Evidence Based Dentistry Revision Questions Flashcards
How to reduce bias
double blinding
What is the type of bias would blinding prevent
selective bias
Role of epidemiology
assess peoples risk of disease
study of cases/determinants of disease
measurement of amount and distrubition of disease
health care needs assessment and service planning
development of preventitve programme
number of disease cases in a population at a given time
estimates obtained from cross sectional studies
number of new disease cases developing over a speicfic period of time in a defined population
estimates obtained from longitudinal studies
absolute risk difference
difference in risk between groups and creates a confidence interval
overlap 0 = insufficient evidence
number needed to treat
number of patients you would need to treat to prevent one patient developing the disease
1/absolute risk difference
risk ratio
overlap 1 = insuffiecent evidence
Confidence interval
shows how confident you can be with an estimate - narrower the CI the better
What is P-value
how likley to get a result like this if the null hypothesis was true
if null hypothesis was true, simpling variation would produce an estimate that is further away from the hypotheisis value
P value <0.05 - significant effect - reject null hypothesis
Larger P value - do not reject null hypothesis 0 insufficient eveidence
Highest level of evidence study
Cochrane review (systemic review and meta analysis) Systemic review of all RCTS
Social Prescribing
health professionals link patients to support in the community to improve health and wellbeing
Null hypothesis
general statement suggesting no statisitical significance in set of data
Cohort study
participtants recruited to study and followed up over time
Incidence and causes of disease
participtants allocated by chance to different interventions and following up
Standards to improve reporting
Key features of RCT
Inculsion/exclusion criteria
Case series report
description of medical history of one or more patients
lacks control group
Cross sectional
oberservational study that analyses data collected from a population at specific point in time
recall biased group - e.g a survey
Systemic review and meta Analysis
all the evidence for RCTs looking at effectivness of a particular treatment
require multiple RCTs to exist
Case control study
People with the disease are matched to those without it and earlier exposure to different are compared
Lacks control group
Great for aeitiogy
Less robust than cohort studies