Exam 1 Flashcards
governmental accounting
refers to all accounting functions of the public sector in the United States
two levels of government accounting in the U.S.
Federal level and state/local level
federal level
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB)
State and local level
Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
Attributes of a government entity (one or more)
- Popular election of officers or appointment or approval of a controlling majority of the members of the organization’s governing body by officials of one or more state or local governments
- The potential for unilateral dissolution by a government with the net assets reverting to a government
- The power to enact and enforce a tax levy
- Ability to issue debt directly that pays interest exempt from federal taxation
3 reasons to study GNP accounting
- Governments and NFP organizations hire accountants
- CPA firms and states engage accountants to perform their audits
- As citizens and donors we wish to better understand how taxes and charitable donations are used
Organizational Purpose Gov.
Provide efficient, effective service to citizens regardless of “profit”
Organizational Purpose NFP
Provide efficient, effective service to beneficiaries regardless of profit
Organizational Purpose FP
Generate profit for owners
Stakeholders Gov.
Creditors, taxpayers, other government oversight, bodies & grantors
Stakeholders NFP
Creditors, members, beneficiaries, donors, volunteers, government grantors
Stakeholders FP
Creditors, owners/investors
Revenue Sources Gov.
taxes and other non-exchange transactions, not voluntary, may or may not receive benefit
Revenue Sources NFP
voluntary transactions
Revenue Sources FP
sales of goods/services, receives benefit
Longevity Gov.
doesn’t go out of business (very rare)
Longevity NFP
can go out of business
Longevity FP
can go out of business
Relationship with Stakeholders Gov.
compelled to use resources for specified purposes & demonstrate accountability
Relationship with Stakeholders NFP
compelled to use resources for specified purposes & demonstrate accountability
Relationship with Stakeholders FP
can use resources as desired
Role of Budget Gov.
expression of public policy; carries authority of law; public information
Role of Budget NFP
planning & control document; not public
Role of Budget FP
planning & control document; not public
Financial Reporting Document Gov.
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
Financial Reporting Document NFP
Annual Report
Financial Reporting Document FP
Annual Report
4 federal level standard setters
FASAB, GAO (Governmental Accountability Office), U.S. Treasury Department, OMB (Office of Management and Budget)
GASB Concepts Statements: Statement #1- Objectives
allow comparison of actual with budgeted results
help users assess financial condition and results of operations
show compliance with laws, rules and regulations
assist in evaluating efficiency and effectiveness
- represents a part of the activities of some government entity
- is a separate accounting entity (resources and activities)
- self-balancing set of accounts
general fund
the only fund required (1)
governmental (budgetary) funds
carry the authority of law
revenues (B/A)
appropriations (B/A)
encumbrances (B/A)
expenditures (B/A)
disbursements (B/A)
taxes, fees, charges for services, grants
legally authorized monies allowed to be spent
future commitment of resources - P.O.
resources received - liability exists - payable
payment of payable
state and local government fund categories (3)
fiduciary type, proprietary type, governmental type
fiduciary type
acting as an agent or trustee of monies that generally belong to other parties
as such, they cannot be used for the government’s main purposes. for example, a public school district’s main purpose is formal academic teaching, usually K-12)
proprietary type
business-type activities
governmental type
used for activities that are largely unique to the government environment
fiduciary funds
private-purpose trust, investment trust, pension trust, custodial
fiduciary basis of accounting
fiduciary fund-basis financial statements
statement of this net position
statement of charges in this net position
proprietary funds
internal service, enterprise
proprietary basis of accounting
proprietary fund-basis financial statements
statement of net position
statement of revenues, expenses and changes in fund net position
statement of cash flows
governmental funds
permanent, debt service, capital project, special revenue, general
governmental basis of accounting
modified accrual
governmental fund-basis financial statements
balance sheet
statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balances
general fund
accounts for most of the basic services provided by the government. Technically, it accounts for and reports all financial resources not accounted for and reported in another fund
capital projects funds
account for and report financial resources that are restricted, committed, or assigned to expenditure for capital outlays. As such, it accounts for the purchase or construction of major capital improvements, except those purchased or constructed by a proprietary (and less commonly, fiduciary) fund
permanent fund
account for and report resources that are restricted to the extent that only earning, and not principal, may be used for purposes that support the reporting government’s programs
special revenue funds
account for and report the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted or committed (not merely assigned) to expenditure for specific purposes other than debt service or capital projects. Those include activities funded by federal or state grants or by taxes specifically restricted to certain activities
debt service funds
account for and report financial resources that are restricted, committed or assigned to expenditure for principal and interest, other than interest or principal on proprietary or fiduciary activities
enterprise funds
a fund established for the purpose of measuring net income for a governmental department providing goods or services primarily to outside consumers, in which it is the intent of the government that the department operate on a cost recovery or profitable basis. Resources = sales and service charges
internal service fund
a fund established for the purpose of measuring net income to a governmental department providing services primarily to other departments or agencies within the governments, in which it is the intent of the government that the department operate on a cost reimbursement basis. Occassionally provided to other governments
custodial (or agency) fund
used to account for resources held by a government entity which are not owned by the entity, but which are payable to some outside party such as another governmental unit
investment trust fund
accounts for the external portion of investment pools, governed by a trust government in which the sponsoring government is a trustee
pension (and other employee benefit) fund
used to account for pension and employee benefit funds for which the governmental unit is the trustee. The earnings of these assets are used to pay the pensions (or benefit) of public
private-purpose trust funds
report all other trust arrangements under which principal and/or income benefit individuals, private organizations or other governments
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
contains the financial report of the governments
State and local governments report various funds to the extent their activities meet the fund criteria. Government funds include
A. Internal service funds
B. Nonexpendable trust funds
C. Enterprise funds
D. Permanent funds
D. Permanent funds
The accounting systems of state and local government entities should be organized and operated using which structure?
A. Proprietary fund
B. Fiduciary fund
C. Governmental fund
D. Find
D. Fund
When a snowplow purchased by a governmental unit is received, it should be recorded in the general fund as a(n)
A. Encumbrance
B. Expenditure
C. General capital asset
D. Appropriation
B. Expenditure
Proprietary fund financial statements are prepared using the
Economic resources measurement focus
Current financial resources measurement focus
Accrual basis
Modified accrual basis
Economic resources measurement focus and accrual basis
A public school district should recognize revenue from property taxes levied for its debt service fund when
A. Bonds to be retired by the levy are due and payable
B. Assessed valuations of property subject to the levy are known
C. Funds from the levy are measurable and available to the district
D. Proceeds from collection of the levy are deposited in the district’s bank account
C. Funds from the levy are measurable and available to the district
Should a special revenue fund with a legally adopted budget maintain its accounts on an accrual basis and integrate budgetary accounts into its accounting system?
Yes, yes
Chase city imposed a 2% tax on hotel charges. Revenues from this tax will be used to promote tourism in the city. Chase should record this tax as what type of nonexchange transaction?
A. Derived tax revenue
B. Imposed nonexchange revenue
C. Government-mandated transaction
D. Voluntary nonexchange transaction
A. Derived tax revenue
Park city uses encumbrance accounting and formally integrates its budget into the general fund’s accounting records. For the year ending July 31, the following budget was adopted:
Estimated revenues $30,000,000
Appropriations 27,000,000
Estimated transfer to debt service fund 900,000
When Parks budget is adopted and recorded, park’s budgetary fund balance should have a
A. $3,000,000 credit balance
B. $3,000,000 debit balance
C. $2,100,000 credit balance
D. $2,100,000 debit balance
C. $2,100,000 credit balance
During its fiscal year ended June 30, cliff city issued purchase orders totaling $5,000,000 which were properly charged to encumbrances at that time. Cliff received goods and related invoices at the encumbered accounts totaling $4,500,000 before year end. The remaining goods of $500,000 were not received until after year end. Cliff paid $4,200,000 of the invoices received during the year. What amount of cliff’s encumbrances were outstanding at June 30?
A. $0
B. $300,000
C. $500,000
D. $800,000
C. $500,000
What is the major difference between an exchange transaction and a nonexchange transaction for governmental units?
A. The relationship between the amount of value given and received
B. Time requirements and whether the transaction is required by law
C. Purpose restrictions placed upon fund balances
D. Whether resources acquired can be further exchanged
A. The relationship between the amount of value given and received
Budgetary comparison schedules presented by a state or local government must
A. Be reported for the general fund and each major special revenue fund with a legally adopted budget
B. Be presented instead of budgetary comparison statements included in the basic statements
C. Convert the appropriated budget information to the GAAP basis for comparison with actual amounts reported on that basis
D. Compare only the final appropriated budget with actual amounts
A. Be reported for the general fund and each major special revenue fund with a legally adopted budget
The ___ funds are used to account for situations in which the government is acting as a collecting/disbursing agent
A. Special revenue
B. General
C. Enterprise
D. Custodial (Agency)
D. Custodial (Agency)
What basis of accounting would the enterprise fund use?
A. Accrual
B. Modified accrual
C. Cash
D. Expended accrual
A. Accrual
What are enterprise funds used for?
A. To account for pension and employee benefit funds for which the governmental unit is the trustee
B. To report resources that are legally restricted so only earnings, not principal, may be expended, and for purposes to benefit the government and its citizenry
C. To account for most of the basic services provided by the governmental units
D. To account for resources provided primarily through the use of sales and service charges to parties external to the government
D. To account for resources provided primarily through the use of sales and service charges to parties external to the government
The financial accounting standards board (FASB) is the standard setting organization for which of the following reporting organizations?
A. Private not for profits
B. Public not for profits
C. Investor owned business
D. A and c are both correct
D. A and c are both correct
The GASB is under the oversight of
Governmental type funds label the excess of assets over liabilities on the balance sheet as:
A. Net assets
B.net fund balance and liabilities
C. Fund balance
D. Assets net of liabilities
C. Fund balance