Exam 1 Flashcards
what system?
autonomic ganglia & nerves
PNS: sympathetic & parasympathetic division
complex partial seizures
do not involve entire brain, often proceeded by an unusual sensation, or aura
posterior forebrain
thalamus, hypothalamus
carrying action potentials away from brain/specific area
electroencephalogram (EEG)
recording of spontaneous brain potentials (brain waves)
-distinguish between sleep states & provide data for diagnosing seizure disorders
ependymal cells
line ventricles in CNS, production/movement of CSF
event-related potentials (ERPs)
eeg responses to a single stimulus, such as a flash of light or loud sound
-ERPs have distinctive shapes and time delay (latency)
ions? polarization?
excitatory post-synaptic potential (EPSP)
DEPOLARIZATION of neuronal membrane in response to stimulation; makes it more likely to produce AP
less negative
graded potentials
small voltage fluctuations restricted to vicinity on the axon where concentrations change
depolarize stimuli not strong enough to cause AP
a bunch of GP –> AP
grand mal seizure
abnormal EEG activity throughout the brain
gray matter
dominated by cell bodies, no myelin
cerebellum, pons, medulla
in normal brain, activity tends to be:
de-synchronized across regions
inferior colliculi
paired gray matter structures of dorsal midbrain that processes auditory info
ions? polarization?
inhibitory post-synaptic potential (IPSP)
hyperpolarization (more negative) of neuron membrane in response to simulation; makes it less likely to produce AP
influx of chloride
efflux of potassium
microglial cells
glial cell; moves around to remove cellular debris from injured & dead cells, phagocytic, will become “full” and won’t reactivate
glial cells, forms myelin in CNS. can wrap multiple axons at once
experiments? findings?
Otto Loewi
frog hearts; chemicals needed, not electricity
function? location?
periaqueductal gray
midbrain region involved in pain perception
petit mal seizure
brain waves show patterns of seizure activity for 5 to 15 seconds, may occur several times a day
process of transmission: step 1: NT synthesis & transport
most synthesized in cell body
- packaged in vesicles
- transported on microtubules to synaptic terminal (anterograde axonal transport)
some synthesized in synaptic terminal
- transporters bring materials across the cell membrane; bring materials back into cell
- packaged into vesicles in prep for release
radial glia
progenitor cells in CNS; develop into neurons, astrocytes, or oligodendrocytes
resting state
inside more negative relative to the outside of the cell; more K+ inside relative to outside; departure of K+ ions leaves inside cell more negative that outside; Na+ ions cannot pass back inside; Na+ out, K+ in
reticular formation
extensive region of brainstem, medulla through the thalamus, involved in sleep & arousal
satalite glia
PNS; covers/protects cells similar to atrsocyte
Schwann cell
glial cell, forms myelin in PNS. can only wrap one axon at a time (slower)
wave of abnormally synchronous electrical activity in the brain
somatic (skeletal) nerves
PNS; cranial nerves, spinal nerves
spatial summation
integration of events happening at different places, must occur near each other
- two simultaneous EPSPs sum to produce greater EPSP
- simultaneous IPSP and EPSP cancel each other out
- two simultaneous IPSPs sum to produce greater IPSP
step 2: AP arrival
when AP arrives, NT is released across membrane by exocytosis
- voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open (activated by arrival of AP)
- incoming Ca2+ promotes exocytosis
more calcium OUT than in
-floods in, gets NTs to release/move vesicles to open
step 3: NT release
vesicles bind to and merge with the membrane → dumps NT
NT are released into synaptic cleft
effect of NT depends on the nature of the receptor (on post-synaptic cell)
-temporal & spatial summation
step 4: NT deactivation
- converted into inactive chemicals (degradation); enzymatic degradation: NT is key so it is changed & can’t unlock anymore (enzyme)
- reuptake by presynaptic neuron
- diffusion away from synapse (floats away into extracellular fluid)
location? function?
substantia nigra
brainstem structure that innervates basal ganglia & is major source of dopaminergic projections
location? function?
superior colliculi
paired gray matter structures of dorsal membrane that processes visual info
dorsal portion of midbran, consists of inferior & superior colliculi
main body of midbrain, containing substania nigra, periaqueductal gray, part of reticular formation, and multiple fiber tracts
anterior forebrain
cortex, basal ganglia, limbic system
temporal summation
integration of events happening at different times must be around same time
- two ESPSs elicited in rapid succession sum to produce larger IPSP
- two IPSPs elicited in rapid succession sum to produce a larger IPSP
white matter
underneath gray matter; mostly myelinated axons, transmits info
saltaory conduction
form of conduction that is characteristic of myelinated axons, in which the action potential jumps from one node of Ranvier to the next
the condition that the size (amplitude) of the AP is independent of the size of the stimulus
MUST reach certain size to fire, CAN’T “half fire” or “small fire”
Na+ distribution
inside cell: few
outside cell: many
K+ distribution
outside cell: few
inside cell: many
Cl- distribution
outside cell: many
inside cell: few
Protein- distribution
outside cell: many
inside cell: many