Exam 1-2 Flashcards
Coined to idea of attaining therapy via reflection method. His style of counseling involved PARROTING/MIRRORING the counselee issues in order to enhance a better state of self awareness.
Questioning/interview process takes place to reveal that the potential and sufficiency is within. Counseling serves as a midwife to birth the solution.
Key element of ROGERIAN method
- Common knowledge
- Self sufficiency
- Mid wife approach
- Potential failure
- primacy of feelings
Shifting the blame of the issue to environmental stimuli other than oneself
Key element of FREUDIAN method
- ID (flesh) Mans primitive impulses. Libido. Mans desire for immediate gratification. Devil on the shoulder
- SuperEgo (Moral code) Influenced by people and the environment
- EGO (The real you) Conscious. Mans holistic self and convictions
Freuds Theoretical “PARTS OF MAN”
- CULPRIT is the problem (parents, churches, pastors, critics)
Sigmund Freuds “PROBLEM OF MAN” theory
Behavior is shaped and conditioned by the activity within direct environment
- Science is the messiah
- God is a myth
- Man is an animal
- No absolutes
- No salvation
- There is an earthly utopia
Ontological in flavor “study of being”. Maslow sought to examine the science of being and a way to navigate man through a sequence of chronological stages of satisfaction. He believed that man could find the answers through self examination by coining the “hierchy of needs” and making people aware of their absolute needs to find oneness with self.
Abraham Maslows theory
Jeremiah 17:9 says,
The heart is deceitful above all things, and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
Why is Maslows view against biblical counsel?
- Darwinism
- Difficulty
- Disease
- Defamation
- Disorganization
5 main factors that account for the existing state of affairs in the church regarding Biblical Counseling. (D.D.D.D.D)
- Sufficiency of Christ
- A problem with man/world
- Change is possible via verbal communication
- Scripture is sufficient
- love
- Holy spirit has a role
PreSUPS of Biblical Counseling
- PROMOTE IT / if you don’t know its importance, you cant support it. Dedicate church to knowing it first.
- PURIFY IT/ filter out all the worldly counsel and the secular philosophy that pollute its purpose and present it holy and honoring to God
- PULL IT TOGETHER/ Pull together all areas of agreement to strengthen its purpose and accelerate the movement and revival of its purpose
5 reasons to define Biblical Counseling
The spirit filled LOVING application of the WHOLE counsel of the word of God. To the WHOLE problem of mankind (spiritual or even physical) with the aim of bringing about a life-changing response that conforms the counselee to the image of CHRIST
“Biblical Counseling”
Knowledge and acceptance of God through the observation of nature and the world around us.
General Revelation (ps 19)
Knowledge of the SAVIOR due to exposure to Gods infallible word and his gospel message.
Special Revelation (Romans 10:17)