Evolution, natural selection and aggression Flashcards
Evolution by natural selection:
When does evolution happen
When genetic differences between organisms cause variation
Evolution by natural selection:
Why does the variation happen that causes evolution?
Variation happens because genes from our parents are combined, and also due to spontaneous mutations in genes
Evolution by natural selection:
What is the cause of some species dying and others living?
Genetic differences, those with better suited genes survive and are able to reproduce and pass on their genes to offsprings.
Evolution by natural selection:
Define natural selection
The ‘choosing’ done by the environment of individuals who can survive and reproduce successfully
- individuals are different from their predecessors
Evolution by natural selection:
When does natural selection happen
happens when theirs competition for scare resources
- genes that are most useful are retained in the population
- the outcome of this is adaption
Sexual selection:
define sexual selection
The influence of evolution acting on the success of reproduction
Sexual selection:
What does sexual selection explain
Explains why some creatures with characteristics that may seem disadvantous actually grant a survival advantage because the characteristics are attractive to potential mates
Sexual selection:
Give an example of an animal who has sexual selection
The male peacock – it’s tail may seem undesireable because it’s big appearance can attract predators, however it attracts females as it’s seen as a sign of genetic fitness
Evolution and aggression:
In humans, what would have enhanced survival and reproduction
Being able to protect yourself and protect your partner
Evolution and aggression:
What are some aggressive strategies men uses to gaurd their partner to keep them from ‘straying’ away.
Threatening any other possible ‘competition’
Trying to prevent unfaithfulness
Evolution and aggression:
What are some aggressive strategies men use to guard their offspring
Act aggressive towards other people or animals that threaten their offspring
This aggression has adapted because of the childs valuable genetic commodity
Researcher pointed out - protecting offsprings is the only time females act just as aggressive as males
Strength of the evolutionary theory:
What is a strength of the evolutionary theory
It can explain why males are more aggressive than females.
Strength of the evolutionary theory:
How is naturally selected aggression levels in males different to females
Less aggressive females who coorporate are more likely to be naturally selected, it helps protect themselves and their offspring as a group.
Males who are aggressive are more likely to be selected as they make better hunters
Strength of the evolutionary theory:
What is a study that shows this difference in aggression level
1991 study showed chimpanzees supports this pattern of gender differences
Strength of the evolutionary theory:
Why is this a strength
Explains gender differences in aggression today and increases the validity of the theory
Competing arguement of the strength of the theory:
What is a competing arguement to the strength of this evolutionary theory
Evolution is impossible to test directly, this is why most research is correlation research.
Competing arguement of the strength of the theory:
Example fo correlation research evolutionary research
Finding associations between mate retention behaviours and aggression
Competing arguement of the strength of the theory:
Why is using correlation research a weakness
Cannot establish a cause-and-effect relationship between variables as the variables are only measured and not manipulated
- can never rule out the effects of other factors on aggressive behaviour
Weakness of the evolutionary theory
What is a weakness of this evolutionary theory on aggression
there are cultural differences of aggressive behaviour
Weakness of the evolutionary theory
What study showed this
1967 study showed amongst the Kung San people aggression is discouraged from childhood, in contrast the Yanomami of Brazil have been ddescribed as ‘the fierce people’
Weakness of the evolutionary theory
What do these results show
That difference in aggression is not universal and that innately determined behaviour can be outweighed by social norms
Application to reproductive behaviour:
How can evolutionary theory help us understand human relationships.
It predicts that we should choose partners who will enhance our reproductive success
Application to reproductive behaviour:
How did a study support this idea that we pick partners for reproductive success
David Buss found;
Males prefered younger more attractive women, because they are likely to be more fertile
Females prefered older, wealthier more ambious men, because their children would be better supported
Application to reproductive behaviour:
what does this study show
predictions from the theory are upheld by evidence, increasing validity