Ewan Flashcards
Allows us to replace a voltage source and a
series resistor by a current source and parallel
Source Transformation
Doing so does not change the current
or voltage of any other element of the circuit.
Source Transformation
Doing so does not change the current
or voltage of any other element of the circuit.
Source Transformation
Requires that the total effect of several
sources acting simultaneously is equal to
the sum of effects of the individual source
acting one at a time.
Superposition Theorem
Voltage Source
Current Source
Used to transform a circuit into a smaller yet
equivalent circuit by a voltage source
(Thevenin’s voltage) in series with Thevenin’s
resistance or looking back resistance and the
resistance of the circuit where the current is
Thevenin’s Theorem
Allows us to replace a voltage source and a
series resistor by a current source and parallel
resistor. Doing so does not change the current
or voltage of any other element of the circuit.
Source Transformation
Requires that the total effect of several
sources acting simultaneously is equal to
the sum of effects of the individual source
acting one at a time.
Superposition Theorem
Voltage Source
Current Source
Used to transform a circuit into a smaller yet
equivalent circuit by a voltage source
(Thevenin’s voltage) in series with Thevenin’s
resistance or looking back resistance and the
resistance of the circuit where the current is
Thevenin’s Theorem
How to Thevenize a Given Circuit?
- Temporarily remove the resistance (called load resistance RL
- Find the open-circuit voltage Voc
- Compute the resistance of the network
- Replace the entire network with a single Thevenin source,.
- Connect RL back to its terminals
- calculate the current flowing through RL
Used to transform a circuit into a smaller yet equivalent
circuit by a current source (Short Circuit Current) in
parallel with Thevenin’s resistance and parallel with load
Norton’s Theorem
How To Nortonize a Given Circuit?
- Remove the resistance
- Compute the short-circuit current ISC.
- Remove all voltage sources but retain their internal
4 find the network’s resistance RN as looked into from the given terminals. It is the same as Rth. - The current source (ISC) joined in parallel across Ri
between the two terminals gives Norton’s equivalent circuit.
particularly useful for
analyzing communication networks. The overall efficiency
of a network supplying maximum power to any branch is
50 percent.
Power Transfer
transferred to the load when the load
resistance equals the Thevenin resistance as seen from the
load (RL = RTh).
Maximum Power
combination of Thevenin’s and
Norton’s theorems.
It is used for finding the common
voltage across any network that contains several
parallel voltage sources
To solve for branch currents, each resistor voltage drop
can be divided by its respective resistance (I=E/R)