also led to the people looking for champions for their cause and starting to look for bigger and more powerful leaders to ge them what they want with individual alliances.
Who is Tiberius Gracchus?
was the older brother of Gaius Gracchus that was the first to suggest controversial reforms such as the land reforms in the late republic. This was important because his death led to the reforms to be adopted by his brother and the renewed struggle of the orders because of the huge wealth gap between the rich and the poor in Rome during this time.
Who is Hannibal?
was a Punic Carthaginian military commander who was the military leader in the second punic war. His superior tactical prowess led to some of the greatest defeats of the Roman army. he was important because he embodied the greatest fear Rome had towards an enemy bringing all of the Roman people together in wartime together for protection and creating a sense of patriotism that was lost in later times without these caliber of enemies.
Who is Livy?
otherwise known as Titus Livius Patvinus was a Roman historian who wrote a large history beginning with the earliest legends of Rome through the reign of Augustus. Livy’s writing was important because it was one of the most comprehensive and historical of all of the historical accounts that scholars have. It was also really important for the people to have one of the first written down books of their history for nationality purposes.
Who is Lucretia?
was the wife of Lucuis Tarquinus Collantinus and she was known for her obedience, modesty, honor, and chastity. She was raped by Sextus and refused to let her husband’s honor be destroyed by killing herself. This is important because this incident led to the overthrow of the Roman monarchs and the creation of the republic.
Who is Marius?
was a Roman general and statesman that was a consul seven times in 107, and from 104-100 BCE. He was important for reforming the army taking up those who didn’t own land and enlisting them into the army so they were no longer homeless in Rome. His career was important because he was someone whose family had never had been in the senate or elected as consul yet we was elected many time. This was indicative of the Roman’s need for a consistent ruler for campaigns, which led to the Roman empire with longer acting rulers and the military dynasties
Who is Mithridates VI?
was a King of Pontus and partook in three Mithridates Wars and was one of the most formidable and successful enemeies. He was important because his war led Sulla to take command of Rome and then of the armies to defeat him and it suggested the common occurrence of certain leaders having loyalty and control of the army and dictating the actions that would happen leading into the Roman empire.
Who is Numa Pompilius?
was the second king of Rome who succeeded Romulus and he was cirtical in establishing a lot of the religious institutions. He was important because he was a Sabine ruler illustrating how the original Roman kings changed after each reign depending upon who the people chose. Romulus who was in a great war with the Sabines then had a sbine ruler succeed him and rule his people. It also illustrates the importance of religious institutions in Roman life.
Who is Philip V?
was the King of Macedon during the second Macedonian war. Phillip and his son ruled the Macedonian kingdom which consisted of many greek city states. Rome went to war with the kingdom several times in what was known as the Macedonian wars and this was important because Rome acquired the greek city states which greatly affected their culture.
Who is Pompey the great?
otherwise known as Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus was one of the members of the first triumvirate and was a successful military and political leader becoming sole consul in 52 BCE and entering into civil war with Caesar over rule in Rome. He was important because his career of military success advanced him to the title of consulship early on in his career without having to go through the other offices. This illustrates the militarization of the Roman state in the late republic leading into the empire.
Who is Polybius?
was a greek historian writing during the middle republic that described the rise of the Roman Republic and it was important in describing how Rome came to power and became the dominant power in the ancient world. His work was important to a Greek audience about the Romans in order for the Greeks to accept Rome’s rule.
Who is Romulus?
was believed to the founder of Rome. He brought together shepherds and refugees to live in a city that he ruled and created. He enacted some of the first laws and duties separating the distinguished and giving them jobs to run the business of the city and dictating the jobs of not only class but also gender and the power of men and especially fathers. He also took over many neighboring areas and joined with other monarchs. His imagined rule was important because it not only created Rome but it also laid the foundation for the city-state that would come such as the creation of the senate and the distinction between the poor and the rich that would be important for centuries.
Who is Sallust?
was a politician during the late republic who decided to write history. Sallust wrote about the declining morality of the Romans in the late republic. His works were important because they illustrated differing viewpoints than most senators who believed Rome was a great stronghold and it even suggested what the problems of the time were and how some people saw the republic.
Who is Scipio Africanus?
was a brilliant and successful Roman general during the second of the Second Punic War defeating Hannibal at the battle of Zama. He was granted a military command outside of Italy although he did not hold political office and this was a constitutional precedent. This was important because it illustrated the militarization of Rome and the need of good military leaders to lead the armies and not just consuls who were aristocrats and did not know what they were doing.
Who is Servius Tulliius?
was the second to last king of Roman who reorganized the citizen body giving more power to the lower classes by creating the comiitia centuriata and dividing things based on tribes for a census. This was important because He laid the foundation for the Roman republic constitution and gave more power to the people something that would later become the struggle for the orders now that they have received some power.
Who is sulla?
was a Roman general and dictator who was the first leader to march into Rome with an army and take control of the state. This was indicative of the changing military state and the rule of having one person in ultimate power
Who is Tarquin the Proud?
- otherwise known as Lucius Tarquinus Superbus was a king who took the kingship without vote or public support and was a ruthless king who did not consult the senate or people for matters. This was important because this mistreatment and not considering the senate was one of the things that led to the overthrow of the monarchy and the want for a more republican form of government because of his mistreatment of his position.
What is an aedile?
- were officials elected by the tribal assembly and were in charge of maintining public buildings, temples, roads, and infrastructure of the city all running smoothly and they were also in charge of public entertainment. This position became important because of the public entertainment and it related how rich Rome had been that this position became so important and the public looked to this position to provide their entertainment.
What is auctoritas partum?
was a custom of getting approval from the senate before the measure was brought before the tribal assembly. Tiberius Gracchus was the first one that breached it. This was important because this tradition gave the senate power over legislation even though they were not technically in charge of legislation and those that bypassed it illustrated that the power the people truly had.
What is civitas libera et immunis?
these are city-states that are citizens and they did not have to pay taxes. These free city-states constantly had to keep up their status with Rome proving themselves to Rome. Virtually all surrender to Rome without war and Rome acted as a liberator of the city-states. 132, 133, and 134
What is civitas sine suffragio?
citizenship without vote is a citizenship granted to many city-states that was conferred on most Italian city states and it led to the Italic wars and later on they had to confer citizenship to them. This proved a lot of man-power as a payback to Rome as these city-states committed soldiers.
What is a colonia?
Rome created colonies that they established in conquered territory in order to secure it. This was important because later on in the late republic generals and consuls would place their armies into these areas securing the soldier’s land and having people loyal to their leaders in important areas such as protecting Roman territory or to areas that were resistance to Roman rule.
What is the committee centuriata?
was the centuriate assembly a commitee of the centuries created basedon the organization of the army and it was the electing assembly. This assembly was weighted toward the riches and if they all agreed on electing a consul then they controlled the election even though there were less people. It was first created because of the structure of the citizen army and those who had the most stake in war. It was enacted by the Servian reform. It was significant it enabled more people to play a larger role in political life as decisions were made by infantrymen not aristocrats drawing a connection between political clout and the role that a man could play defending his community.
What is curses honor?
was the order of public offices that were commonly held by public officials. Those of senatorial rank began usually by being usually quastor, praetor, and consul or aedile and tribune of the pleb to start out. This order is significant because with each increase in position the number of positions is less and less making it more selective and difficult to achieve providing a lot of competition among the upper class illustrating the difficulties of office.
What is debit in fide?
surrender into faith. The process by what conquered city-states surrendered to Rome. This was important because and they would surrender all of their land and valuables and then Rome gave it back usually to specific groups of people like the aristocracy. They were under this obligation with Rome, and it was an obligation to Rome making them obligated to respond with defensive imperialism wars of conquest undertaken in defense of their allies.
What is equites?
was the lower classes of the aristocratic society. This caste was hereditary and it was important to the later Roman Republic later on and they were given power to be jurors in order to decrease the corruption in the courts as well as given the job of publican. It allowed this order to become much more walthy with a great influx of wealth.
What are the Fetial priests?
were priests that would enact rituals to declare war and were those who dealt mostly in international relations. Its acts made sure that the gods were on your side. It began by priests declaring restitution throughout the other area and if they did not get their restitituion then a spear was thrown into enemy territory and war was declared. It made sure that there was a legitimate reason for fighting and that other acts were made to try to fix the problem. There is an actual wrong committed on the Romans that they were asking restitution for it, connecting with the idea that they believed that they fought defensive wars. Only wanted to fight a war that they felt was justified.
What is the Gabinian law?
this law granted Pompey proconsular power in 67BCE in any province within 50 miles of the Mediterranean Sea. This was so that Pompey could combat the pirates that were disrupting trade in the sea. This law bypassed the senate and was not something the senate supported. This was significant because most other laws were done by first getting approval from the senate and so the tribune bypassed the senate complete and just went through the people. This further illustrated the lack of power of those in the senate and led to Pompey later overtaking high power in Rome as it provided him a lot of fame with his success.
What is imperium?
is the power to command an army. Consuls and praetors had it, and a dictator could have it. This was significant because the consuls had both duties of civil duties and
What is imperium mains?
is the absolute ruler with supreme power. Pompey was given this power and this kind of power was held by dictators and emperors. It is greater power than the other governors and the provinces showing that absolute power of the entire Mediterranean. It led to his havin monarchical power. Rise of the military dynasts.
What is latifundia?
is a very expensive parcel of privately owned land. This type of property was especially common in the late Republic. With the great influx of land from taking over other areas there was a great influx of wealth. There was also a lot of land taken or bought form the poor. These areas had major agricultural harvests and uses slaves instead of free men and contributed to a lot of strife between the orders in the late republic
What is Hortensian Law?
stated that plebiscites (plebeaian laws) were to bind the whole people (287). This was significant during the struggle of the orders because it gave more power to the plebeians to create laws and it led to the tribal assembly to be the main legislative body.
What is the Licinio-Sextian Law?
were laws that governed debt with interest deducted from principal and the balance could be paid off in installments, in addition to limiting the amount of land someone could hold, and require that one of the consuls be chosen from the plebs and a praetor from the patricians (367). This was during the struggle of the orders and was significant because the plebeians were for the first time allowed to chose a representative in a high up position and it allowed for social mobility.
What is the Manilian law?
was a law that enacted Pompey the command against Mithridates giving him supreme command in the war in 68 BCE. This angered the Senate who did not support this because he was getting greater and greater success and power. This was significant because it was the introduction of the power of the people to choose and lack of power in the senate and it let certain individuals become so powerful taking away power from the aristocracy who did not like it.
What is nous homo?
was a Roman who was the first in their family to either serve in the roman senate or be elected as consul. The best example of this person was Gaius Marius and this was important because he was a leader who was elected because he was not the normal aristocracy but was a self-made man in the army who was a good and successful leader and not just popular. This was important because Rome was looking for more than the popular aristocratic who was failing on campaign but for someone who would actually do what was needed.
What is a publicani?
tax collectors and were considered not an honorable career according to Cicero. They profited to Romans idea that there was moral decline. Part of the growth of the empire and the fact that they have tax collectors suggests the wealth of Rome, were of the equestrian order and they are not necessarily the richest but this helped the equestrian become richer. With the expansion of Rome it affected the tax collectors getting rich.
What is the twelve tables?
began the struggle of the orders coming out of the decemvirate and is a codification into statutory law of existing customs for private law, sacred, and public law and they bound all people with equality before the law for both classes because it allowed the people to know their rights (449 BCE). There was a leveling but it codified some of the difference between the patricians and plebeians and it was the first written law.
What is an auspicia augur?
had the rights of auspice or observation of divine signs that were offered by the birds and other natural phenomena, and it gave members the power to veto the tribunes as well as decide if the senate would hold court etc. This was important because this position illustrates the Rome’s reliance on the gods in their everyday life as well as the power of this position in also dictating political occurances.
What is defensive imperialism?
was a model that stated that Rome would only go to war to protect themselves from larger states or their allies and not from some larger scheme of world conquest. They were acting as many other nations did in their time protecting themselves by fighting and meeting them out on the battlefield instead of trying to defend their home. This is important because it explains not only Rome’s actions and the fact that their constitution was not meant to rule on a large scale as well as their ideology why they would go to such great lengths to protect allies.
- The history of the Roman Republic is filled with wars of conquest. Hence, the Roman army played an important role in Rome’s rise to becoming the leading power in the ancient Mediterranean World. Discuss how this role evolved over the whole of the Republican period. For instance, how did the army factor into the creation of the Roman constitution? How did it impact the Roman economy, society, and politics? Be sure to cite specific examples.
The Roman army played not only an important role in conquering other areas but also at home. For instance, at home the army acted as a voting body for the elections of officials. The centuriate assembly was created by Servius Tullius and it organized the citizen body into centuries. There were around 193 centuries according to Dionysus in L&R, a majority of the centuries were those who had the most money to supply themselves the best arms and military equipment (97) and who also had the most to lose by going to war. Each century was one given one vote so the majority vote of the people in the century decided the centuries vote. The most numerous century that represented the largest group of people only had one vote. This was because they did not hold much land and they also did not partake in war taxes so they were not given much say. Later on when the supplies were provided to the soldiers the justification for this structure is not as stong because it was inherently unfair in the fact that it was mostly based on wealth and the amount of land owned and if the wealthier centuries worked together none of the other centuries were called upon. This allowed those who were rich to have a greater say in who was elected and so therefore what changes would be made based on who they voted for. This was especially problematic during the struggle of the orders when plebeians could not have representatives. However, Dionysius describes that with a development over time that the centuria prareogativa or the century called first had a disproportionate change in the eelctions. The Roman army impacted the economy by bringing back a lot of booty and wealth to Rome after successful campaigns, and in the later republic this led to a lot of problems because the wealth was not shared by all. Later on in the late Republic the army was reorganizaed-allowing men who did not have land to join the army as well getting rid of a lot of the homelessness in Rome. This was very important because in the late republic these armies were very loyal to their commanders such as Caesar, Pompey, and Sulla and this group was so large that it almost encompassed the whole army. These soldiers were looking for land and so this led to their allegiance to these commanders to find land for them to place them on.
- The Roman aristocratic ethos had a profound effect on Roman culture and history in the period that we have studied thus far. By “aristocratic ethos” I mean the characteristics, traits, aims, and objectives of the aristocracy. Discuss in what ways this aristocratic ethos affected the course of the history of the Roman Republic by citing specific examples from the assigned reading and class lectures and discussions.
The Roman aristocratic ethos was based strongly on their family and ancestral accomplishment. This was based on the political offices they have held with the highest honor being the consul. In addition, military service such as conquests, glory from the booty, and triumph over major areas was strongly characterized. They were also supposed to be good looking, wealthy, and generous to fellow Romans. It ws important for them to have a lot of achievement based on what you can do in a very short time as it was important that your memory is what people will say about you. This ethos was present throughout all of Roman history but in the later periods certain characteristics of the ethos were highlighted more than others and certain traits were not as highly valued. For instance, in the prerepublican Rome (8.) the plebienas were under the care of the patricians and supposed to treat them as if they were their own sons and family members. They were supposed to protect them in public affairs help them pay random or dowry and help them with money. Later on in the late republic Cicero describes patronage not as the helping of his friends as if they were family and instead treating them and reminding them that they have an obligation to you and not necessarily that they should be cared for because they are not as well of. Cicero then speaks of making friends with the nobles of the consular rank and the heads of the centuries. IN the later republic wealth was also of much greater importance because of the greater influx of wealth from the conquests with several sources in L&R citing that the wealth led ot the breakdown of the moral character of the Romans. In addition, in the later periods those in power were not always as successful in military battles suggesting that among the aristocracy it was less important. However, for the people it was important and led to military succsss leading to political success and the militarization of the state. There was also an epitaph on how to treat your slaves and the fact that you freed them after they have done good service. Whereas in the later periods the slaves were givne more intense field labor that was harsh on the slave as they were indispensable and bad for the economy because freedmen didn’t have enough land or a job and hardly any were freed leading to the servile wars in some areas. They were also supposed to live a simple life being simply dressed and farming the land that this was the best a man could do but began to spend exorbitant amounts of money and use slaves.
What is a consul?
were military commanders/leaders with complete control on the battlefield and at Rome they supervised public affairs enforcing laws overseeing the centuriate assembly and senate supervising all magistrates except the tribune of the plebs. They also enforce laws but they needed the senate to fund the campaign. This position was important because it acted as the replacement of the King because there were two consuls who were elected yearly thus limiting their power and rule but still having the work get done by two people of equal power.
What is the comitia tribute?
otherwise known as the tribal assembly was a committee made up of tribes and each tribe had people grouped geographically, not classwise, This was important because this was the group that approve or rejected laws, inflicted punishment, and declared war giving that power to the people and provided local structure for organizing citizens and it also allowed people to mix reducing territorial fragmentation.
What was a dictator?
was a person who was allowed power in military emergencies and they had almost unlimited military, executive, and judicial power but they were only dictator for 6 months or when the fighting season had ended, whichever happened first. This was important because this was an almost unlimited position with almost equal power to the king but it was for a controlled time illustrating the need for complete rule at some points but with checks and balances to try to prevent them from taking over as the king
What is Multipolar anarchy?
is the idea that Rome was not the only military warlike and aggressive state but in the greater context of the Mediterranean it was the norm because it needed to be in order to survive. It was not just successful because of its ruthlessness like many campaigns before it but because it used foreign allies and assimilated foriegners. this idea is important because it illustrates the Roman success in the greater time period as well as taking into account its successful use of strong allies, which was very common in rome.
What is a quaestor?
- dealt with finances as an accountant and holds office for one year and in the middle republic there were 20 of them. This position is important because for many the election of quaestor was the stepping block of becoming consul or holding higher political consul and all of the ex-quaestors that did not become any of the other offices became senators.
What is the tribune of the plebs?
was the leader of the people’s assembly and they proposed laws and that bound the whole citizen body vetoed actions done by the consuls and other magistrates. This position was important because it acted as the protector of the pople and acted as a check and balance for the other positions such as vetoing military elevies until their demands were met and it was the first office held and chosen by the plebeians.
What is an optimate?
were people who wished to limit the power of the popular assemblies and the tribune of the plebs and extend the power of the senate. This group used the backing of the aristocracy and the senate to achieve personal goals, and was very much opposed to the militarization of Rome with generals such as Pompey the Great and Caesar using their armies to get power that challenges the senate.
What is a patrician?
-was a person of noble or high rank or an aristocrat who was in or whose family was in the senate and this distinction was believed to have been first created in the time of Romulus and these people were given the jobs of priests, magistrates and judges and they assist in managing public affairs and devoting themselves to the business of the city. This was important because this small group of wealthy people held most of the power leading to the struggle of the orders and their lack of representation of all people of rome led ot the succession of the plebs. It also illustrates the centralizing in certain families of certain positions as very few families held most of the positions of power with some exceptions.
What is patronage?
there was a hierarchial relationship between the patron and his clients that had mutual obligations. The patron acted as the protector, sponsor and benefactor of the clients with great wealth, power or prestige, loans, legal representation, and marriage. The client served the patron’s need was usually done by someone of the upper classes or patrician to those less wealthy or plebeian. They explained to their clients the laws, taking care of them and acting as if they were a father. This relationship was important because it was a mutually beneficial arrangement where one person was being protected and taking care of and the other was also benefited form it.
What is a plebeian?
was considered a commoner or a free Roman citizen who was not a patrician and it was someone who did not usually partake in public business (in the early replublic) and instead many were mostly farmers or shepherds. This group was important because it consisted of most of Roman’s citizens and these citizens spent many years attempting to be equally represented and their care taken for in the struggle of the orders.
What are the populares?
were people who attempted to gain power by relying on the people’s assmeblies and tribunate acquiring political power. They were known to address the problems of the plebs such as attempting to create a grain dole, acquiring land for the homeless and expand citizenship to all of the Italy. This group was important because they consisted of leaders of reforms such as the Gracchus brothers and Caesar and they were attempting to further the people as well as gain power through them.
What is a praetor?
head of the law and the army and they ran the law courts and were the imperium for war commanding armies but they were subordinate to the consuls present. This positon was important because they were rulers when the consuls were present suggesting a balance of powers between groups and a division of the power so that the job was being done.
What proscription?
or the condemnation of someone was first done under Sulla who put a bounty on his enemies’ heads so that once they were caught they were forced into exile, forced to commit suicide, or were assassinated. This was important because those in power were using all illegal means to keep it suggesting the militarization and the ruthlessness of the Roman leaders in taking over power in the late republic.
- Discuss how the Roman Republican constitution worked. Be sure to describe the duties of the magistracies, assemblies, and senate. In your discussion, you should also include how the constitution was created (in the early Republic) and how it evolved over time, especially in the late Republic.
Magistrates were elected officials in Rome. These include the consuls who consulted the people and carried out the . The praetor who was head of the law and the army, censor- who was in charge of the census, government finances, the aedile- one who was to look after buildings (aedes) sacred and private, quaestors- dealt with the public treasury and finances and in the time of the kings had judicial power, military tribunes- three men sent to the armies on behalf of the three tribes (Rmanes, Luceres, and Tities), tribunes of the plebs- created from the military tribunes for the purpose of defending the plebs, dictator named by the consul as the one to whose dictum all should be obedient, master of the horse- supreme authority over the cavalry and the replacement tropps just as the dictator has over people, magistrates- who were inferior to these “masters”Talk about Gracchi or military laws, tribal assembly becoming more powerful. commit curiata- was based on the gens which was a mix of wealth and geography and it conferred imperium on king and consuls. plebiscites getting force of law giving the tribal assembly additional power making it the primary legislative assembly. The Roman constitution that was something that was developed over time. Romulus founded the city creating the senate and the distinction between the rich and poor, Numa created the religious institutions, Servius Tullius established the centuriate assembly organized the people, Lucius Brutus helped set up the consuls and then through the struggle orders many of the other magistracies came into being as well as the tribal assembly. The constitiution was evolutionary and was everchanging as a result of years of fighting for changes. In the late republic, Appian wrote that Sulla attempted to take away all of the power from the plebs by destroying the power of the tribal assembly. However, later leaders like Pompey overturned this legislation and Caesar was a populares and champion of the people becoming dictator therefore taking the power away form the senate and becoming popular with the people.
Polybius discussed the checks and balances of the constitution o Consuls exercise authority in rome over all public affairs, all magistrates except tribunes are under them and bound to obey them as the also introduce embassies to the senate. Consuls consult the senate on matters of urgency, and in detail carry out the provisions of the decrees. They summon assemblies, introduce measures, and preside over the executionof popular decrees, they can make demands they want on allies, appoint military tribunes, levy soldiers, and select those who are fittest for service. can inflict punishment on anyone under military command, or spend any sum they decide upon from public funds with a quaestor who executes these. Queastors could only make payments to the consul, couldn’t do so otherwise without the senate.
o senate- controls the treasury, all revenues and expenditures are regulated by it. senate controls the construction or repairs, which is outlayed by the senate, crimes conmmited in Italy which need a public investigation, treason, conspiracy, poisoning, and assassination, are under the senate’s control. If a private person or community in Italy needs arbitration or claims damage, or requiring succor/protection, with the senate attending the matters. Dispatches all embassies to countries outside Italy for purposes of settling differences, or offering friendly advice, posing demands, reciving submission, declaring war, decides what reception and what answer should be given to them.
o people- alone has the right to confer honors and inflict punishment, offenses punishable by a fine are tried, especially when the accused was in office, only court that can try capital charges (allows people on trial for their lives when found guilty to depart openly, voluntary exile, they can safely enter Naples, Praeneste, Tibur and other allied states). People bestow office on deserving, approving or rejecting laws, deliberate on the question of war and peace. Terms of alliances, peace and treaties is ratified by the people or reversed.
o Once consul leaves with the army he has absolute authority in all matter necessary for his purpose; but he requires support of the people and the senate and cant do without them as they need constant supplies, senate can supply no grain, pay, or clothings. The senate can decide if the general stays or goes so he listens to them. General needs the senates funds to celebrate triumphs. Consuls are scuritnized by the people, palced in office by them, elected again by them, and ratified treaties and war by them.
o Senate must pay attention to the people and respect their wishes to get elected, and it cannot carry out inquiries into the most grave and important offenses against the state, punishably with death unless the decree is done by the people. If anyone introduces law to deprive senate of authority or abolish precedence and other distincitons of the senators or curtail them of private misfortunes, people alone has the power of passing or rejecting any such measure. If tribunes imposes veto, senate cannot put resolutions into effect and cannot hold sittings.
o People submissive to the senate and respect its members publicly and privately, as many contracts given out by censor for construction and repair of public works, and sources of revenue farmed out like navigable rivers, harbors, gardens, mines, lands and everything elese. The people need these contracts and the work involved, with the senate supreme to these matters extending time, relieve the contractor if accident, and can release them from contract. judges in most civil trials, public or private, appointed form members where action involves many people, so do not want to obstruct or resist its decisions. Don’t want to hurt consuls because eunder authority in the field.
o Whenever the menace of some common danger form abroad compels them to act in concord support eachother. all are cooperating both in the public and in private to accomplish the task they have set,
- Discuss what you believe to be the most important features of the political culture of the late Roman Republic. By “political culture” I mean a set of attitudes, beliefs, and ideas that inform an individual’s engagement in the political process and provide underlying assumptions and rules that govern his/her relationship with political institutions. You should identify and discuss those elements of Roman political culture in the late Republic that you consider the most important.
Oration, and wealth for senators but military success for consuls. Optimizes and populates and which group you were going to gain power through. Discuss Cicero’s suggestions to get to know all of the leaders of the various tribes as well as the tribes and let them know that those people have an obligation to you. Flattery, knowing people on a personal level and that you are interested in them.
- Discuss Rome’s relationship with its allies and subject peoples from the beginning of the Republic down to the assassination of Julius Caesar (44 BCE). How did this relationship evolve during this time period? What were Roman attitudes toward its allies at various points? What expectations did the allies have for Rome? You should be prepared to cite specific examples from the assigned reading.
Romans used their allies and created treaties with them to provide a certain amount of soldiers when either of them was going to war. For instance, as OGIS describes the Latin tribes had citizenship without the vote so they were allies providing armies and were protected as citizens but did not vote. Rome was bound to each and each alone and not one larger alliance. Most of these alliances were equal alliances for those who entered into Rome willingly and they would not make war with another and be able to call on their soldiers at any time if foreign enemies attacked them. They also would not grant passage to enemies who want to make war on either of them and they would each receive equal share of spoils and booty. For the people who handed over their city in faith to Rome, Rome gave back their property and houses to look good but the city was obligated to provide soldiers as gratitude for giving them back their land. however, for those who were vanquished and they were kept under Rome’s thumb and control with governors and magistrates and were required to give a allotted number of men. In the early republic all of these allies were much appreciated and supplied food and other wares that could be supplied. Even later on equipment and clothes were provided to the allies but not even to the Roman soldiers. In the middle republic during the second Punic war after the utter defeat of Cannae Livy describes how they had to defect to their alies who provided a lot of manpower and met their military and financial obligations despite having a huge drain on their resources. however, many of these allies were directly under the power of Rome and wanted to be represented. For instance, later on there was the social war or the war of the allies that was due to the frustration of the Itallic people at not being provided a vote when they send their armies and men every year dying for the Romans. In the late republic the ruling aristocrats were not very foregoing with rewards as they had once been as most of the booty from the wars was being supplied to the aristocrats and not being funneled down to everyone else and the aristocrats did not want the Italians to have a vote to mess up their current power in Rome. Florist in L&R describes that the reason there was such a war with the allies was because of the greed and wealth that had entered Rome. The war with the allies made the Romans cause upon auxillary forces in the provinces because they relied so heavily on these allies. In order to win the favor in the war they passed citizenship to everyone who had not revolted, then to individuals in the rebellious communites, and then to all which led to the collapse of the revolt. In addition, as Rome began to become more wordly their armies became loyal only to them partly from Rome itself but also from areas that were loyal to them in the province and these armies and allies would have various complaints such as those described by livy and cicero.