Comprehensive Final including 8 &10 Flashcards
3 required sections of the ACFR
1) Management’s Discussion and Analysis
2) Basic Financial Statements
3) Require Supplementary Information (Other than MD&A)
3 parts of the basic financial statements
1) Government-wide financial statements
2) Fund-basis financial statements
3) Notes to the financial statements
2 parts of the government-wide financial statements
1) Government-wide Statement of Net Position
2) Government-wide Statement of Activities
3 parts of the fund basis financial statements
1) governmental
2) proprietary
3) fiduciary
3 statements for governmental
1) balance sheet
2) statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balance
3) reconciliation of governmental statements to government-wide statements
3 statements for proprietary
1) statement of net position
2) statement of revenues, expenses and changes in fund net position
3) statement of cash flows
2 statements for fiduciary funds
1) statement of fiduciary net position
2) statement of changes in fiduciary net position
governmental funds on the modified accrual basis
governmental funds that use the current financial resources focus
governmental funds that record budgets
general fund & special revenue fund
governmental funds that use encumbrances
general fund, special revenue fund and capital projects fund
governmental funds that have an indefinite life
general fund and permanent fund
when are entity-wide statements prepared
how are entity-wide statements prepared
1) converting government type funds to the accrual basis; including inclusion of depreciation, long-term assets and long-term liabilities,
2) Adding in the asset and liability balances from internal service funds along with any income earned through transactions with external parties,
3) consolidating fund financial statements (other than fiduciary funds).
what happens to governmental statements during the entity-wide conversion process
converted to the Accrual Basis and Economic Resource Measurement Focus through worksheet entries and then appear in the Governmental Activities columns of the government-wide statements
what happens to enterprise funds during the entity-wide conversion process
entered directly into the business activities columns of the government-wide statements
what happens to internal service funds during the entity-wide conversion process
added to Governmental Activities through worksheet entries
where does converting fund statements to government-wide statements take place
worksheet only
what are the 5 worksheet adjustments needed
1) Capital asset entries
2) Long-term debt entries
3) Miscellaneous accrual-related entries
4) Interfund transaction elimination entries
5) Bring in internal service fund balances entries
How are beginning of the year capital assets of governmental activities (net of accumulated depreciation) recorded?
through worksheet entry
what happens to the balance in capital expenditures during the conversion adjustment
eliminated and replaced with assets acquired during the year
what happens to the balance in proceeds from sale of capital assets during the conversion adjustment
eliminated, the assets and accumulated depreciation are removed, and the resulting gain or loss is recorded
Beginning of the year capital assets of governmental activities (net of accumulated depreciation) are recorded through worksheet entry (journal entry)
Dr. Capital assets (net)
Cr. Net Position beginning of year
The balance in “Capital expenditures” is eliminated and replaced with assets acquired during the year (journal entry)
Dr. Capital assets (net)
Cr. Capital expenditures
Depreciation for the current period is recorded (journal entry)
Dr. Depreciation expense
Cr. Capital assets (net)
The balance in “Proceeds from sale of capital assets” is eliminated, the assets and accumulated depreciation are removed, and the resulting gain or loss is recorded (journal entry)
Dr. Proceeds from sale of capital assets
Cr. Capital assets (net)
Cr. Gain on sale of capital assets
4 conversion adjustments for long-term debt
- Beginning of the year long-term liabilities of government activities are recorded through worksheet entry.
- Convert this year’s “bond proceeds” to bond liability (and premium if applicable)
- Eliminate balance in “expenditure - bond principal” and reduce the balance of the liability
- Amortize premium/discount on bonds
Beginning of the year long-term liabilities of government activities are recorded through worksheet entry (journal entry)
Dr. Net position beginning of year
Cr. Bonds payable
Convert this year’s “bond proceeds” to bond liability (and premium if applicable) (journal entry)
Dr. Proceeds from sale of bonds
Dr. Proceeds from bond premium
Cr. Bonds payable
Cr. Bond premium
Eliminate balance in “expenditure - bond principal” and reduce the balance of the liability (journal entry)
Dr. Bonds payable
Cr. Expenditure - principal on bonds
Amortize premium/discount on bonds (journal entry)
Dr. Bond premium
Cr. Interest expense
4 other conversion adjustments
- Deferred Inflows of Resources – Property taxes = Property taxes deferred under the 60 day rule may need to be recognized under the accrual basis (and prior year’s accrual reversed)
- Expenses not recorded in government funds under their current economic resources model may need to be accrued (e.g. the long-term portion of compensated absences )
- Accrue interest on bonds outstanding and other accruals as necessary
- Eliminate interfund transfers
Deferred Inflows of Resources – Property taxes = Property taxes deferred under the 60 day rule may need to be recognized under the accrual basis (and prior year’s accrual reversed) (journal entry)
Dr. Deferred inflows - property taxes
Cr. property tax revenue (current year deferred taxes
Dr. property tax revenue
Cr. Net position beginning of the year
(reverse previous year deferred taxes)
Expenses not recorded in government funds under their current economic resources model may need to be accrued (e.g. the long-term portion of compensated absences ) (journal entry)
Dr. Expenditures
Cr. Liability for compensated absences
Accrue interest on bonds outstanding and other accruals as necessary (journal entry)
Dr. Interest expense
Cr. Interest payable
(current year accrual)
Dr. Net position - beginning of the year
Cr. Interest expense
(prior year accrual - reversal)
Eliminate interfund transfers
(journal entry)
Dr. Transfers in
Cr. Transfers out
internal service funds
reported as proprietary funds, the activities accounted for in them are usually more governmental than business-type in nature. If enterprise funds are the predominant or only participant in an internal service fund, however, the government should report that internal service fund’s residual assets and liabilities with the business-type activities. (GASB 34)
Think print shop services or fleet maintenance. Adding internal service funds into the Governmental Activities vs. the Business-Type Activities is common.
We will be adding the Internal Service Funds into the Governmental Activities in our Homework Problem Set.
4 Worksheet entries for internal service funds included in governmental activities
- Add Internal Service Fund’s Assets and Liabilities to the Governmental Activities section of the Government-wide Statement of Net Position
- Income of the Internal Service Fund with entities external to the governmental activities should be brought into the Statement of Activities. Most commonly this is interest expense or investment income.
- Reduce (increase) governmental expenditures by the amount of ISF operating income (deficit)
- Eliminate Interfund activities between the Internal Service Fund and other Funds represented within Governmental Activities.
Add Internal Service Fund’s Assets and Liabilities to the Governmental Activities section of the Government-wide Statement of Net Position (journal entry)
Dr. Cash
Dr. Due from other funds
Dr. Supplies inventory
Dr. Capital assets (net)
Cr. Accounts Payable
Cr. Note Payable
Cr. Net position
Income of the Internal Service Fund with entities external to the governmental activities should be brought into the Statement of Activities. Most commonly this is interest expense or investment income. (journal entry)
Dr. net position
Cr. investment income
Reduce (increase) governmental expenditures by the amount of ISF operating income (deficit)
(journal entry)
Dr. net position
Cr. general government expenses
Eliminate Interfund activities between the Internal Service Fund and other Funds represented within Governmental Activities (journal entry)
Dr. net position
Cr. transfers in (this will then be eliminated against transfers out)
statement of net position
Separate columns are presented for Government and Business type activities (statements are ‘consolidated’ within columns)
Would have another column for component units if the government has any (discretely presented).
government activities column includes
government type funds (G-C-S-P-D) and (most) Internal service funds.
statement of activities net cost approach
Start with functional expenses less allocable program revenues shows net cost.
From the net cost add general revenues, special items and transfers to show the overall change in net position for Governmental and Business type activities.
Change plus beginning net position = ending balance (this should agree with Statement of Net Position)
Reconciliation of Governmental Fund Balances to Government-Wide Net Position
Starts with Government fund balances
Summarizes all the changes made to get entity-wide governmental activities net position
Note typical reconciliation items include:
Addition of long-term assets (+)
Inclusion of ISF assets & liabilities (usually +)
Handling of deferred revenue as revenue instead of as liability (+)
Addition of long-term liabilities (-)