Evolution 3 Flashcards
A change in DNA
Genetically modified organisms
Genetic engineering
agriculture, Incas chose specific potatoes over 8,000 years and this developed 4000 strains of potato
Lateral transfer
A natural form of genetic modifiction
most in nuclei but some is mitochondria
4 bases
A,C,T, or G
Protein function
Transportation, nerve function, (pumps, channels, markers, and receptors), immunity
something that causes mutations (such as radiation or chemicals)
Can break or alter strands of DNA.
Point mutation
A single change to one point of a gene, insertion or deletion of a gene
replaces one base pair with another
Frameshift mutation
insertion or deletion of a gene
Reversal of a section of the DNA sequence
Sickle cell anemia
Mutation in the red blood cells that cause clogging in the capillaries, causing anemia and organ damage. Also gives an immunity to malaria
Homeotic (Hox) Gene
A gene which defines an area or region in the embryo
retaining juvenal features
Coevolution arms race
rough-skinned newts and snakes
a kind of family tree
Molecular clock
Putting time scales on family trees, assumes constant mutation rate.
fossil algal/bacterial reefs
organisms in amber are technically not fossilized since they are still intact
Fossil creation
- protected from being eaten, decayed, or eroded. 2. buried in sediment fine enough to preserve detail. 3. water is present at some point to replace organic matter with minerals
Fossil fuels
Form in peat bogs, ocean/lake beds, marshes, and swamps
Index fossils
Fossils that help tell a time period such as rodent teeth
Geologic age of earth
4.6 billion years
First life on earth
about 4 billion years ago
Creationist age of earth
6 thousand years
annual layers in sediment
Lake suigetsu, lake Sihailongwan
60,000 and 65,000 varves
Ice sheets
a different form of varve but still annual layers. Epica ice core has 800,000 varves
Radiometric dating
A form of dating that counts the number of particles shot from the nucleus of a radioactive atom for a given period of time.
half life of 5,730 years
C-14 dating
developed by Willard libby, limit is about 50,000 years
Potassium-argon dating (K-Ar)
half live of 1.25 billion years, this only works on igneous rock, more argon waste gas the older it is.
Sediment dating
lava flows or volcanic ash are crucial to give time period.
First hydrogen atoms
13.8 billion years ago
is the last stage of a star before exploding
Our solar system age
condensed from an explosion about 4.6 billion years ago
Alexander Oparin and J.B.S Haldane
proposed that early earth had a reducing atmosphere
Urey-Miller experiment
An experiment where they recreated an atmosphere with certain conditions and formed amino acids
Geologic timescale
broken up into eras (Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic)
4 billion to 600 million
600-250 million
250-65 million
65 million to now
Oldest fossils
by 2.5 billion years ago
Oxygen crisis
2 billion years ago caused visible oxidation in the rocks. Likely caused by cyanobacteria
First microbes
seemed to be anerobic organisms
first non-bacteria ancestors appeared after the oxygen crisis. = algae: 1.8 billion years old
Endo-symbiont hypothesis
Eukaryotes arose by absorbing aerobic prokaryotes or keeping them in colonies and their descendants are the mitochondria
Cambrian explosion
more diverse fossils popping into existence at the end of the pre-cambrian era 600 million years ago
700-600 million years ago, had soft bodies which made fossils hard to discover
Forests of the paleozoic
were mainly ferns, horsetail, and lycophytes which reproduced only with spores and not seeds
Paleozoic coal forests
the main source of coal deposits
Paleozoic plant sequence
mosses, then ferns and relatives, on to conifers as the first seed plants
only in marine deposits of paleozoic age
First animal with vertebrae
Last to appear
bony fish
First land animals
arthropods (insects & spiders) (early paleozoic)
first vertebrate animals on land
Two lineages of bony fish
Ray-finned fish (ancestor of most common day fish), Lobe-finned fish (our probable ancestor)
Late paleozoic
had definite amphibians
First reptiles
appeared in the last part of the paleozoic era
Permian extinciton
250 million years ago, largest mass extinction of all time