Exam 1 Flashcards
How many nerve pairs for cranial nerves?
Spinal nerve?
What are cranial nerves attached to?
Spinal nerves?
Directly to brain
Spinal cord by ventral and dorsal rootlets
Preganglionic short, release ACTH
Postganglionig, long, norepheniphrine
Sympathetic Division
Preganglionic long, ACTH
Postgang short, Acth
Olfactory nerve has fibers in olfactory mucosa that traverse to ___ and synapse on the ____
Cribriform plate
Olfactory bulb
CN 2 has fibers from the retina that converts on _____ and are carried in optic nerve, chiasma, and tract, to the _____
Optic disc,
lateral geniculate bodies
Describe CN 3
How many somatic and visceral muscles does it supply?
Motor; somatic, and parasympathetic
5 somatic muscles and 2 visceral
Describe CN 4 and which muscle does it supply?
Somatic motor
Supplies superior oblique
Depress and abduct cornea, intorsion
Describe CN 5.
Mixed; somatic motor and sensory
Great sensory nerve of face
Motor supply to mastication muscles
Describe CN 6
Supplies what muscle and action?
Somatic motor
Lateral rectus
abducts cornea
Describe the CN 7
From where does it carry taste info?
What muscles does it supply?
Mixed. motor, somatic and parasympathetic: sensory; somatic and special
Facial expression nerve
anterior 2/3 of tongue
Facial expression ones including stylohyoid and stapedius
lacrimal and salivary
What is the A.O. of CN 8?
Describe CN 8
Cerebellopontine recess
Special sensory
Sensory info from cochlea and vestibule
Describe CN 9
From where does it carry taste info?
Which muscles supply?
Which gland?
Mixed; motor; somatic and parasympathetic: sensory; somatic and special
posterior 1/3 of tongue
somatic muscles inc. stylopharyngeus
parasympathetic supply parotid gland
Descibe CN 10
Unique how?
Somatic motor supply to where?
Parasymptathetic supply to where?
Mixed; motor; somatic and parasympathetic: sensory; somatic
longest of cranial nerves
Pharyngeal constrictors
Bronchi, heart, GI tract from esophagus to distal 1/3 transverse colon
Describe CN 11
What does it supply?
Supplies somatic muscles of pharynx, larynx, palate, trap, SCM
Describe CN 12
What does it supply?
Supplies intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue
Where is the skull opening for CN 1?
Cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
Where is the skull opening of CN 2?
3 and 4 and 6
Optic canal
Superior orbital fissure
Where do the three branches of CN 5 exit the skull?
V1 Superior orbital fissure
V2 Foramen rotundum
V3 Foramen Ovale
Were is the skull opening for cranial nerve 7 and 8?
Internal acoustic meatus
Where is the skull opening for cranial nerves 9, 10, and 11?
Jugular foramen
Where is the skull opening for cranial nerve 12?
Hypoglossal canal
What are the two types of neurons in the somatic motor pathway?
Upper motor neurons and Lower motor neurons
Describe the pathway for Upper Motor Neurons
Descends through corona radiata, internal capsule, crus cerebra,
most cross in pyramids and descend in lateral cortospinal tract
synapse in anterior horn (rexed lamina VII) of gray matter
Describe pathway for lower motor neurons
Exit cord via ventral rootlets
carried in named nerves to supply skeletal somatic muscles
Describe the three types of neurons in the somatic sensory pathway
Primary (1st order) - bodies located in DRG. Info from receptor to CNS synapse in cord and travel to synapse again in MO
Secondary - Decussate and bring info to thalamus
Tertiary - relay info to cerebral cortex (post central gyrus) where info is integrated
CN 1 types of neurons and their locations
Olfactory neurons - Olefactory epithelium in upper nasal cavity
Mitral cells - cell bodies in olfactory bulb
Describe olfactory neurons
What supports them?
Their axons collect (10-20) to form fila olfactoria which brings info to bulbs.
Olefactory hair cells support by functioning as receptors.
Unmylenited but covered by Schwann cells
Describe Mitral cells
Relay information posterior via olfactory tract. They split at the anterior perforated substance into:
Media stria -
Lateral stria
Where are primary sensory neurons in CN 1 found?
What are they supported by?
What do the primary neuron axons form together?
Are they mylenated?
Where do they pass through and then enter to synapsing with what?
Olfactory epithelium upper nasal cavity
Hair cells
Fila Olfactoria
No, but covered in by Schwann cells
Cribriform plate, olfactory bulb to synapse on dendrites of mitral cells.
Where are CN 1 secondary neurons located?
Relay info posteror via what?
At anterior perforated substance the fibers split into what two things?
Mitral cell bodies found in olfactory bulb
Olfactory tract
Medial and Lateral Stria
Medial stria fibers cross the midline via what?
Traveling to where?
Anterior Commissure
The Opposite olfactory bulb
Lateral stria fibers carry info to which three places?
Primary olfactory cortex; perimygdaloid and prepiriform area, including uncut (BM 34)
All of this is medial aspect of temporal lobe
Lok at note after this point in blue…
end of first page of unit 2
What are three clinical considerations for CN 1 Problems and how to test/identify?
Loss of smell - Cover one nostril and test both side (rare)
Skull fractures way to loose smell
CSF leakage - fluid clear
What are the three major layers of the eyeball?
Fibrous tunic
Vascular tunic
What is the fibrous tunic made up of?
Sclera - white part
Cornea - primar refactory part of eye
What is the Vascular tunic made of?
Ciliary bond
Chorid - blue thin layer
Describe the first 5 layers of the retina. (ten total)
Pigmented layer adjacent to choroid - cementing layer
Photosensitive outer of rods and cones
External limiting membrane
Outer nuclear layer - has rod and cone cell bodies
Outer plexiform layer - R and C synapse w bipolar cells here
Describe the second 5 layers of retina
Inner nuclear layer - bipolar cell bodies
Inner plexiform layer - bipolar cells synapse w ganglions
Ganglion cell layer - G cell bodies
Nerve fiber layer- ganglion cell axons. NOT myelinated
Internal limiting membrane - glial boundary from vitreous body
When depolarized photoreceptors relay info to bipolar cells by synapsing in outer plexiform layer, Bipolar cell bodies are found where?
Bipolar cells relay info to ganglion cells, the synapse occurs which layer?
Inner nuclear
Inner plexiform