Evolution of Offence Flashcards
Section 66 (1)
(a) actually commits offence
(b) omits an act of aiding any person
(c) abets any person
(d) incites, counsels or procures
Section 66(2)
2 or more persons form a common intention to prosecute any unlawful purpose and assist each other
each is a party to every offence committed…….. if known to have been a probable consequence
Parties - Need to prove
The identity of the defendant
The offence has been successfully comittted
The elements of the offence (s66(1)) have been satisfied
R v Renata
Where the principal offender cannot be identified, it is sufficient to prove that each individual accused must have been either the principal or party in one of the ways contemplated by s66(1)
Larkins v Police
While it is unnecessary that the principal should be aware that he or she is being assisted, there must be proof of actual assistance
R v Betts and Ridley
An offence where no violence is contemplated and the principal offender in carrying out the common aim uses violence, a secondary offender taking no physical part would not be held liable for the violence used
R v Russell
Actually commit the offence
Do or omit an act to aid the person
Abet any person
Incite, counsel or procure any person to commit