Exam 1 Flashcards
- What are the two primary individual outcomes with which OB is concerned?
Job performance, organizational commitment
What does organizational behavior study?
Understanding, explaining, and improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations
what are the 5 individual mechanisms that influence Job performance and org commitment?
1) Job satisfaction
2) stress
3) motivation
4) trust justice and ethics
5) learning and decision making
What are the 2 individual characteristics of the 5 individual mechanisms of job performance & org commitment?
1) ability
2) Personality and cultural values
4 group mechanisms of job performance & org commitment
1) Leadership: styles & behaviors
2) Leadership: power and negotiation
3) Teams: processes and communication
4) Teams: characteristics and diversity
Two organizational mechanisms of job performance and org commitment
1) organizational culture
2) organizational structure
1/8th rule?
At best, 1/8th or 12% of organizations will actually do what is required to build profits by putting people first
the 4 ways we know something
1) method of experience
2) method of intuition
3) method of authority
4) method of science
how do we measure relationships between variables
Through correlation; r. 0.5 = strong, 0.3 = moderate, 0.1= weak
How does meta-analysis reinforce what we know
Meta analysis takes the result of many studies to see if there is still correlation across all studies
how do we prove causality
1) two variables are correlated
2) presumed cause precedes presumed effect in time
3) no alternative explanation exists for the correlation
Which is more important regarding performance, behaviors or outcomes?
Behaviors, because outcomes leads to bad employee mentality, employees may violate policies to enhance performance, results are often out of employee control
3 types of performance
1) task performance
2) citizenship behavior
3) counterproductive behavior
3 types of task performance
1) routine: habitual responses to routine demands
2) adaptive: responses to unusual demands
3) creative: degree employees develop useful and unique ideas
How do we know what tasks are associated with a job
Job analysis
what is citizenship behavior?
voluntary employee behaviors that contribute to organizational goals by improving the context in which work takes place
6 types of citizenship behavior
split into two categories organizational and interpersonal.
Organizational: 1) voice 2) civic virtue 3) boosterism
Interpersonal: 1) helping 2) courtesy 3) sportsmanship
What is counterproductive behavior?
Employee behaviors that intentionally hinder organizational goal accomplishment
Types of counterproductive behavior
Production deviance: wasting resources
Property deviance: sabotage, theft
Political deviance: Gossip
Personal aggression: harassment
4 ways to manage performance/employee evaluations
1) management by objective: have/have not specific goals been met
2) behaviorally anchored rating scales: use specific incidents
3) 360 degree feedback: ratings from everyone you interact with
4) forced ranking: managers rank employees into top 20, vital 70, and bottom 10
3 types of organizational commitment
1) affective commitment: want to
2) continuance commitment: cost based, need to
3) normative commitment: obligation based, should/ought to
What is the role of the erosion model in affective commitment
Erosion model suggests employees with fewer bonds are most likely to quit, have lower affective commitment.
what do people who are affectively committed feel after they leave
why do people who are affectively committed stay?
their membership to an org is a sense of self
why do people with continuance commitment stay?
stay because they need to: tight job market, due for promotion, benefits
How do people with continuance commitment feel after they leave?
Role of sunk costs and embeddedness in continuance commitment
Sunk costs: already put so much into the org
Embeddedness: employee’s sense of fit into the org and community
Why do people with normative commitment stay?
stay because they should. boss has done a lot for them, gave them their start.
How do people who are normatively committed feel after they leave
To whom or what are people committed?
their boss/manager
EVLN model of withdrawal behavior
Exit, voice, loyalty, neglect
Exit (EVLN)
absent from work/quitting, active destructive response
Voice (EVLN)
employee speaks up for change. Active constructive response
Loyalty (EVLN)
maintaining effort despite unhappiness. Passive constructive
Neglect (EVLN)
interest and effort decline. Passive destructive
4 categories of employees
1) lone wolves: low org commitment, high task performance
2) Stars: high both
3) citizens: high commitment, low performance
4) apathetics: low both
5 types of psychological withdrawal behaviors
1) daydreaming
2) looking busy
3) cyberloafing
4) socializing
5) moonlighting
5 types of physical withdrawal behaviors
1) tardiness
2) missing meetings
3) quitting
4) long breaks
5) absenteeism
3 models that show relationship between physical and psychological withdrawals
1) independent forms: various withdrawal behaviors are uncorrelated
2) compensatory forms: behaviors are negatively correlated
3) progression: positively correlated
progression is most accurate
2 types of psychological contracts
1) transactional contract: low org commitment, employee owes attendance, org owes paycheck
2) relational contract: high org commitment, employee owes loyalty/citizenship behavior, org owes support/development
How can organizations improve commitment?
Increase perceived organizational support
Job satisfaction definition
good emotion resulting from the appraisal of one’s job. How you feel about your job.
2 components of job satisfaction
1) cognitive: beliefs about the org
2) affective: feelings induced by the org
Value percept model of job satisfaction
job satisfaction depends on whether employee perceives that their job supplies things they value
5 facets of job satisfaction
1) pay satisfaction
2) promotion satisfaction
3) supervision satisfaction
4) coworker satisfaction
5) satisfaction with the work itself
5 core job characteristics
VISAF; variety, identity, significance, autonomy, feedback
3 psychological states of job characteristics model
1) meaningfulness of work
2) responsibility for outcomes
3) knowledge of results
2 moderators of job characteristics model
1) knowledge and skill: do employees have the knowledge and skill to be successful
2) growth need strength: degree employees desire to develop themselves
Moderators influence the strength of relationships between variables, dont directly affect other variables
3 methods of used to improve job satisfaction
1) job rotation
2) job enlargement: increasing job duties in quantity
3) job enrichment: increasing job duties in quality
mild states of feeling that arent directed at anything. Last a while
intense feelings, are directed at someone/something, short periods of time
emotional labor
when employees must manage their emotions to complete job duties successfully. Ex: customer service
emotional contagion:
emotions are contagious
job satisfaction relation to job performance
moderate positive effect
job satisfaction relation to org commitment
strong positive effect
psychological response to demands when there is something at stake for you, and coping with these demands tax or exceed your capacity
demands that cause stress
negative consequences of stress response
transactional theory of stress
1) primary appraisal: evaluate whether demand is stressful and its implications
2) secondary appraisal: figure out how to deal with stress
hindrance stressors
demands that get in the way of personal goals
work ex: role conflict/ambiguity/overload
nonwork ex: work-family conflict, negative life events
challenge stressors
demands that give an opportunity to improve
work ex: time pressure, work complexity/responsibility
nonwork ex: family demands, positive life events
ways people cope with stress
Behavioral: action based
Cognitive: thoughts used to deal with stress
Problem focused: managing stressful situation itself
Emotion focused: manage their own emotional reactions to stress
3 types of strains
1) Physiological strains: illness, aches/pains
2) Psychological strains: depression, anxiety
3) Behavioral strains: alcohol/drug use, gluttony
3 individual differences that influence the impact of stress
if employee is;
1) type A or B
2) has sufficient recovery
3) has high or low social support
Hindrance stressors relation to job performance
weak negative
Hindrance stressors relation to org commitment
strong negative
Challenge stressors relation to job performance
weak positive
challenge stressors relation to org commitment
moderate positive
how do orgs manage stress?
1) assess causes of stress; stress audit
2) reduce stressors
3) provide resources
4) reduce strains