Evidence - Sem 4 Flashcards
What is a clinical trial? (4)
Any form of planned experiment which involves patients and is destined to explain the most appropriate method of treatment for future patients with a given medical condition.
Describe the purpose of a clinical trial. (5)
Provide reliable evidence of the:
- efficacy - ability of the intervention to improve health under gold standard conditions.
- safety - the ability of an intervention to not cause harm under gold standard conditions.
Describe the inclusion criteria of a study. (1)
Characteristics that place an individual in the experimental group.
Describe the exclusion criteria of a study. (1)
Characteristics that would prevent an individual from takin part in the study.
Explain the difference between primary and secondary outcomes. (4)
A primary outcome is the main thing you’re investigating and is used to calculate sample size. This needs to be pre-determined so you can write the aims of the study.
A secondary outcome is a different outcome of interest, often occurrence of side effects. This can be written later based on what you find out.
Describe the three types of outcome that can come out of a clinical trial. Give an example for each. (6)
Pathophysiological - tumour size
Clinically defined - death
Patient-focused - quality of life.
Give 5 examples of baseline data you might need to collect on your participants for further research later. (5)
Age Gender Previous experience Other drugs Other disease states
Define clinical equipoise. (4)
The state in which one should exist to be able to conduct a clinical trial: genuinely not knowing which treatment option in a trial is better. This is because testing new drugs could cause harm, so you have to believe that it could be a new amazing drug to make it worth the risk.
Describe the stages in drug development. (10)
Pre-clinical lab studies: testing on cell cultures and animals.
I - volunteers: pharmacokinetics/-dynamics, side effect testing on 100 healthy volunteers.
II - treatment studies: effect, dose, side effect testing on 1000 patients.
III - clinical trials: comparison with standard treatment on 10,000 patients.
IV - surveillance: potential new use analysis and monitoring while rolled out to the whole population.
Why are clinical trials randomised? (4)
Minimises allocation bias - equal chances of being in each group.
Minimises confounding - groups should end up similar in size and characteristics by chance (known and unknown confounders).
Describe ways of executing non-randomised clinical trials. (3)
Location - Hospital 1 gets drug 1.
Numerical order - first 1000 patients get drug 1.
Historical - everyone gets drug 2 now and we compare to the people who got drug 1 last year.
Describe the flaws with using a historical, non-randomised clinical trial. (2)
The standard treatment group (in the past) might not have been treated as standard because they weren’t in a trial at the time, and it might have more confounders that weren’t adjusted for.
Define open label allocation and describe the effects of this. (4)
When both the doctor and the patient knows which drug they are getting.
Can lead to:
- behaviour effects - patients change their behaviour
- non-treatment effects - clinicians change their behaviour
- measurement bias - clinicians change the way results are taken / recorded.
Explain the three types of blinding. (6)
Single - one out of clinician, patient (normally me) and researcher doesn’t know what group people are in.
Double - two don’t know (normally clinician and patient)
Triple - three don’t know (rare because researcher often is clinician).
Give 5 examples of where blinding can be difficult. (5)
Surgical procedures.
Psychotherapy vs antidepressant medications
Alternative (acupuncture) vs Western drugs
Lifestyle interventions (exercise) vs drugs
Prevention programs.
Describe the features in which a placebo must match the active drug. (6)
Size Taste Texture Dose regime Warnings Appearance
Explain the two main ethical issues surrounding placebos. (4)
To give an inactive placebo, there must be no other available drug, because it is unethical to leave patients without treatment.
Patients must be aware of the possibility if receiving a placebo to take part in the trial with informed consent.
Describe the two types of losses to follow up seen in clinical trials. (2)
Appropriate - their condition necessitates their removal from the trail.
Unfortunate - the patient chooses to withdraw.
Explain 4 ways to minimise the loss to follow up. (4)
Make the follow-up practical and minimise inconvenience
Be honest initially about commitments
Avoid coercion or inducements
Maintain contacts with participants.
Give 5 examples of reasons that a patient might give to not comply with their treatments. (5)
Misunderstanding Dislike Ineffectivity Alternative treatments Laziness
Describe 4 methods for increasing compliance to treatments. (4)
Simplify instructions
Ask about adherence
Ask about effects and side effects
Monitor adherence if possible - tablet count, urine levels.
Describe an “as treated trial”. (2)
Explain why this is not ideal. (4)
Analyses only those who completed follow-up and complied fully with treatments.
Negates the effects of randomisation because non-compilers are likely to be systematically different to compilers, creating selection bias. Also tends to give unrealistic large sizes of effect.
Describe an “intention to treat” trial. (2)
Explain why this is better than an “as treated” trial. (3)
Analysis completed according to group allocation regardless of whether the patient adhered or completed follow up.
Preserves the effects of randomisation, is more realistic to general practice, and gives more realistic ideas of effect.
Explain the concept of a scientifically robust clinical trial. (3)
Actually will get a reasonable answer to a question that needs answering while maintaining patient health and study reliability.
Explain the concept of inappropriate inclusion. (4)
The inclusion of communities unlikely to benefit in the long run (eg testing on people who can’t afford the drugs), or those at increased risk anyway (eg pregnancy, other diseases).
Explain the concept of inappropriate exclusion. (4)
The exclusion of communities that are difficult to get informed consent from (eg the elderly, the mentally ill - they’re still people you still have to include them), and the exclusion of people who differ from your “ideal” group (eg women, non-whites).
Explain what it means if a trial is voluntary. (2)
Give two categories of things that could compromise this, and give examples in each. (4)
Free to withdraw at any time and without repercussions.
Coercion - non-access to “best” treatment.
Manipulation - exploitation of state, distortion of info.
Define collective ethic. (2)
All patients should have treatments tested for efficacy and safety.
Describe the pillars of individual ethic, and explain why clinical trials could be seen to be going against these ideas. (8)
Beneficence (no guaranteed benefit), non-maleficence (can cause harm), autonomy (chance), justice (benefits and burdens random).
Explain the difference in confidence intervals worked out using relative risk data and absolute risk data. (2)
Relative risk makes the null hypothesis = 1
Absolute risk makes the null hypothesis = 0.
Describe the hierarchy of evidence types.
Most reliable Systematic reviews of randomised trials Randomised control trials Non-randomised control trials Observational studies - case control, cohort, cross sectional Case studies Expert opinion Lease reliable
List 4 common critique criteria for randomised control trials. (4)
Blinding appropriate?
Intention to treat analysis?
Randomised appropriately?
Appropriate inclusion and exclusion criteria?
Explain the purpose of the Cochrane Collaboration. (3)
To act as a worldwide meta analysis that is able to review and collate all the evidence, where the overall confidence interval and p value can be presented, which are both normally tiny.
Describe the flaws in using RCTs in all “good” sources of evidence. (3)
Not everything needs a RCT to show its effectiveness (eg blood after a haemorrhage)
Not everything can be tested with a RTC (eg smoking)
Not every question has been around long enough to get many RTCs on it to meta analyse yet.
Explain the PICOS method for searching PubMed. (5)
Patient group or population Investigations or interventions considered Control Outcomes considered Study design
Describe a systematic review. (2)
A systematic review used to summaries and communicate large quantities of research on a similar topic.
Describe a meta-analysis. (2)
A quantitative synthesis of the results of two or more primary studies that addressed the same hypothesis in the same way. Basically combines evidence.
Explain a situation where a systematic review may not include a meta-analysis. (2)
If the clinical heterogeneity is too great - eg if that particular meta-analysis was too different to the others included.
Explain the point of a meta-analysis. (3)
Facilitate the collection and collation of a large number of study results.
To reduce problems in interpretation due to sampling variation.
To quantify the size of effect and uncertainty as a pooled estimate.
Describe the quality criteria of meta-analysis. (4)
The complete set of studies
Identification of the common variable between studies
Standardised methods of data extraction
Analysis allowing for variation.
Explain how confidence intervals are pooled. (2)
Each confidence interval is weighted according to how big it is (smaller CI = more weight).
Describe a forest plot. (10)
Each study’s odds ratio is indicated by a box. The size of the square represents the weight given to that study.
Each study has a horizontal line indicating the confidence interval.
The Y axis is the null hypothesis (an odds ratio of 1 normally)
The X axis is the odds ratio.
The diamond is the pooled estimate, with the centre (with the dotted line) representing the pooled odds ratio and the width of the diamond representing the pooled confidence interval.
Describe 3 problems with meta-analysis. (4)
Heterogeneity between studies (fixed effect model vs random effects model)
Variable quality of the studies
Publication bias in the selection of the studies.
Describe the two models of variation. (5)
The fixed effect model assumes that all studies are estimating the same “true effect”.
The random effects model assumes that the studies are estimating similar but not the same “true effect” value, making the really “true effect” value the “true mean effect”
Describe the differences in measuring odds ratio, confidence interval and weighting of studies in the different models of variation. (3)
Odds ratio - similar in both.
Confidence interval - wider in the random effects model.
Weighting - more equal in the random effects model (more weight given to smaller studies).
Describe how a forest plot would change if the variable was continuous rather than a measured effect. (3)
The Y axis of the forest plot sits at 0 on the X axis rather than 1, because the null hypothesis becomes mean difference (where null would be no difference) rather than odds ratio (where no difference would be 1:1).
Describe how variation between studies can be assessed. (5)
Sub group analysis is used to explain heterogeneity:
Study characteristics - year of publication, length of study, % female
Participant profile - where data is analysed separately by type of participant - male female, adult child.
Describe three things that a study can have low quality due to. Indicate which is the hardest to measure (*). (4)
Poor study design.
Poorly designed protocols
Poorly followed protocols. *
List four study designs in an order of susceptibility to bias. (6)
Randomised control trials - least susceptible to bias.
Non-randomised control trials
Cohort studies
Case control studies - more susceptible to bias
Describe the two approaches to helping to combat bias or low study quality. (5)
1 - define a basic quality standard and only accept studies that meet that eg Cochrane Reviews only include RTCs.
2 - score each study for quality then:
- incorporate the score into the weighting so higher quality studies have more weight.
- use sub-group analysis to investigate differences in study quality.
Describe characteristics that can be used to assess the quality of a study. (5)
Allocation method eg randomisation.
Blinding and outcome assessment
Patient drop out - ideally less than 10% and “intention to treat”
Appropriate statistical analysis.
Describe the concept of publication bias and explain the effect that this has. (5)
Studies with statistically significant or “favourable” results are more likely to get published (especially relevant with size of study).
Any systematic review or meta-analysis is therefore flawed because they are biased to the demonstration of any effect.
Describe a Funnel Plot. (4)
Plots 1 / standard error on the Y
Log (odds ratio) on the X
Plots the results for each of the study results as a point on the graph. Should fit a funnel shape with the wide edge on the X axis.
Describe a biased funnel plot. (2)
Describe an unbiased funnel plot. (2)
Biased = gaps in the funnel shape - not symmetrical. Unbiased = no gaps and symmetrical.