Evolution of brain and cognition Flashcards
Darwin theory of evolution (historical development of traits) is based on 3 main points:
1) Variation -> neck link
2) Heritability –> “natural selection”
3) Adeptness/natural selection (some traits survive other not ) -> selection pressure (pressure from the outside word)
a trait (brain structure) is of common descend
a trait (brain structure) is functionally similar but not derived from the same ancestors (wings in birds and bats)
Evolution of the brain –> Does size matters?
Brain size don’t really matter (cow brain is bigger) -> you should look at the relative size compared to the body (brain body allometry).
Ecological or foraging hypothesis
differences in the way animals get food
Social Machiavellian intelligence hypothesis
more complex social groups and social interactions the bigger the brain is
General intelligence hypothesis
new ways of foraging, species differences in social learning and innovation are linked to brain volume
Medieval misunderstanding
“Scala naturae” (hierarchy view over nature -> it doesn’t exists).
the objective study of behaviour. Animal emotions aren’t objectively observed -> pointless to discuss them.
Tinbergen’s four whys
- Evolution
- Function (survival rate)
- Development (ontology)
- Mechanism (causation of behaviour)
Cognitive ecology
one of the key idea is adaptive specialisation (some part of the body are more present in the brain)
Adaptive specialisation in cognition
good memory of where they stored food, difference in relative size of hippocampus between food storing birds and non-food storing birds.
Cognitive ecology of food-storing birds
food storers do not have superior spatial memory or larger hippocampus than no-storers
Evolutionary psychology
- Evolutionary considerations as explanation for human cognition
- Mind/brain has evolved as a result of selection pressures in the stone age
Wings in birds and bats is an example of a . Trait
Fruit eating bats having larger brain than insect-eating bath supports
the ecological hypothesis (way of species forages)
Cognitive adaptive specialization in food-storing birds is thought to be
improved spatial memory
Neural adaptation specialization is food-storing birds is thought to be
increased relative hippocampus size (attention between neural and cognitive level)
The mind has evolved as a result of selection pressures in the Pleistocene is an example of
evolutionary psychology