Evidence: The Economy Flashcards
Role of the forum, trade, commerce, industries, occuptations
Size and Nature of Commerce
- a market town for the sale of agricultural produce and an industrial centre for small-scale businesses
- Not a manufacturing/trading and commercial town
- Had food, wine, and goods shops to cater to the needs of the local population
Shops and business establishments: Pompeii
- Public buildings concentrated within the Forum served commercial and political purposes
- Private shops extend to the north-west of the Forum along the main decumanus, but were also interspersed with residences
- Most small private shops were associated with either workshops or the sale of food and drinks
- The Thermopolium of Vetutius Placidus in the via dell’Abbondanza had a lararium (private shrine)
Shops and business establishments: Herculaneum
- A porticoed courtyard with shops and commerce appears to have been largely limited to the provision of food and clothing
- Numerous shops including a bakery, thermopolia, and taverns served the needs of the local population
- Residential and commercial activity often coexisted in the same building. The House of Neptune and Amphitrite had a shop annexe on the ground floor and accommodation on the second storey
- Goods sold in shops were sometimes made on the premises or sometimes bought from other local merchants or foreign traders.
- Food was sold in shops and the provision market, or in street stands at fixed locations by wandering vendors
Herculaneum: coexistence of residential and commercial activities
House of Neptune and Amphitrite
Ground floor was a shop annexe containing olive oil and garum containers. Upper floor was an accommodation unit.
Organisation of commercial activity: Pompeii
- Most shops had an area of ~3 sqm, with only enough room for 1-2 people behind the counter
- Shops were located in most insulae, but along the via dell’Abbondanza there was a particularly high concentration of them.
- Some shops were set into the walls of large houses, exemplifying the ambiguous segregation of commercial and residential space in Pompeii.
- Prof. Andrew Wallace-Hadrill said there was “no real attempt at commercial segregation or concentration beyond the tendency of shops to line the main roads” in the via dell’Abbondanza
- Like in Herculaneum, a building could be subdivided for shops on the lower storey and residence for merchants or businessmen on the upper storey
Olive oil production*
- An important local industry for local consumption and export - used for perfumes, cooking, lighting, bathing
- Large olive groves were located outisde the city on the rocky sides of the mountain
- Local volcanic rock were used as olive crushers, and most farms had their own presses and vats for the production of olive-oil
* The Villa Rustica had an olive press
* Cato’s Agriculture stated that Pompeian presses, called trapeta, were built of lava stone and were the highest in quality
* The House of Neptune and Amphitrite’s interior shop annexe contains olive oil containers
Mild climate + volcanic soil = fertile region, yielding 3 crops a year
Land was divided into agricultural estates belonging to freeborn men - landholding and agriculture was considered a very respectable and admirable way of earning a living
1. Luxury villas
2. Villa rusticas (working farms) - owners did not live there year-round
3. Farmhouses - farmers lived + worked there for entire year
* The Garden of the Fugitives: uncovering fossilised root systems → grape vines, olive trees, fruit trees
* Carbonised pollen grains seeds, and roots have been found around the city → identified olives, walnut, almond, pear, apple, and fig
Herculaneum: NOTHING
How archaeologists determined the crops in Pompeii
- Carbonised pollen grains, seeds, and roots have been found around the city → identified olives, walnut, almond, pear, apple, and fig
- Plaster casts of vine root system cavities by Professor Wilhelmina Jashemski established the presence of vineyards in Pompeii and at villas like the villa at Boscoreale
- Prof. Jashemski estimated that market gardens took up 10% of urban areas, mostly concentrated around the southeastern part. Shows that divisions between the city and rural area was not extremely pronounced
Villa Boscoreale vineyard
- Investigated by Professor Wilhelmina Jashemski using plaster casts of root systems
- Had a wine storage area, dining room, and vineyard with evidence of 195 vine stakes and 300 vine cavities.
- Important for the import and export market
- Made from mackerel, sardines, tuna, or anchovies
* Pliny the Elder described Pompeii’s garum as “excellent”
* Labelled garum containers have been found, such as at the House of Neptune and Amphitrite
* Salt works were located on the coastal road between Pompeii and Herculaneum
Metalworkers made hammers, compasses, pots, jugs, altars, spoons, and plates of silver. Materials included iron, copper, bronze, silver, and gold.
Had 12+ metal workshops with specialised tools.
* House of the Vettii shows scenes of metalworking
* Marble relief shows copeprsmiths at work
* Fresco from the House of Quadrighe shows the Forge of Vulcan
Herculaneum: NOTHING
Pottery was manufactured locally.
Pompeian pottery was red in colour.
* Fresco from Hospitium dei Pulcinella depicts 4 potters and a female assistant
* A wall painting shows potters using simplekick wheels and a figure of Vulcan
* There is a potential potter’s workshop with 2 kilns in Herculaneum.
- Local volcanic rock made high-quality millstones which were also exported.
- Archaeologists have determined the type of bread made by examining carbonised remains discovered in ovens from the day of the eruption.
The highest concentration of bakeries in Pompeii was east of the Forum, near/on Via degli Augustali. Bakeries with mills were concentrated in the north where it was easier to bring grain in from rural farms.
At least 33 bakeries in Pompeii
- Fresco in the House of the Baker shows a bread shop with round bread loaves being served
- Bakery of Modestus contained 81 loaves of bread sealed in the oven - 8-segment round loaf
- The Bakery of Sextus Patulcus Felix has millstones that were turned by small donkeys whose remains were found nearby.
Vineyards and Wine
- Wine industry was the principal source of income
- Vineyards were largely owned by the wealthy because poor landowners couldn’t be sustained by long wait times between planting and harvest, and presses were costly
- Wine was kept in dolia buried in the ground
- According to Pliny, the 2 best wines were the Vesuvinum and the Pompeianum
- No conclusive evidence of export beyond Campania
* Wilhelmina Jashemski took plaster casts of vine root systems in the ground
* Villa Rustica at Boscoreale → plaster casts of vineyards, with 195 vine stakes and 300 vine cavities
* Found a 2000 grape vine vineyard for commercial production inside Pompeii
* Smaller vineyards found adjoining the Inn of Euxinus and the Inn of the Gladiators
Herculaneum: NOTHING
A local primary industry
* Remains of the fish market in the macellum → drainage system and a long bench
* House of the Ephebus: fresco of fish
* Fish hooks, nets, a large wooden boat
Cloth Manufacture
Wool Industry, Dyers, Feltmaking
- Textile work was concentrated east of the Forum
- Officinae Ianifricariae - where fabric is produced
- Officinae Tinctoriae - where farbic is dyed
- Fresco of dyers and feltmakers in a workshop in Pompeii
- Fresco from the Fullonica of Veranius Hypeaeus showing the brushing of wool cloth and fabric whitening through sulphurised fumigation, referencing Minerva (protector of the companies of wool merchants)
- The workshop of Ubonius had a bronze boiler, 12 furnaces, and a supply of different coloured dyes in bottles
- Wall paintings in the shop of M. Vecilius Verecundus show workers making felt while others sell felt slippers and blankets
- loom weights have been found in wealthy houses = cloth making was a key part of life
Cleaning and processing newly woven cloth:
1. Treading on cloth in tubs of earth, potash, soda and urine (collected in pots at the fuller’s door for passers-by to use)
2. Water was piped from town aqueduct to wash the cloth
3. Clothes hung in laundry terraces to dry in sun and wind
4. Clothing was folded while still damp and put under a press to dry
* The Fullonica of Stephanus: had a washing area with a peristyle garden. A number of tanks, basins, troughs and vats found
* Fresco of slaves washing clothes by treading in bowls of urine
Herculaneum: NOTHING
Ideally positioned for trade
* harbour facilities gave access to Mediterranean shipping
* the Sarno River gave access to the smaller towns of Campania
* luxury villas around the Bay of Naples could be reached by boat or road
* Pompeian producers traded there wares with negotiatores in exchange for goods from other regions of the empire
* Very localised
* Workshop production was at a small scale = not many goods were made solely for export
Primary exports
* wine, olive oil, garum → evidenced by Pompeian wine being found in the UK, and Pompeian red slip ware pottery found in Greece, North Africa, Italy, Germany, and Britain
* Pompeians imported a limited range of goods
* Tableware from Gaul, Italy, and Cyprus
* Olive oil from Libya and Spain
Had an economy that served local needs - no trade (or at least no information WHAT IS MS REN TEACHING US NOTHINGGGG)
General Pompeii Forum Stuff
Role of the forum
- Political, commercial, religious centre
- An open rectangular area of 620 square metres
- Around the sides of the Forum were 40 statues of gods, distringuished citizens, emperors
At the forurm:
* People met and gossiped
* Listened to political debates
* Attended the weekly market
* Bickered over purchases (???? stupid)
* Watched religious ceremonies
* Listened to musical debates (musical debates….????)
* Caught up on the latest news
The macellum
Role of the forum
- The Macellum was a covered market where townspeople purchased food
- It was built during the Augustan age.
- There was a central room acting as a shrine dedicated to the imperial household.
- The left room was for sacrificial banquets and the right room was the fish market (it had a long stone counter and a drainage system).
- There is a fresco indicating the types of provisions sold (fish)
* The macellum would have functioned as a major economic and social hub.
* As the macellum accommodated the fish market, it would have been central to facilitating Pompeii’s marine agricultural industry, providing a major source of income for the city.
Granai del Foro/Forum holitorium/Grain stores
- Originally a market. It opened out onto the Forum
- The walls showed no signs of ever being plastered, evidencing that it was incomplete at the time of the eruption.
- Filled with amphorae.
* It was a market where people could buy cereals, herbs, and dried pulses.
The Building of Eumachia
Role of the forum
- A majestic and elegant building with a marble frieze above the portal. The building has 2 inscriptions, one on the marble column and another on the rear entrance in Via dell’Abbondanza. The inscriptions attribute the building to Eumachia, a priestess of Venus who owned a wool business: “Eumachia, a public priestess, built at her own expense the chalcidicum, the porticus, and the crypto.”
- Inside the entrance, a small room is located that was used as a urinal. Urine was collected to bleach material in the manufacturing process.
- Statue of Eumachia - indicates that she was extremely wealthy and powerful
* Seat of the Corporation of wool and cloth manufacturers.
* The building commemorated Emperor’s bloodline for cult worship: Aeneas, Romulus, jlius Caesar, Emperor Augustus. This shows Eumachia’s wealth and status.
* May have served both commemorative and commercial functions.
The mensa ponderaria
- the location that stored the standard weights and measures, which were used to ensure the effective selling of the correct weight or amount of produce by shopkeepers and traders.
- It consists of nine round holes in a limestone block in the outer wall of the Temple of Apollo, and produce was weighed in the cavity and removed through holes below the counter.