Exam 1 Flashcards
Misinformation vs. Disinformation
Disinformation has the intent to mislead you to think something, while misinformation is unintentional.
Local Ordinances
State laws or laws by local authorities
- Abortion laws (Dobbs decision)
- Divorce laws
- Curfews
- Marijuana
What has been decided in past court decisions will carry over to the next similar court decision to stay consistent with the law
Judicial Review
When a court makes a legislative act to say something is unconstitutional
Criminal Law
Wrong committed against society.
- In federal, requires general attorney
- In state, requires district attorney
Courts of Law
$ damage
Courts of Equity
- Ten Commandments in school
- Uniform laws
- Restraining Orders
Substantive Law
Creates and defines legal law
Procedural Law
How a course works its way through a system
Service of Process
Due Process
Civil Law
Enforcement of private or public rights
- Suing corporations for making a defective product
Burden of proof
Standard of evidence that a litigate must provide to prove their case
Example of a case that is criminal law and civil law?
Statute of Limitations
Time Limits
In LA, how much time do you have to file a lawsuit after a car accident
One year
Rulings made on higher courts can and will be used as precedent onto lower courts
Brown vs. Board
Overturning “separate but equal”
- Deemed unconstitutional
- 9-0 majority vote
Dobbs vs Jackson
Sent abortion laws authority to states instead of federal
- 5-4 ruling to overturn
Plaintiff vs. Defendant
Plaintiff is the one who initiates the lawsuit and is responsible for burden of proof. Defendant is defending himself from plaintiff and plaintiff’s claims
Civil Law Tradition
emphasizes on “Codes”
- Comes from Spain, France
- Law in LA also derives from this