exam #1 Flashcards
there is a wide range of normal when it comes to
language development
the source of an impairment is present from birth
congenital disorder
characteristics associated with increased risk for language disorders
- being male
- low socioeconomic status
- older maternal age at birth
- not attending daycare
- hearing and attention problems
- family history of speech and language difficulties
- “low quality” parenting
word structure
disordered vocal quality, resonance, rate, pitch, intensity & intonation is a disorder of
leading cause of disability & death in children and adolescents, damage can be localized or diffused
traumatic brain injury (TBI)
typical or above average ability to read but with poor reading comprehension
an impaired ability to receive, send, process, and/or comprehend concepts
communication disorder
pair of air-filled elastic sacs that change in size and shape and allow us to breathe
vocal folds vibrate at high speeds
laryngeal system
used for inhalation, generally located above the the diaphragm
inspiratory muscles
how speech sounds are formed
study of structures of the body and the relationship of the structures
vowels can also be categorized by __ and __
monopthongs & diphthongs
mispronunciation or delayed acquisition of speech sounds are caused by
speech sound disorders
children begin to demonstrate mastery of most consonants by age
major components of reading
decoding, phonological awareness, morphological awareness, comprehension
identify, prevent, and manage disorders of hearing and balance and dispense hearing aids
breathing to sustain life; “quiet” breathing (determined by the body’s O2 levels and amount of CO2 in the blood)
tidal breathing
__ readers use very little cognitive resources for word pronunciation
these intrinsic muscles change the tongue’s shape
superior & inferior longitudinal muscles
as comprehension becomes more skilled, children develop _ and _ literacy
critical, then dynamic
driving force for speech via positive air pressure beneath vocal folds
respiratory system
infants start to produce sounds with more intention (mostly vowels) by
2-3 months
something happened later in life to cause an impairment
acquired disorder
the smallest grammatical unit of language
though there are 26 letters in the English alphabet, there are __ phonemes
SLPs also help people with
cognitive impairments & feeding/swallowing difficulties
disordered or impaired pragmatic communication is a disorder of language _
children with language impairments tent to have difficulties with getting their message across (__ langauge) or understanding the message coming from others (__ language)
expressive, receptive
classifications of consonants
- place: where the sound is produced
- manner: how the sound is produced
- voice: whether the voice is on or off
persistent problems in social communication and interaction across different contexts not due to developmental delays, restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior and interests (impacts language content and use)
autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
study of the functions of organisms and bodily structures
first true word develops by
12 months (must be recognizable to the actual word and used to represent one thing with consistent word form)
final consonant deletion (his green cup - hi gree cu) is a disorder of language _
these abduct during respiration and adduct during phonation/swallowing
vocal folds
major structures of the articulatory/resonatory system
mandible (jaw), maxilla, teeth, toungue, lips, hard palate, soft palate, styloid process
atypical production of speech sounds, interruption in the flow of speaking, and abnormal production and/or absence of voice quality
speech disorder
the purpose and intent of language
pragmatics (language use)
major structures of the laryngeal system
thyroid, cricoid, arytenoids, vocal folds, glottis, epiglottis
late 8 sounds to occur in development
“sh”, “th” (voiced & voiceless), s, z, l, r
18-24 months is called the
toddler period
impairments to smoothness and flow of speech (fillers, hesitations, repititions, prolongations)
fluency disorders
the process of breaking a word down into its component sounds, blending the sounds together into recognizable words (“sounding it out”), and eventually interpreting those words based on context and prior knowledge
phonological awareness begins to develop around __ years of age
principle muscle of inspiration: dome-shaped, elastic, sits right under the lungs
steady state, single sounds - “eat”, “hot”
the sound system of language
VF abduction (coming apart)
posterior cricoarytenoid
vowels are pronounced with a __ vocal tract
using knowledge and new ideas combines with language to create text