Exam 1 Flashcards
best ability/score the patient can do
PB max
highest percent correct score for a listener (using a phonetically-balanced word list)
PB max
What agreement do we want with PTA?
plus or minus 10
PTA frequencies
5, 1, 2
What are the three components of evidence-based practice?
client perspectives - MLV for a kid that cannot do the task vs recorded stimuli
clinical expertise - how we take shortcuts for tests
external scientific evidence
what test can point to a site of lesion?
pure tones (air and bone) - middle ear or retrocochlear
cannot differentiate cochlear vs retrocochlear
tymp - middle ear
word rec - differentiate cochlear vs retrocochlear
test stimuli for SRT?
spondee words
words getting softer and softer
test stimuli for pure tones?
pure tones
tone getting softer and softer
threshold measure
what does SRT stand for
speech recognition threshold
what does WRS stand for
Word Recognition Score
Percent correct of a given word list at a suprathreshold level
Referred to as
Word recognition
Speech discrimination (old term)
Discrimination score
What are the two diagnostic uses of word recognition testing?
Site of lesion testing (cochlear vs. retrocochlear) (screenings)
Compare word recognition ability over time
What are four treatment uses of word recognition testing?
General sense of impact of hearing loss on speech understanding
Can give a sense of distortion in the cochlea (if cochlear)
Many listeners can identify most words at presentation levels above average conversational speech
One test to identify monaural vs. binaural amplification
Compare unaided vs. aided
Cochlear implant candidacy
Describe the speech material used for word recognition testing.
Single words
Often CNC (CVC) - like book
Phonetically balanced word list
The test is the recorded 50-word word list
Frequently presented with a carrier phrase (“say the word____”
Word structure
Emotional loading
Can be closed set or open set
Differentiate between open-set and closed-set.
Refers to speech tests using single words
Possible response choices are limited
Single digits
Picture-pointing or paper and pencil tests with limited number of foils
Familiarized spondee list
Possible response choices are one of many words with no context
Spondee list that is not already familiar
Single-syllable words
Word Intelligibility by Picture Identification
Identify whether the following would be considered open set or closed set:
Test materials are single-syllable digits (and listener is advised of this)
Test of one-syllable words with the structure CVC
SRT after familiarizing with 8 words
SRT without familiarizing
WRS where a patient is shown 6 pictures and has to identify the correct one
Which one is easier, meaning which one would yield a higher percent correct score?
Open or closed set
How might a PBmax score underestimate a patient’s functional receptive abilities?
Monosyllabic words lack the linguistic redundancy and the contextual and situational cues found in conversational speech
Word recognition scores are usually obtained under an auditory-only listening condition rather than a bimodal (auditory-visual) condition
PBmax scores are typically established monaurally; conversational speech is most often processed binaurally (remember the binaural advantage)
How might a PBmax score overestimate a patient’s functional receptive abilities?
PBmax scores are typically obtained in quiet with the patient seated in a sound treated room. Conversational speech often occurs in varying levels of background noise
Word recognition tests may be administered at hearing levels that are significantly greater than the HL corresponding to normal conversational speech (50 dB)
why does someone do better than they normally would?
quiet, no competing noise with sound treated room and convo is usually in noise
done at a high level compared ot conversational speech
How is a word recognition test administered? Include example instructions.
Make sure speech materials are calibrated.
Determine presentation level
Confirm with patient that sound level is not too loud.
Determine whether masking is needed (covered later)
Instruct the patient: You are going to hear a list of words at this level. It will be a man’s/woman’s voice. He/she will say “say the word” followed by the word; you just say the word. For example, if he says “say the word book”, you say “book”. If he says “say the word kite”, you say “kite”. If you’re not sure of the word, please guess. Any questions?
Do not use words from the word list that you plan to use for your examples
Modify instructions based on word list/carrier phrase used
Present the list of words and keep track of the number of correct/incorrect responses
Note presentation level, amount of masking if used, percent correct score on audiogram. Also note word list used and recorded vs. MLV
Test using recorded materials