Exam 1 Flashcards
Darwin’s postulates
Individuals vary in phenotypes, variation can be passed down (heritable), each generation more offspring produced than can survive, the variants that result in better survival and reproduction will be better represented in next generation (differential survival and reproductive success)
Modern Synthesis
Fusion of Darwinian evolution and Mendelian genetics, lead to population and quantitative genetics. Unified macro- and micro-evolution. Highlighted other mechanisms of evolution beside natural selection.
Evolutionary genomics
sequencing entire genomes
Group selection
for the good of the group
Holes in modern synthesis?
Epigenetics, evolutionary developmental biology, meta organisms, prokaryotes
stable phenotypic changes that do not involve alterations in the DNA sequence
evo-devo biology
compares the developmental processes of different organisms to infer how developmental processes evolved
How does evo-devo clash with modern synthesis?
Highlights an important role for non-coding and regulatory
variation in the evolution of organism body plans. Mutations in
“master” regulatory genes may affect large changes in morphology.
metazoans as “metaorganisms”. These
include the larger organism plus all its endosymbionts (mostly
bacteria). Coevolution between the genomes of endosymbiotic microorganisms and the genome of the host is viewed as a central
consideration in evolutionary change (you can’t understand one without the other).
natural selection
variation in relative fitness within a population
absolute fitness (individual)
the number of offspring produced by that individual in its lifetime
absolute fitness (population)
the population growth rate (absolute fitness of individuals added across all individuals per generation)—this determines the fit of the population to its current environment
relative fitness (individual)
number of offspring produced in that individual’s lifetime relative to other individuals in the population - what matters when in comes to adaptive evolution, because it causes changes in gene frequencies and phenotype distributions
Selection differential (S)
Strength of selection. S=μ selected - μ1. The phenotype selected for minus the mean phenotype
univariate breeder’s equation
R = h^2S. R=response to selection, h^2=narrow sense heritability, S=selection differential/strength of selection
fitness landscape
relationship/covariance between trait value and relative fitness
multivariate breeder’s equation
ΔZ = Gβ. Z= response (change in the trait in the next generation), G= Matrix (correlation between traits), B=selection gradient (coefficient of selection on multiple traits with itself)
Selection model terms
linear, non-linear (univariate), non-linear (bivariate)
linear terms
test for positive and negative directional selection on trait means
non-linear - univariate
test for selection on trait variance (disruptive or stabilizing selection)
non-linear - bivariate
test for correlational selection on pairs of traits
what does positive correlational selection mean for the trait values?
favors similar values of traits (low and low, high and high, etc.). negative favor different values (high and low, etc.)
neutral theory
most SNP variation occurs because of neutral processes does not negate phenotypic plasticity
narrow sense heritability (h^2)
the proportion of phenotypic variance that is due to additive genetic variance (additive genetic variance divided by total phenotypic variance)
Va/Vp. Va = additive genetic variance. Vp = total phenotypic variation
the effect of a gene mutation is dependent on the presence or absence of mutations in one or more other genes, respectively termed modifier genes. In other words, the effect of the mutation is dependent on the genetic background in which it appears.