HOUSING- Office of National Stats
For larger employers/higher managerial occupations, 77% owned houses with mortgages and 2% rented from the social sector, compared to those who had never worked/long term unemployed, with 2% owning houses with a mortgage and 73% renting from the social sector.
INCOME- Office of National Stats
Managers earn an average of £42,000 and work for an average of 39 hours a week. However, skilled trade occupations earn an average of £21,000 but work an average of 42 hours a week.
INCOME- Between 1979 and 1997…
The average income rose by 36%. But the top 10% of earners experienced a 62% rise, whilst the poorest 10% experienced a 16% decline.
INCOME- In 2000…
those in the service class (professional and managerial) earned well above average national wage, whereas every group of manual workers (skilled and un-skilled) earned well below the average national wage.
INCOME- Roberts
The upper/middle class occupations generally fix their own salaries. They also supplement their salaries with other financial incentives, such as bonuses and profit sharing deals. However, middle class occupations can negotiate their salaries but the vast majority of lower-middle class and working class occupations either have to negotiate collectively as part of trade unions or are told how much they earn.
60% of students from managerial backgrounds achieved five or more GCSEs whereas only 16% achieved the same from unskilled manual backgrounds. Ten years later these figures increased to 76% and 32% relatively.
- Argues that most studies of meritocracy recognise that education is the prime engine of social mobility. Also he highlighted that whilst only about 7% of all children are educated at private schools, 45% of Oxbridge places are occupied by children from private schools. This is clearly disproportionate.
EDUCATION- Sutton Trust
Ranked the success of schools at getting their pupils into Oxbridge.
o Westminster Public School got 50% of their students in Oxbridge, however charges annual fees of around £25,000.
o There were 27 private schools among the top 30 schools at getting pupils in Oxbridge.
EDUCATION- Old boys network…
ensures important and valuable social contacts for years to come. This is the most influential pathway to the prizes of top jobs and super-salaries.
HEALTH- Healthcare Commission (life expectancy)
life expectancy during 1997/99 shows that men in the highest social class live for an average of 7.4 years longer than men in the lowest social class, the difference for women being 5.7 years.
HEALTH- Healthcare Commission (cancer)
Cancer mortality and cancer survival rates show strong gradients by social class and deprivation. Eg. The five year survival rate for breast cancer is higher among women in affluent areas compared to women in deprived areas.
HEALTH- Bottero (socio-economic gradient)
There is a strong socio-economic gradient to almost all pattern of health and disease. The lower your socio-economic position, the greater your risk of low birthweight, infections, cancer, heart disease and mental illness.
HEALTH- Bottero (occupational hazards)
Specific occupational hazards are linked to particular manual jobs which increase the risk of accidental injury, exposure to toxic materials and pollution. Also, poorer people are more likely to live in area where there are more hazards, such as traffic and pollution, and there will be fewer safe areas to play.