evolution Flashcards
Distinguish between microevolution and macroevolution
LINK: Microevolution will eventually lead to macroevolution if given enough time
Microevolution :
•occurs due to a change in allele frequencies in a population over successive generations
•occurs over shorter periods of time(few generations)
•NO NEW species form
evidence (ans key)
1. Microevolution occurred over a few generations after the ancestral population with variation in beak
length arrived.
2. As beak lengths best adapted to the different food sources (fig.9.1) were selected for resulting in
changes to the allele frequencies within this ancestral species;
Hence microevolution occurred.
•occurs due to a change in allele frequencies in a population over successive generations
•occurs over longer periods of time (thousands/millions of generations)
•new species formed
1. Due to rising sea levels, more islands formed (fig.9.2), and geographical isolation of the ancestral
finch sub populations occurred that prevented interbreeding and hence disrupted gene flow;
2. the isolated subpopulations were subjected to genetic drift and accumulation of mutations* and
natural selection* and over many generations evolved independently into new species.
Hence macroevolution occurred;
What are the 5 agents of evolutionary change
(1) Natural selection(2)Disruption of gene flow(3)Mutations(4)Non-random mating(5)Genetic drift
5. genetic drift = random change in allele frequencies due to chance events
a. founder effect** – A small group of individuals separate from a larger population and establish a colony in a new location. Because the
founder individuals of the new colony are just a few, certain alleles are overrepresented or underrepresented. Thus,
genetic variation is usually reduced.
b. bottleneck effect – A population size is dramatically reduced** due to catastrophe and then rebounds (in size after a few generations). The
initial reduction leads to certain alleles being overrepresented** or underrepresented** among the survivors and even
though the population numbers may rebound to the original, genetic variation is usually reduced.
Explain the role of natural selection in evolution
(1) Overproduction of offspring: All organisms produce a large number of offspring. This can lead to an exponential increase in population size if all of the offspring survive
(2) Constancy of numbers: However the sizeof most populations stay relatively constant as many offspring die before they reach reproductive age
(3) Struggle for existence: This is because individuals of a species are constantly competing with each other for limited resources (eg:food, mates & shelter). Other factors such as disease and predators also impose a limit on the numbers
(4) Variation within a population: Individuals in a population differ from each other genetically(due to the presence of different alleles) and hence phenotypically. These variations, are a pre-requisite for evolution by natural selection
(5) Survival of the fittest by natural selection:Among the variety of individuals, some individuals will have favourable characteristics/phenotypes that are better adapted to the environment and will be selected for by the environment. They will be able to survive to reproductive age & produce viable, fertile offspring. Individuals less well adapted (i.e. with unfavorable characteristics) will be eliminated (i.e. selected against)
(6) Like produces like:Individuals with advantageous characteristics are likely to breed successfully and produce offspring similar to themselves. Thus alleles coding for these advantageous characteristics are passed onto the offspring and so the favourable allele frequencies will increase in the population(i.e. microevolution occurs)
(7) Formation of a new species:Over hundreds and thousands of generations, reproductive isolation can occur and a new species can form(i.e.macroevolution can occur)
Explain, with example, how environmental factors act as forces of natural selection
(black and white peppered moth)
Example: Black and white peppered moth
❖Before 1848i.e. before the industrial revolution
•there were 2 formsof peppered moths (Biston betularia), the lighter form and the melanic form
- there was a greater proportion of the lighter form than the melanic form
- the melanic form arose by spontaneous mutation
❖By 1895 (take note of time period)
•98%of all peppered moths in industrial areas were the melanic form
❖Variation (black and white peppered moths) exists in a population
- Lighter form of moths were well-camouflaged from predators when they landed on light coloured, lichen-covered tree barks.
Thus they had a selective advantage** and were selected for**. Hence their numbers increased.
❖Selection pressure***(predation by birds)
With industrialisation, lichen on bark of trees were killed. The darker coloured barks which were once covered with white lichen were now exposed.Thus lighter forms of moth became easy prey to birds& their numbers declined.The melanic form of moth were camouflaged against the darker coloured bark& thus proliferated.
❖Differential reproductive success**
❖Thus the melanic form of moths had a selective advantage *in polluted areas & frequency of alleles coding for melanic form increased and frequency of alleles coding for lighter form decreased. Microevolution occurred.
Note:It is incorrect to imply that industrialisation caused the melanic form of peppered moth to appear.The melanic form arose by spontaneous mutations** which existed before the industrial revolution.
Explain, with example, how environmental factors act as forces of natural selection
(e.g. antibiotics)
It is incorrect to imply that the antibiotics cause the bacteria to mutate into resistant strains. The resistant strains arose by spontaneous mutations or
gaining an antibiotic resistance gene via conjugation, transformation or transduction.
Sometimes a combination of antibiotics is given to a patient which act have different sites of action (e.g. prevent transcription or translation or
formation of peptidoglycan cell wall in bacteria). Bacteria that arise through mutations are unlikely to be resistant against all the antibiotics (as
chances of mutations occurring in a few genes in the same bacterium that make it antibiotic resistant to all the antibiotics is very small) and so
antibiotic resistance does not spread as the bacteria are killed by the combination treatment.
❖1940s: antibiotics first used to kill bacteria.
❖Variation (resistant and non-resistant bacterial strains) exists
❖Selection pressure (exposure to antibiotics)
❖Differential reproductive success
Antibiotics kill most of non-resistant bacteria. Resistant mutant strains survive.
Resistant mutant strains are selected for** as they have a selective advantage** in the presence of antibiotics.
These survive and pass on the allele for antibiotic resistance to offspring. Antibiotic-resistant allele frequency increases.***
Explain why the population is the smallest unit that can evolve [3m]
- Define population:
❖ A population is a group of interbreeding** individuals of the same species*
Natural selection acts on individuals in a population and results in the perpetuation of favourable characteristics** (determined by favourable alleles).
Thus favourable allele frequencies will increase over many generations. - Define microevolution:
❖ (Micro) Evolution is a measure of changes in allele frequencies* in a population over successive generations**
❖ Since a change in allele frequencies**
➔ can only be measured in a population over successive generations over time, and not an in an individual, the population is the smallest
unit that can evolve.
Define biological species
A species is a group of organisms capable of interbreeding* and producing fertile*, viable* offspring and are reproductively isolated** from other such groups
• Advantage:
Organisms being studied can be interbred to see if they produce fertile, viable offspring.
• Limitation:
This definition cannot be applied to asexually reproducing organisms and extinct species
whose breeding behavior cannot be observed.
Define genetic species
A species is a group of genetically* compatible interbreeding** organisms in a natural population that is genetically isolated **from other such groups
- organisms in a species have sufficient similarity in their DNA sequences and share the same number of chromosomes
• According to this species concept, different genetic species
- are genetically distinct and evolve independently of each other
- have undergone genetic changes that lead to behavioural changes or changes in the type of
pheromones produced that are associated with species recognition
Thus different genetic species do not interbreed** in nature.
• However, if two different genetic species are mated, it is possible to produce fertile, viable
offspring. Hence two genetic species can be GENETICALLY ISOLATED but NOT REPRODUCTIVELY ISOLATED. e.g. polar bear and grizzly bear
• Advantage:
Genetic data from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA to identify species can be unambiguous in
deducing evolutionary relationships.
• Limitation:
Technology required to study DNA sequences is relatively expensive.
Define ecological species / morphological species / phylogenetic
ecological :A species is a group of organisms sharing the same ecological niche*.
Morphological: A species is a group of organisms sharing similar body shape**, size* and other structural features*.
phylogenetic: A species is the smallest group of organisms** that share a most recent common ancestor** and can be distinguished from other such groups. They occupy a branch on a phylogenetic tree.
Define Niche [2m]
- place/habitat *where an organism lives;
- and roles* of an organism / interactions* with other organisms in its habitat and environment e.g.
predator-prey relationship, decomposer etc.;
Define species [3m]
(use biological species)
- a group of organisms of the same species are capable of interbreeding* and producing fertile**,
viable offspring*; - are reproductively isolated* from other species;
- have a common gene pool and same chromosome number;
- usually have similar morphological, physiological and behavioural features;
(pts 1&2 are compulsory)
What is gene flow and when does it occur?
Gene flow is the transfer of alleles** from one population to another, due to the movement of fertile individuals or their gametes.
If members of
a population migrate and interbreed* with members of another population, gene flow has occurred**.
concept: macroevolution
Explain how natural selection could have caused the evolution of the six closely related species in the primary radiation [3m]
- When lake first filled, ancestors of Tropheus occupied new niches;
2. and became geographically isolated* (A:a reproductive barrier formed). Sub-populations of ancestral
fish were prevented from interbreeding and gene flow was disrupted***;
3. Different environments/niches presented different selection pressures** and so individuals with
favourable traits and were best adapted had a selective advantage and were selected for, which led
to an increasing frequency of favourable alleles**;
4. As the different sub populations evolved independently** of each other, their allele frequencies changed
as they accumulated different genetic mutations, and were subjected to genetic drift and natural
Over a long period of time this led to reproductive isolation* and formation of 6 distinct
but closely related species (i.e. macroevolution occurred);
Take note of change in phrasing of qn
concept: microevolution
Suggest how the lowering of the water level in the lake to form three separate lake basins could have
caused the evolution of so many subspecies. [2]
- Lowering of water level to form 3 separate lake basins that are geographically isolated* will allow
subpopulations to evolve independently as gene flow is disrupted*; - Lower water level also created new niches** that presented different selection pressures* and so fishes
with favourable traits/better adapted and hence a selective advantage* were selected for, increasing
frequency of favourable alleles; - As different sub populations of fishes evolved independently* of each other, their allele frequencies
changed as they accumulated different genetic mutations, and were subjected to genetic drift* and
natural selection*. Hence they eventually became different sub species. (i.e. microevolution occurred);
!!!!!!!!!!!!R: reproductive isolation because they are still the same species
Describe briefly why these four ecomorphs have such different adaptations despite all the
species of Anolis lizards in these ecomorphs being closely related. [3]
(take note of variation in questions of the same concept)
1. Random mutations which resulted in new alleles as well as sexual reproduction, meant
that there was variation* in size, leg length, size of toepads, tail length and colour in the
population of lizards;
SELECTION PRESSURE : (in this case since question gave a figure with the different ecologies and structural adaptations; describe how the traits are selected for)
2. The different habitats had different selection pressures, possibly the availability of
insects (food) (briefly explain:) in different sections of the tree /or presence of ground-based predators that
the lizards need to escape from resulted in selection of different leg lengths or toe pads; or
possibly the different size and colour of lizards allowed them to be better camouflaged and
they could hide from predators/ catch prey more easily(Give at least one context specific
3. The lizards that were best adapted to a particular habitat/ part of the tree survived were
selected for* and survived and reproduced and passed on their alleles* their offspring;
4. Over time frequency of alleles responsible for the various favourable adaptations in the 11
species of lizard, increased resulting in the 4 ecomorphs with different adaptations;
Give a named example of physiological isolation
type of speciation: sympatric
- Two species of palms in Lord Howe island, Howea forsteriana and Howea belmoreana One palm species grows in calcareous soil* while the other grows in volcanic soil* in close proximity* to each other but they flower at different times.
- a difference in flowering time
occurred in ancestral palms
growing in different soil types - arose as a physiological response* to growing on different soil - prevented interbreeding between the 2 subpop
- disruption of gene flow resulted in evolutionary changes occurring independently within each subpop from accumulation of mutation as well as change in allele frequencies through genetic drift and natural selection
- over 100 and 1000s of successive generations, each sub pop becomes genetically distinct species
- reproductively isolated and unable to interbreed to form fertile viable offspring
Give a named example of behavioural isolation
type of speciation: sympatric
Eastern meadowlark and the western meadowlark Although the regions where both species can be found overlap in the central United States, they do not mate due to a differences in their bird call**
the emergence of a new bird
call such that birds only
mated with other birds with a
similar call
Define speciation
types of speciation
process by which one or more new species arise from a previously existing species
Allopatric speciation and sympatric speciation
Evidence for allopatric:
1. The 3 Carribean islands are geographically isolated* as they are surrounded by water
that acts as a physical barrier that prevented interbreeding. This resulted in the disruption
of gene flow;
2. The islands due to their differing habitats / environments/ niches, presented different
selection pressures ;
3. that resulted in ancestral lizards with the best adapted size/leg length/tail length as seen in
Fig.9.1, surviving and reproducing which eventually led to different reproductively
isolated* species in the 3 different islands over time as seen in Fig 9.2;
evidence for sympatric:
1. A reproductive barrier formed in the ancestral lizards of the twig and canopy ectomorphs
that lived in the trees (as seen in Fig.9.1) which disrupted gene flow***** and prevented
interbreeding between the two subpopulations;
2. In Jamaica, the 2 sub populations evolved independently and the best adapted survived
and reproduced until the differences between them became so great that speciation
occurred (as seen in Fig.9.2) leading to the formation of the twig and canopy ectomorphs;