Exam 1 Flashcards
Describe the steps of the EBP process
- ask the clinical question
- search for evidence
- appraise & synthesize the evidence
- integrate w/ clinical expertise, pt values, & preferences for implementation
- evaluate
Define the health-illness continuum
- dynamic movement between optimal wellness & premature death
- position on continuum based on adaptions internal & external stressors
- multiple opportunities for enhancement (levels of prevention)
Distinguish between the characteristics of acute & chronic illness
- occurs often
- comes quick
- short duration
- HAS a cure
- affects MOST aspects of life
- goal= restore health
- symptoms slowly start showing
- lasts over 6 months
- NO cure
- affects ALL aspects of life
- goal= maintain/attain wellness
Compare genetics & genomics
- study of ALL genes making up a human genome
- interaction w/ each other & the environment
- study of INDIVIDUAL genes & their effect on single gene disorders
Review teaching implication regarding adult learning principles
- independence
- readiness: when is a good time to learn?
- past experiences: figure out what they already know
- immediate value: whats the most important change?
- problem solve
- lean by doing: hands on
- self concept: can pt perform the task?
Discuss health promotion models
Examine characteristics of the sick role
variables that influence behaviors
- perceived seriousness: of their illness
- inconvenience
- visibility of symptoms
- chronic vs acute: did they just find out?
- culture: how does it affect the pt?
- economics: what can they afford?
Define stress
- RESPONSE TO DEMANDS placed on one’s body and/or in mind
- VARIES between individuals
Define stressor
- environmental DEMAND THAT REQUIRES an individual TO ADAPT
Describe the physiologic response to stress
- exhaustion
- alarm (fight or flight)
- resistance (autonomic system turns on)
Contrast community-based & community-orientated nursing
- primary prevention
- public health nursing
- individuals, families & groups
- health promotion of populations
- secondary & tertiary prevention
- illness oriented care across the LIFESPAN
- assist pts to manage acute & chronic health changes
Distinguish differences in nociceptive & neuropathic pain
- somatic & visceral TISSUE DAMAGE
- responsive to opioids & non-opioids (NSAIDS)
- peripheral nerve or CNS damage (pinched nerves or nerve pain)
- requires adjuvant therapies & opioids (analgesics)
Discuss pain assessment
0-10 scale
- subjective: whenever wherever
- individualized: can mean different things to different ppl
- multidimensional
- objective signs are unreliable: vitals, facial grimacing, guarding
- chronic pain suffers may increased sensitivity: moans & groans
List pharmacologic therapies for pain management
- opioids
- non opioids
- antidepressants
- anti-epileptic drugs
- local anesthetics
- medical marijuana
List non pharmacologic therapies for pain management
- massage
- acupuncture
- heat or cold therapy
- exercise
- distraction
- relaxation techniques ( deep breathing or exercise)
Water functions to…
- regulate temp
- lubricate joints
- aid in food digestion
What is the avg amt of water in adults?
Describe intracellular fluid
- fluid WITHIN cells
- majority of fluid (40%)
Describe extracellular fluid
- plasma
- transcellular
EX: edema or spinal fluid
Describe Simple Diffusion
- solutes move to a low concentration
- goal= equal concentration
- permeable membrane
- no energy require
Describe Facilitated Diffusion
- solutes move to low concentration
- no energy required
- requires carrier molecule such as protein
Describe Active Transport
- movement against concentration gradient
- requires ATP (energy)
- Sodium-Potassium pump: to move against the concentration
EX: heart contraction & muscle movement
Explain osmosis
- water moves to high solute concentration
- semipermeable membrane: passive
- osmotic pressure
Explain hydrostatic PUSH pressure
- fluid force within a compartment (EX: BP)
- gradually decreases through a vascualr system
- pushes water out at arterial end of capillaries
Explain oncotic (colloidal osmotic) PULL pressure
- proteins attract water
- pull fluid toward greater protein concentration
What is First Spacing
- normal distribution of fluid in the ICF & ECF compartments
What is Second Spacing
- abnormal accumulation of interstitial fluid
EX: edema
What is Third Spacing
- trapped fluid
- not easy for it to go back
Interprofessional Management: HYPERnatremia
- replace fluids: hypotonic IV, free water flushes (make corrections SLOWLY)
- restrict dietary sodium
- monitor sodium levels
Interprofessional Management: HYPOnatremia
- identify cause
- monitor sodium levels
- restrict free water
- increased salt in water
- hypertonic IV fluids (slowly correct over a few days)
Interprofessional Management: HYPERkalemia
- ECG, telemetry
- hold patassium source
- increasing renal elimination by increasing fluids & use of diuretics
- Kayexalate-resin that binds K+ & removes via feces
- IV insulin, dextrose to drive K+ into cell
- calcium gluconate: stabilizes cardiac cell membrane
- dialysis
Interprofessional Management: HYPOkalemia
- stop loss
- monitor pt: blood level, S&S
- foods: fruit, especially dried
- GI irritant therefore take w/ food
- irritating to the vein
- no IV push
- 20 mEq per hr IVPB
Interprofessional Management: HYPERcalcemia
- identify & stop underlying cause
- encourage low dietary calcium & weight-bearing exercises
- encourage PO fluids, 3-4L/day
- for more severe: IV saline, Calcitonin or Biphosphonate
Interprofessional Management: HYPOcalcemia
- identify & treat underlying cause
- calcium supplements (oral or IV)
- assess for potential hypocalcemia: assess head/neck surgical pts
Interprofessional Management: HYPOphosphatemia
- mild deficiency: oral supplement, increased intake of dairy products
- severe deficiency: sodium phosphate pr Potassium phosphate IV