evolution Flashcards
Nasir al Din al Tusi
Carolus Linnaeus
taxonomy, classification of organisms
Georges Buffon
species are changing overtime
James Burnett
According to him, humans descended from primates.
Erasmus Darwin
introduce natural selection
Georges Curier
idea on extinction, the geological record is not coninuous due to extinction based on fossils of mammals
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
body parts of organisms leading to changes
Robert Edward Grant
Efienne Geolfoy Saint-Hidare
origin of plants and animals
belief that these formed from a single organism or common ancestor
Charles Lyell
inspiration to Charles Darwin
arrangement of tertiary period in geological time scale, chronology of tertiary period
Neanderthal discovery
skull and bones of neanderthal man was discovered in Germany
Alfred Russel Wallace
natural selection
first before charles but their discovery matched, in natural selection (different places)
Charles Darwin
descent of modification
origin of species
Ernst Haeckel
James Mark Baldwin
adaptability, idea on plasticity
James Mark Baldwin
adaptability, idea on plasticity
Conrad Hal Waddington
genetic assimilation
Julian Huxley
synthesized evolutionary ideas
Ernst Mayr
origin of species
deeper study of body processes and evolution
William Hamilton
inclusive fitness theory
Mary Jane West-Eberhard
development of plasticity