WORKPLACE- Equality and Human Rights Commission
Found that 91% of white males are in full time employment compared to only 61% of Bangladeshi males.
WORKPLACE- Modood and Berthoud
Investigated household income by ethnic group.
Key finding was the extent of poverty among Pakistani and Bangladeshi.
Caribbean, Indian and African Asian households were all more likely than whites to experience poverty.
Chinese were close to white households in terms of experience of poverty.
Later data led him to name Pakistani and Bangladeshi households among the social groups most likely to experience poverty.
WORKPLACE- Heath and Yi Cheung
Carried out research to find out the extent of the ethnic penalty in the UK (the disadvantage faced by ethnic minorities in the labour market compared with British whites of the same age and similar human capital).
They concluded that Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Caribbean were more likely to experience the ethnic penalty.
Also first generation migrants may have experienced a greater ethnic penalty than second generation groups.
Found that ethnic minority applicants still face major discrimination in the job market. CVs from six different candidates, who were given traditionally White, Black African and Muslim names, were sent to 50 well known firms covering a representative sample of jobs. They were all given the same standard of qualifications and experience.
o White candidates were far more likely to be offered an interview compared to Black and Asian names.
o Almost a quarter of applications by two White candidates resulted in interview offers, but only 9% of the ‘Muslim’ applications promoted a similar response.
o Letters from Black candidates received a 13% success rate.
58% of White pupils achieved 5 or more GCSEs at grades A*-C, compared with 48% of Black pupils and 51% of Pakistani pupils.
EDUCATION- Furthermore…
46% of 18 year old Whites achieved one or more AS-Levels compared with 40% of Blacks and 36% of Pakistani/Bangladeshis.
Ethnic minorities make up 16% of undergraduates at UK universities, which is nearly double their share of the population. However, they are more likely to enter less prestigious new universities, they are more likely to drop out and they are less likely to finish their degree.
MASS MEDIA- Rothon and Heath
Rise in prejudice since 2001 has been fuelled by hostile newspaper coverage of immigration and asylum seekers.
Agrees with Rothon and Heath that representations of ethnic minorities in the media are symbolic of a new type of prejudice which highlights ‘cultural difference’.
It suggests that traditional White British culture in under threat from ethnic minority culture because they are allegedly not committed to integration with their white neighbours.
MASS MEDIA- Rothon and Heath (Islamophobia)
Although many UK papers urged readers not to link Islam and terrorism, numerous articles have still made the connection. This could be the reason for a rise in ‘Islamophobia’ which is unfounded hostility and prejudice towards Islam, and therefore fear and dislike towards Muslims.
CRIME- Lord Macpherson
His report into the murder of the Black teenager by white teenagers in the 90’s concluded that the London Metropolitan police were guilty of institutional racism. They came to this conclusion because, for example, when the police arrived they failed to understand that Stephen had been murderer because he was black. They also assumed that black people near the site of the killing were suspects rather than witnesses.