Exam #1 Flashcards
cognitive bias whereby people with limited knowledge or skills greatly overestimate their ability in that domain relative to objective criteria (“you don’t know what you don’t know”)
Dunning Kruger effect
change in living things by descent with modification; requires a change in allele frequencies through time
biological (organic) evolution
an educated conclusion based on experiments (one scientist can create this)
hypotheses once they have been tested and verified and support/never refuted, an explanation of a set of related observations based upon tested hypotheses
something that has really occurred or is actually the case, test is verifiability
takes events and makes generalizations
inductive reasoning
arrives at a specific conclusion based on generalizations
deductive reasoning
evolution as a process and natural selection as a mechanism
Darwin’s theory
proposed the 1st naturalist idea of the origin of species
nothing exists beyond the natural universe, rules that govern the structure and behavior of the natural universe that the universe is a product of these laws
natural laws
methodological naturalism and natural laws
“every object on earth is an imperfect copy of an ideal form”
-did not recognize change in species over time
proposed “Ladder of Life” (Gods are at the top), everything can be ordered by complexity, implied that things could change
discover role of a creator, change could happen only with the creators action
Natural Theology
-father of taxonomy
-proponent of Natural Theology
-believed that nature did not change
Earth has been affected in the past/ present by worldwide sudden, short violent events
new species created after catastrophe
catastrophe creation
world is roughly 6000 years old
- too many strata to be consistent with a single event
- species seen in different strata were linked
rejected Usser; God created the original forms that “transmutated” or evolved
transmutative creationist
proposed that all life originated in the sea
De Saussure
-father of biogeography (accepted and promoted that the earth was very old)
-made species in perfect forms and through time they may have both “improved” and “degenerated”
-noted similarities between great apes and humans
-professor of inferior Zoology
-defined many groups we use today (first tree of life)
-emphasized great age of Earth (species did not go extinct)
-1st mechanism of transmutation: dictated by the environment, inheritance of acquired characters
despite similar environments, different regions have distinct plants and animals
Buffon’s Law (1st principle of biogeography)
formulated one of the earliest formal hypotheses of evolution
E. Darwin
political economist (population size and food supply goes hand and hand)
-father of Paleontology (things alive today are not in the fossil record and extinction as a regular process)
-catastrophism: believed God created every individual organism but the earth was far older than 6000 years
Earth formed slowly and all the features of the Earth formed slowly
influenced by Malthus
-proposed a form of selection driven by environmental pressure
-this selection pressure could drive the formation of new species
excellent naturalist
-artificial selection
-Galapagos islands
C. Darwin
domesticated variants of species are more variable than different species in the wild
artificial selection
resembles living species of the same area, not species of another area
-palaeobotanist with the geological survey of great britain
-would later defended the idea of Natural Selection against adversaries
father of modern geology (slow and gradual)
-developed the Law of Stratiography: oldest rock layers are the deepest, the youngest are the most superficial
-formalized uniformitarianism