Exam 1 Flashcards
A member has an explicit ringtone on their phone another member takes offence to this.
Is this sexual harassment
No - not sexual harassment
A s/c wants to do temps at the CIU. He is a good worker but the senior sgt doesn’t want him to do temps because there are rumours he his gay.
Is this direct /indirect discrimination
Direct discrimination.
Outline as a sgt how you would consider to act within human rights.
Ensure that your decisions are not incompatible with human rights as set out in the charter of human rights and responsibilities act 2006.
You investigate a burg. Whilst processing the scene the owner offers u a coffee,
can you accept this gift?
Yes as it is of token value and low level hospitality.
You rescue a ladies cat from a tree. She offers you $100 to show her appreciation.
Can you accept this gift?
No you cannot accept the gift as it is money.
The whk receives a call for a theft of $1000.
Can he take phone reports or must he attend scene?
Telephone reports of theft up to $2000 can be taken over the phone, providing there is no reason to attend (evidence, id suspect, forensic evidence)
The whk receives a call for a theft of $500.
Can he take phone reports or must he attend the scene?
Telephone reports of theft up to $2000 can be taken over the phone, providing there is no reason to attend (evidence, id suspect, forensic evidence)
What are the two roles of a logistics commander?
Firstly, the officer is responsible for acquiring
facilities, services and materials, including personnel in support of the commander/controller.
Secondly, the officer is responsible for keeping track of incident related costs, personnel and equipment records.
What is the role of operations commander?
To effectively manage and supervise human and physical resources to achieve the tactical tasks and objectives of the commander/controller as outlined in the incident action plan.
You want to take out a FVIO.
Who approves the warrant?
Seek approval from a supervising sergeant.
Who authorises safety notice. Can it be in person, over the phone and by fax or email?
A sergeant.
An application can be made in Person, or remotely by fax telephone or other electronic communication.
When attending a FV incident who assesses the risk of the children involved?
When attending a FV incident where children are concerned, members must independently assess the level of risk to the children to ensure their safety.
Stabbing on a train? Who should u notify?
All offences against person who is a passenger on public transport, must be investigated by transit CIU.
Collision involving public transport. Do U need to involve public transport commission or metro in investigation?
Investigate collisions involving public transport the same as any other. Where possible obtain statements from pt employees. The pt operator is to be contacted to attend and support.
Who can authorise a brief with sexual offences?
Detective senior sergeant or above, or senior sergeant in charge of a SOCIT and specifically authorised in writing by regional A/C.