Exam #1 Flashcards
2 Roman Provinces (Listing?)
Spain, Gaul, Macedonia, Asia, Syria, Judea. (Lots more)
Required 10 males, and could be more than one in a city. Service consisted of prayers, readings, sermon, and singing of psalms. Men sat together and women sat together. Attendance only required on Sabbath.
Information on Paul.
Birth date is unknown, born in Tarsus and died in 67 AD under Nero. Studied under Gamaliel. Born a Roman Citizen. He was trilingual in Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. His conversion took place on the way to Damascus.
7 Characteristics of Paul (listing?)
- His Sense of Divine Vocation
- His Authority
- His love for Converts
- His Convictions
- His Versatility
- His Language and Style
- His Physical powers of endurance
Arguments against Pauline Authorship of Ephesians
- Style differences
2. Repetition
3 Most common theories for letters destination (Listing?)
- Ephesian theory
- Laodicean theory
- Encyclical Theory
Arguments against Ephesians being the destination for this letter.
Manuscript evidence, witness of early church fathers, lack of personal greeting.
Date of the Ephesian letter.
62 AD
Bearer of the Ephesian letter.
Where was Ephesians written from?
Rome, where Paul was in prison.
3 things the letter does not contain (listing?)
- personal references
- references to any local problems
- references to his work there in previous years
The church (unity)
The Patron deity in Ephesus
The Church in Ephesus.
Started in 53-54 AD by Paul, Aquila, and Priscilla. When Paul came back 5 years later, he found that members had been baptized improperly and had to retrain them. They had great importance because he spent a lot of time there.
2 Ideas expressed by election. (God choosing us)
- The value given to us by God
2. Responsibility owed to God
Meaning of Redemption.
Redemption means not simply release, but release on payment of a price.
Meaning of Mystery.
It means that it is impossible to work out.
Three purposes of a seal (listing?)
- To confirm an object of document as true or genuine.
- To mark a thing as one’s property- branding.
- To make something fast or secure
3 things connected to Jesus’ exaltation (listing?).
- Resurrection
- Ascension and enthronement
- Headship over the church
3 descriptions of out hopelessness (listing?)
- Dead in transgressions and sins
- We are enslaved by sin
- Under God’s just sentence
3 things God did with us together with Christ (listing?)
- Make us alive
- Raise us up
- Sit us down at the right hand of God
4 items indicating unity as a major theme (listing?).
- made the two one
- to create in himself one new man out of the two
- in this body to reconcile both of them
- we both have access to the father by one spirit
3 images to emphasize unity (listing?)
- Kingdom
- Family
- Temple
Two reasons modern readers dismiss Paul.
His sexism, and silence on the evils of slavery.
Explain the “paradox” this is to be explored in the book.
There has probably seldom been anyone at the same time hated with such fiery hatred and loved with such strong passion as Paul.
What are Dodd’s 6 examples of Paul as a conversationalist?
- Paul wrote in Greek, the Lingua Franca of his day.
- He wrote in response to the ideas, actions, and questions of others.
- He identified with the feelings and experiences of his readers.
- Paul shared his work and trusted others with the task of communicating with his churches.
- Luke reports in Acts 17 that Paul conversed both in the synagogue and in the marketplace.
- Paul actually cites cutting remarks made about him and gives them his energy and attention.
“The problem of Paul is like a swaying bridge.” The bridge imagery is a good way to view the problem of Paul for 3 reasons. What are those reasons?
- It portrays a gap of understanding between us and Paul.
- The bridge analogy reminds us that, when we interpreted Paul’s letters on his terms, we must cross the bridge again to apply his message to a different time and place.
- The allegory of the bridge sensitizes us to the feelings of those around us when we consider these issues.
According to Henry Chadwick, Christianity had a strong appeal among women for 3 reasons. What are those reasons?
- Christians believed in the equality of women with men before God.
- Husbands were taught not to domineer their wives but to treat them with the same love and consideration Christ shows for his church.
- Husbands were under the same sex ethic as their wives.
Dodd write, “Only a few of Paul’s statements about women and marriage are controversial and evoke one of three responses…” Explain those 3 responses.
- All-or-nothing response- either accepting or rejecting every as is.
- Revision- attempt to revise what Paul said or meant, or to shift the problem to another author.
- Careful interpretation with cultural and contextual sensitivity- interpretation is a demanding discipline that requires us to interpret the individual parts of Paul’s letters in light of the larger context of his writings and then in light of the larger message of the bible.
Paul’s attitude on how men and women should behave in public reflects a combination of three things. What are they?
- The specific setting of his readers
- the etiquette of the time
- his own missionary strategy
What three kinds of criticisms have been leveled at Paul?
- His behavior is unloving
- his personality is unchristian
- he displays deep psychological flaws that drive his thinking, especially regarding his views on sex and women.
What 3 examples are given to argue for Paul’s bad behavior?
- Paul used cutting remarks and name-calling
- Paul was inconsistent and hypocritical
- Paul used shame to motivate his converts
According to Robert Fortuna, “ (blank) Is surely Paul’s most self-centered letter, the most subtly arrogant of all– before God and and world.”