Exam 1 Flashcards
According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete… ____, ____, and ____
Physical, mental, and social well being
Socio-Economic Status (SES) : where is the individual in the economic ladder?
Income and educational level
SES is one of the ______ variables
Major cause for illness and it is associated with higher occurrence of chronic and infectious diseases, mortality, and morbidity
Biological characteristics and experiences that can affect health differ for women and men
An intersection of many dimensions , beliefs, customs, and traditions, languages mostly associated with the grouping by sex, age, ethnicity, nationality and or race
It is extremely important for health psychologists, healthcare workers and the healthcare administration to obtain cultural competency to provide quality care for ALL PATIENTS
Cultural competency
Three main subcultures affected by health inequities :
LGBTQ community, Hispanic/latinx community, black/African American
Genderbread person (gender identity, gender expression, biological sex, sexual orientation)
Cultural competency
A persons sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither or anywhere along the gender spectrum
Ex: transgender person
Gender IDENTITY (genderbread)
A persons public presentation of their gender. This can include behavior and appearance such as dress, hair, make up, body language and voice .
-a persons pronoun
Gender expression
The anatomical classification of people as a male , female or intersex, usually assigned at birth
Ex: penis, vagina, intersex
Biological sex
Feelings of emotional, romantic, an or sexual attractions to men,women, or other genders
Ex: gay, lesbian, bisexual
Sexual orientation
Diversity is ______
Most cultures have recognized some type of connection between our _____, ______, _________, and ______-
Thoughts, feelings, behaviors , and health
Biomedical approach to illness, widely accepted in the US, physical/biological health
Western medicine
Holistic and alternative approach to illness , based on belief systems, physical, mental, emotional health
Non western medicine
Biological, psychological, and social factors constitute health.
Biopsychosocial factor
The aggregate of the specific educational, scientific, and professional contributions of the discipline of psychology to the promotion and maintenance of health , the prevention and treatment of illness, the identification of etiologies and diagnostic correlates health, illness, and related dysfunction, and to analysis and improvement of the health care system and policy formation
Health psychology
Field of psychology dedicated to promoting and maintaining health and preventing and treating illness
Interdisciplinary field
6 fields that health psychology studies
Stress, getting and staying healthy, changing habits, illness, culture, and implications
Individuals have four main personalities that were a function of the level of certain bodily fluids or humors that represented four psychological temperaments
Hippocrates humoral theory
Hippocrates humoral theory studies four biological temperaments
Black bile
Yellow bile
Cheerful or sanguine
Black bile
Sad or melancholic
Yellow bile
Aggressive or choleric
Apathetic or phlegmatic
Hippocrates Humoral theory treatments :
Bloodletting, purging, exercise
Certain diseases are caused by the invasion of the body by microorganisms
Modern germ theory
Has been used to treat more people than any other form of medicine approach.
- holistic approach
Traditional Chinese medicine
Incorporates the idea that our bodies are a whole and every part is connected (interconnection is very important )
Holistic approach
Considers duality in everything
-physical health
- diet and nutrition
- interpersonal relationships
- mental and emotional health
Traditional chines medicine( our bodies and our organs living in harmony with the universe through the balance of yin and yang
Instead of trying to understand the cause of disease, TCM focuses on the associations of all systems in the body as possible imbalance causing
Common TCM treatments:
Massages, acupuncture, cupping theory, medical herbs, dietary changes, ,meditation/breathing exercises, and physical activity
Originated in India , TIM (traditional Indian medicine) has become very common in the United States through the practice of _____
TIM uses biopsychosocial approach and focuses on mental health by highlighting the need of ________ between body, mind, and soul
Causes for Illness in Traditional indian method
- diet
- disrespect towards gods
- disrespect towards elders and divine teachers
- mental shock due to emotions
- faulty bodily activity
Derives from the indigenous civilizations living in the Americans before colonization
Traditional Mexican Healing/ Curanderismo
One of the main concepts of TMH is
Man de ojo or evil eye
Evil eye=
Illness and sickness will come from someone either admiring you too much (jinx it) or envying u too much (Haters)
TMH recognizes 2 sources of illness
Natural and supernatural
TMH says optimal health is achieved when:
Supernatural and natural are in harmony
Cuadernos or ______ are the main folklore doctors in TMH, they believe illness is not only caused by the ______, but also by the role of the spiritual world and its influence on human health
Healers and germ theory
TMH material- physical level
Limpias (Spiritual cleansing )
Herbal therapy ritualistic curing
Combination of western traditions with TMH treatments
TMH spiritual - emotional level
Medium practices and trance
Casting evil spirits out of the body or breaking a spell
Caribbean Santería health benefits
Link between spirituality and the body assessing and stabilizing a persons well being
Caribbean Santería - source of illness can be associated with
Trabajo/ brujería - spell/witchcraft