Evolution and Diversity of Organisms Flashcards
Name the geological eons of evolution
What are the eras the phanerozoic eon covers?
Write the features of hadean eon
Origin of earth
Write the features of Archean eon
- oldest known rocks on earth’s surface
- oldest fossils of cells (prokaryotes) appeared
- concentration of atmospheric oxygen begins to increase
Write the features of Proterozoic eon
- diverse algae and soft bodied invertebrate animals appeared
- oldest fossils of eukaryotic cells appeared
write the features of Paleozoic era
- sudden increase in diversity of many animal phyla
- Marine algae becomes abundant, colonization of land by diverse fungi, plants and animals
- Diversification of vascular plants
- Diversification of early vascular plants
- Diversification of bony fishes, first tetrapods and insects appeared
- Extensive forests of vascular plants
- First seed plants appeared
- Amphibians dominated
- Origin and radiation of reptiles
- Origin of most present day groups of insects
- Extinction of many marine and terrestrial organisms
what species dominated in paleozoic era?
Amphibians dominated
what era did the “sudden increase in diversity of many animal phyla” occur?
paleozoic era
what era did “marine algae becomes abundant, colonization of land by diverse fungi, plants and animals” occur?
paleozoic era
what era did the “diversification of vascular plants” occur?
paleozoic era
which era did the “diversification of early vascular plants” occur?
paleozoic era
which era did the “ diversification of bony fishes, first tetrapods and insects appeared” occur?
paleozoic era
which era did the “extensive forests of vascular plants” appear?
paleozoic era
when did the “first seed plants” appear?
paleozoic era
when did the first origin and radiation of reptiles occur?
paleozoic era?
when did the origin of most present day groups of insects occur?
paleozoic era
when did the extinction of many marine and terrestrial organisms occur?
paleozoic era
Write the features of Mesozoic era
- cone bearing plants (gymnosperms) dominated
- dinosaurs evolved and radiated
- origin of mammals
- gymnosperms continued to be as dominant plants, dinosaurs dominated, abundant and diverse
- flowering plants (angiosperms) appeared and diversified, many organisms including dinosaurs become extinct
What were the dominant plants in mesozoic era?
in which era did cone bearing plants (gymnosperms) dominate?
mesozoic era
in which era did dinosaurs evolve and radiate?
mesozoic era
when did the origin of mammals take place?
mesozoic era
in which era did gymnosperms continue to be as dominant plants, and dinosaurs dominated, abundant and diverse?
mesozoic era
in which era did flowering plants (angiosperms) appear and diversified, and many organisms including dinosaurs became extinct?
mesozoic era
write the common features of Cenozoic era
- major radiation of mammals, birds and pollinating insects
- dominance of angiosperms increased and their radiation continued, radiation of most present day mammalian orders.
- origin of many primate groups, continued radiation of mammals and angiosperms, earliest direct human ancestors
- appearance of bipedal human ancestors
- origin of genus homo
which species dominated Cenozoic era?
when did the major radiation of mammals, birds and pollinating insects occur?
cenozoic era
when did dominance of angiosperms increase and their radiation continued, radiation of most present day mammalian orders occur?
cenozoic era
when did origin of many primate groups, continued radiation of mammals and angiosperms, earliest direct human ancestors occur?
cenozoic era
which era did appearance of bipedal human ancestors take place?
cenozoic era
when did the origin of genus homo occur
cenozoic era
What is evolution?
A change is genetic composition of a population from generation to generation (descent with modification) over a long period of time
How long can evolution take?
millions of years
what are the theories of evolution?
- theory of Lamarck
- Darwin- Wallace theory (theory of natural evolution)
- Neo-Darwinism