Exam 1 Flashcards
the process of continuous sequential change to a specialized functional capacity.
Cognitive Development
the process of continuous sequential change to a specialized function capacity, in the cognitive domain. (Intellectual)
Affective Development
the process of continuous sequential change to a specialized function capacity, in the socio-emotional domain. (socio-emontional)
Motor Development
the continuous age related process of change in movement as well as the interaction of constraints (factors) in the individual, envorinment, and task that drive these changes. (Psychomotor)
Physical Growth (Development)
an increase in size or body mass resulting from an increase in complete, already formed body parts.
Motor Learning
refers to the relatively permanent gains in motor skill capability associated with practice or experience.
Motor Control
the study of the neural, physical, and behavioral aspects of movement.
Maturation (Physiological)
Qualitative advance in biological make up and may refer to cell, organ, or system advancement in biochemical composition rather than size alone.
the growth and development of the body’s systems, including the muscles, skeleton, and nervous system.
“Learning of movement”
the process, occurring w/ the passage of time, that leads to the loss of adaptability or full function and eventually to death.
a characteristic of an individual, environment, or task that encourages some movement while discouraging others.
Individual Constraint
a person’s unique physical and mental characteristics
Structural Constraint
an individual’s constraint related to the body’s structure.
Environmental Constraint
constraint related to the world around us.
Task Constraint
the goals and rule structure, including equipment, of a particular movement or activity.
developmental trajectory
the course of behavior over age and time.
Arrested Development
failure to develop beyond a particular point of development.
longitudinal research study
one in which the same individual or group is observed performing the same tasks or behaviors on numerous occasions over a long time.
Cross-sectional research study
one in which developmental change is inferred by observing individuals or groups of varying ages at one point in time.
a group that shares the same characteristics such as age or experience.
Mixed-longitudinal, or sequential research study
several age groups are observed at one time over a short time span, which permits the observation of an age span that is longer than the observation period.
Precursor Period
(late 18th century to 1928) Charles Darwin
Maturational Period
(1928-35) Gissel - McGraw
Normative/Descriptive period
(1946-1970) Anna Espenschade, Ruth Glassow, and G. Lawrence Rarick
Process Oriented Period
1970-present Clark and Whital
Functional capacity
is a person’s ability to perform daily activities, work, or sports