Evolution Flashcards
Who was the scientist who first conceived the theory of evolution?
Charles Darwin
What does evolution explain?
How organisms came into existence, how organisms become adapted to their environments, and why organisms share specific traits.
What are the four principles of life that evolution is based on?
Organism traits are heritable, Sometimes organisms have heritable traits that are new, Organisms traits determine how successful they will be (repro and survival), and Natural Environments have limited resources.
What does it mean that a trait is heritable?
Meaning that the trait is part of the genetic code and can be passed down to offspring, e.g. broken leg - not heritable, eye colour - heritable
What is the source of new heritable traits?
Genetic mutation
What must there be in a population for selection to occur?
Variation in a trait or set of traits
What does limited resources in an environment lead to?
Competition is that environment permitting only some organisms to successfully reproduce.
Does the evolution of a new species require the extinction of its ancestor?
no, new species can evolve from gradual changes in a branched off portion of a previous species
What is the process by which evolution occurs?
Natural Selection
What is the grouping of organisms based off?
Most recent shared common ancestors
What is a character, when talking about evolution?
any heritable trait that can be described and labeled
What is a shared derived character?
A character that is present in two or more groups and their common ancestor but is not present in previous groups
What is the technical term for shared derived character?
What is a Synapomorphy of Ornithiscians?
Predentary Bone
What is convergent evolution?
An event where two unrelated groups of organisms evolve the same character/trait.
When does convergent evolution usually occur?
When two lineages have to adapt to similar habitats/modes of life
What is the idea “all things held equal the simpler answer is the better answer” called?
Parsimony, or Occam’s razor
What are species family trees made from common traits called?
Phylogenetic trees
What are the components of phylogenetic trees?
Nodes and Branches
What is a node on a phylogenetic tree?
A point where two lineages share a common ancestor, a point where two branches diverge
What is a group that all shares a common ancestor called?
A clade
What are the categories of the Linnaean Hierarchy?
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
Why isnt the Linnaean Hierchy the best way to catergorize species anymore
More recent evidence has shown that some main groups, like fish, evolved before other groups, like mammals, but they are treated as the same in the Linnaean system.
Who was a close colleague of Darwin that was the first to say that birds evolved from dinosaurs?
Thomas Henry Huxley
Which specimen did Thomas Huxley use to prove the relationship between birds and dinosaurs?
What characters did Archeopteryx have that linked it to both birds and dinosaurs?
long wing feathers and tail feathers also had teeth, clawed fingers, and dinosaur vertebrae.
Why was Sinosauropteryx important in proving a dinosaur-bird relationship?
It was the first non-avian feathers dinosaur
What was characteristic of Yutyrannus?
Large Feathered Dinosaur
What are the four definitions for the clade of Birds?
Archeopteryx and all of its descendants. All feathered Dinosaurs. Flying Dinosaurs. Crown Dinosaurs
What is the problem with the archeopteryx and all of its descendants definition of birds?
Phylogenetic evidence suggests taht archeopteryx is more closely related to dromaeosaurid theropods than to modern birds
What is the problem with the feathered dinosaur definition of birds?
It includes a large number of species that we would consider dinosaurs and not birds.
What is the problem with the flying dinosaur definition?
It is difficult to determine which specimens could fly vs glide using the fossil record
What is the problem with the crown dinosaurs definition?
Fails to recognize many feathered and flying dinosaurs
Which bird definition is preferred by paelontologists?
The Crown Dinosaurs