Evolutionary Biology (Gareth Jenkins 10-15) Flashcards
What three characteristics must something have in order to be classed as ‘Life’?
- Has a replication potential (heterotrophs Vs autotrophs)
- Have catalytic proteins
- Ability to store, transmit and express information (DNA/RNA)
What was significant about Miller’s (1953) experiments?
He produced amino acids and compounds like hydrogen cyanide & formaldehyde, which underwent further reactions to form nucleotides. The conditions he used were synonymous with the conditions of early Earth as described by the Oparin-Haldane theory.
What is the general idea of the Oparin-Haldane theory?
Organic molecules accumulated in a prebiotic soup, after being synthesised in a highly reducing atmosphere, when exposed to an external energy source like UV or lightening.
What is the significance of clay minerals in supporting the Oparin-Haldane theory?
a criticism is that hydrolysis in a ‘soup’ environment would be too high for polymers of significant length to form. Clay minerals provide an environment where hydrolysis would be reduced.
Discuss why hydrothermal vents in the deep sea may have been the site for the origin of life.
The chemicals used in Miller’s experiments are also present in alkaline hydrothermal vents. UV may have been too harsh for life, so this may have been the alternative. Pores in the serpentine rock are ideal environments for the synthesis of organic molecules. Carbon may have been fixated on CO2 and methane-rich emissions; modern-day autotrophs found in these environments exploit this system.
Explain the theory of Panspermia.
Life originated extra-terrestrially.
- microbes potentially ejected from their homeworld by impacts may have been carried through space on debris and fallen to Earth in a second impact event.
McKaye et al 1996: found bacteria-like fossils on a meteorite from Mars.
What is LUCA?
The last universal common ancestor of all life.
thought to be a type of cyanobacteria (lead to photosynthesis? and therefore the evolution of aerobic respiration?)
Advantages of sexual reproduction?
- guards against the accumulation of deleterious mutations.
- creates variation
- can change genomes faster to keep up with ever-changing challenges
Disadvantages of sexual reproduction?
- recombination can destroy adaptive complexes of genes.
- half of the offspring are male, so halves the reproduction rate of an asexual genotype.
When did the Cambrian explosion begin and why was it important?
- started 543mya
- a major increase in the abundance of skeletal fauna
- the appearance of Crustacea, annelids, Mollusca, Vertebrata etc.
- Very rapid
- The first sign of this kind of life in the fossil record.
What is the significance of the Burgess Shale?
in 1909, Charles Walcott discovered exceptionally preserved fossils of benthic, marine fauna, which has been buried in anoxic mudstone. Even soft tissues were recorded due to the fine sediment.
What do molecular clocks suggest about the existence of precambrian fauna?
molecular clocks suggest that many clades diversified much earlier than the Cambrian ‘explosion’ but there are just no known fossils.
It was probably an explosion of forms, not lineages.
What could have caused the Cambrian Explosion?
- Increased O2 availability?
- would have lead to faster metabolism and larger size.
- larger size required for the evolution of tissues and high metabolism for movement.
- motility = new niches, adaptations to new food sources (mouths and guts) and there would also be increased predator-prey diversity due to coevolution.
What are Hox genes?
They evolved with multicellularity and carry information about cell arrangement.
They regulate transcription of other genes and proteins and control animal development by producing chemical gradients.
e.g. in lobopodians, maxillipeds form where Hox7 is expressed.
Which 2 patterns of evolution are found in the fossil record and may explain the diversification in the Phanerozoic?
Punctuated Equilibrium: periods of rapid change followed by long periods of stasis.
- Involves peripatric speciation
- ancestral species must coexist with the new species.
Phyletic Gradualism: morphospecies occur sequentially.
-evolution of ancestors without speciation (anagenesis)