Exam 1 Flashcards
Biographical data includes…
Name, address, age, birth, gender, race, languages, occupation, religion….etc
sources of patient history
patient or relative/friend
- judge the reliability of the informant
-reliable when same answer after same question asked
What will the patient say when the reason for seeking care?
Brief spontaneous statement in persons own words
- Character
- onset
- location
- duration
- severity
- pattern
- associated factors
how does it feel, look, smell, sound, etc.?
When did it begin; is it better, worse, or the same since it began?
Where is it, does the pain radiate?
How long does it last? Does it Recur?
How bad on a scale 1-10; what is the patients perception of this?
Pattern from COLDSPA
What makes it better? (aka alleviating factors)
- What makes it worse? (aka precipitating/aggravating factors)
Associated factors
What other symptoms do you have with it?
- will you be able to continue doing your work or other activities (leisure or exercise?)
Past Health topics?
- Problems such as birth
- Childhood illnesses
- immunizations to date
- Adult illnesses (physical, emotional, mental)
- Surgieries
- Accidents or injuries
Family history topics
- Age & health or cause of death of relatives
- family history of various conditions such as “heart disease, high BP, stroke, diabetes, etc.”
- Family tree
Review of systems
- skin, hair, nails
- Head/neck
- Ears
- Eyes
- Mouth, Throat, nose, sinyses
- Thorax and lungs
- Breasts, and lymphatics
- Heart & neck vessels
Lifestyle question (simple)
Description of a typical day/activities on a typical day
evidence based practice
combo of scientific evidence, nurse’s experience and expertise, and client’s preferences
first step interviewing
asking patients name and birth to foster trust
alter interview based on..
patients age and experiences in life
laundry list of discriptors
examples used in coldspa
First question to ask when talking about diet?
What did you eat in the last 24 hrs?
Types of social activities
- Societal contributions
Types of relationships (3 things)
- Family
- Sig. others
- Pets
Neonate years
1st 4 weeks of life
Infant years
1 month to 1 yr