Ex 17 Hypothetical "if" clause followed by pluperfect subjunctive Flashcards
If I had read this book earlier, I wouldn’t have made so many mistakes in my life.
Si (yo) hubiera leído este libro antes, no habría hecho (cometido) tantos errores en mi vida.
If Barbara had known the truth about Ken, would she have married him?
Si Bárbara hubiera sabido la verdad cerca de Ken, ¿se habría casado con él?
If you had warned us of the earthquakes, we wouldn’t have built our house in this area.
Si nos hubieras advertido de los terremotos, no habrÍamos construido nuestra casa en este área.
It would have been nice if you had included a photo with this article.
Habría sido bueno si hubieras incluido una foto con este artículo.
If you had called me ten minutes earlier, I wouldn’t have been home.
Si me hubieras llamado diez minutos antes, (yo) no habría estado en casa.
I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t met you (fam).
No sé dónde estaría si no te hubiera conocido.
If there had been one ounce of truth in your speech, somebody would have believed you.
Si hubiera habido una onza de verdad en tu discurso, alguien te habrÍa creído.
If you had been born two days earlier, we would have had the same birthday.
Si hubieras nacido dos días antes, habríamos tenido el mismo cumpleaños.
If there hadn’t been a snowstorm yesterday, there would have been one today.
So no hubiera habido una nevada ayer, habría habido una hoy.
If we had known that you were in trouble, we would have offered you help.
Si hubiéramos sabido que tenías dificultades, te habríamos ofrecido ayuda.
If you hadn’t given me these mittens (la manopla), I think that I would have frozen to death (morirse de frío).
Si no me hubieras dado estas manoplas, creo eque me habría muerto de frío.
If you hadn’t put another stamp on that letter, the post office wouldn’t have accepted it.
Si no hubieras puesto otro sello en esa carta, la oficina de correos no la habría aceptado.
If anyone told me that, I wouldn’t have believed it.
Si alguien me hubiera dicho eso, no lo habría creído.
If you hadn’t given your goldfish so much food, it wouldn’t have died.
Si no hubieras dado a tu carpa dorada tanta comida, no se habría muerto.
How would they have felt if you hadn’t received an invitation?
¿Como se habrían sentido si no hubieras recibido una invitación?