Exam 1 Flashcards
Adipose Tissue
Vascular loose connective tissue that stores fat and provides energy, cushioning and insulation
Basement Membrane
Thin, acellular layer separating the epidermis from the dermis
Collection of fluid at the junction between the dermis and epidermis due to friction
Localized buildup of the stratum corneum cells due to pressure or friction
main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals
Dermal Papillae
The ridges and valles of the superior surface of the dermis that conforms with the contours of the epidermal stratum basale to help anchor the two layers together
protein in connective tissue that is elastic and allows many tissues in the body to resume their shape after stretching or contracting
Outer, avascular layer of skin
Fibrous connective tissue that separates and surrounds structures and facilitates movement between adjacent structures
Dermal cell that produces collagen, elastin, granulation tissue and growth factors
Full-thickness Wound
Wound that extends through the epidermis and dermis and into or through the subcutaneous tissues
Epidermal appendages located within the dermis that are made of soft keratin
Chemical mediator released by mast cells that causes vasodilation, increases vessel wall permeability, and attracts other cells to the area
A protein produced by keratinocytes. Nails are made of hard keratin; hair is made of soft keratin
Epidermal cell that resurfaces a wound and produces keratin
Langerhan’s Cells
Epidermal cells that assist with infection control
Cell that directs the repair process, secretes growth factors and enzymes and destroys bacteria and debris
Mast Cells
Cell that helps initiate inflammation, secretes histamine, enzymes, and chemical mediators
Pigment produced by melanocytes that helps protect the body from UV radiation, and is a major determinant in skin color
Pigment producing cells within the dermis
Merkel Cells
Sensory receptor within the epidermis providing information on light touch
Epidermal appendage made of hard keratin and located at the dorsal tips of digits
Open Wound
Damage to the skin resulting in a loss of skin integrity
Papillary Dermis
Thin superficial dermal layer consisting of loosely arranged connective tissue
Partial-Thickness Wound
Wound involving the epidermis and part of the dermis
Process of engulfing and destroying bacteria or debris
Rete pegs
Protrustions of the epidermal stratum basale that extends into the papillary dermis to help anchor the two layers together
Reticular Dermis
Thick, deep dermal layer consisting of dense, irregularly arranged connective tissue
Sebaceous Gland
Oil gland, epidermal appendage located within the dermis
Oily substance that lubricates the skin and hair
Stratum Basale
Deepest epithelial cell layers, contains continuously dividing cells
Stratum Corneum
Outermost epithelial cell layer, consists of dead keratinocytes
Stratum Granulosum
Epithelial cell layer located between the stratum spinosum and straum lucidum
Stratum Lucidum
Epithelial cell layer located between the stratum corneum and stratum granulosum
Stratum Spinosum
Epithelial cell layer located between the statum basale and stratum granulosum
Subcutaneous Tissue
Composed of adipose tissue and fascia; located beneath the dermis; helps support the skin
Sudoriferous Glands
Sweat glands, epidermal appendage located within the dermis
Superficial Wound
Wound involving only the epidermis
White Blood Cells
Cell that helps fight infection
CHAPTER 2: Wound Healing
Wound Healing
Wound caused by scraping or friction to the skin’s surface
Endothelial cell that lines vessel walls
Formation of new blood vessels
Chemotactic agents
Substance that attracts cells
Movement along a chemical gradient
Closed wound
A wound in which the epithelial integrity has been restored
Enzyme that breaks down collagen
Pathological shortening of scar tissue
Current of Injury
Local change of polarity at the site of integument injury
Signaling protein during the inflammatory phase of would healing
Cytotoxic Agents
Substance that is poisonous to human cells
Separation of wound margins
Delayed Primary Closure
A combination of primary and secondary wound healing processes in which the wound is first observed before primary closure
The movement of PMNs through capillary walls
Keratinocyte migration over the lip or margin of the dermis
Process by which keratinocytes resurface the wound defect
Mixture of fluid, high levels of protein and cells
Dermal cells that produce collagen, elastin, granulation tissue and growth factors
Granulation Tissue
Temporary structure composed of vascularized connective tissue that fills the wound
Growth Factors
Growth promoting substance that increases or enhances cell size, proliferation or activity
Healed Wound
A closed wound with tissue strength approaching normal
Chemical mediator released by mast cells that causes vasodilation, increases vessel wall permeability, and attracts other cells to the area
Error of the proliferative phase in which too much granulation tissue is formed and epithelialization is delayed