Evidence based coaching. Flashcards
Describe the Cognitive-Mediational Model as it is used in coaching training.
This model recognizes that coach behaviors mediate athlete perceptions, recall, and evaluation of reactions (Williams & Krane, 2015). That is, coaches have their own perceptions about what their behaviors are and why/purpose they are doing them. Athletes in turn form independent meanings/perceptions/recall of coach behaviors that may be different from what the coach intends (Williams & Krane, 2015).
The athletes in turn might ovulate own reactions to that that is different to what the coach intends - individual evaluation may be influenced by athlete age, personality, confidence, anxiety levels.
The interpretation of coach behaviors by athletes then influences the way they evaluate their sport experience (Williams & Krane, 2015). Coaches therefore need to be aware that their behaviors can impact athlete actions/perceptions.
Explain the Coaching Behaviour Assessment System (CBAS). In what settings was it first researched?
is a checklist that involves the direct observation of coaches behaviour during practices and games.
Behaviours broken into two categories:
- Reactive behaviours.
- Spontaneous behaviours.
Describe spontaneous behaviours.
Behaviours initiated by coach without discernible precedent event - general technical instruction, encouragement, or communication or organisation.
Describe Reactive behaviours.
Elicited from athlete/team behaviour - reinforcement, punishment, ignoring mistakes, mistake-contingent encouragement or technical instruction, punitive technical instruction.
What is known about coaches who go through Coach Effectiveness Training (CET)?
Evidence from Smith, Smoll, and curtis (1979) demonstrated that coaches who went through Coach effectiveness training (CET) - gave more reinforcement for good performance or effort.
Were more encouraging after mistakes - did not ignore athletes, still encouraged.
Gave fewer punitive responses.
Were better liked and rated as better teachers by their athletes.
Resulted in a greater increase in general self-esteem in their athletes.
What is Achievement Goal Theory? What are the two central constructs?
Focuses on the function and meaning of goal directed actions, based on an individuals perception of their ability and competence.
- Goal orientation.
- Motivational Climate
Describe Goal Orientation.
Criteria individuals use to define success.
- Mastery Orientation: Succes is self-referenced (focus on skill development, task mastery and exerting maximum effort.)
- Ego orientation: success if based on social comparisons.
Describe a motivational climate.
The environmental factors that foster goal orientation.
Mastery climate- coaches use mastery orientation (associated with greater enjoyment, satisfaction, stronger intrinsic and self-determination motivation, group cohesion and lower levels of performance anxiety.
Ego climate: tends to give differential attention and concentrate positive reinforcement on athletes who are most competent and instrumental to whamming. Rivalry among team-mates. Fear of failure. Win at all costs - more rule breaking.
Describe Mastery Approach to Coaching (MAC).
Emphaises distinctino between positive vs. aversive control of behaviour.
Coaches are encouraged to increase 4 specific behaviours:
- Positive reinforcement.
- Mistake-contingent encouragement.
- Corrective instruction that is positive and encouraging.
- Sound technical instruction - not about telling to work hard, specifically tell what to do to improve skills.
- Establish team rules and reinforce compliance (reinforce socially supportive behaviours)
How does the mastery approach to coaching work?
Conceptualises success as giving maximum effort and becoming the best one can be, rather than an emphaise on winning or outperforming others.
• Coaches are encouraged to reinforce effort as well as outcome.
• Give individualised attention and set personalised goals.
• Define success as giving maximising ones athletic potential and emphasise the importance of having fun/improving together.
Coaches with a MAC approach are more likely to ?
Have athletes that stay engaged.
Increase own mastery orientated.
Decreases in physical and mental sport anxiety.
Improvements in mastery scores into academics - develop athletes as people.
What is one of the first things to be done when implementing an effective coaching program.
Create a positive learning environment.
Explain what to do to create a positive learning environment for coach training programs.
Do: Convey respect for coach participation in workshop
Allow them to share their expertise, knowledge and experiences.
Display sincere ethusiasm when leading sessions.
Explain what not to do create a positive learning environment for coach training programs.
Approach coaches in condescending manner.
• Give exhaustive list of credentials (i.e. elitist.)
• Intimate that the training is designed to protect coaches.
• Give the impression that what the coaches have been doing is incorrect
Name the MAC 4-part philosophy on winning in creating a mastery orientation for coahces.
- Winning isnt everything, nor is it the only thing. Young athletes cannot get the most out of sports if they think that the only objectve is to beat their opponents. Although winning is an important goal, it is not the most important objective.
- Failure is not the same thing as losing. Is is important that athletes do not view losing as a sign of failure or as a threat to their personal value.
- Success is not equivalent to winning. Neither success nor failure need to depend on the outcome of a contest or on a win-loss record.
- Athletes should be taught that success if found in striving for victory (that is, success is related to commitment and effort).
How can you increase self-awareness and compliance among coaches
Feedback- Have coaches observe each other, get feedback from athletes, maybe even parents - give very specific parameters.
Self-monitoring - journals, complete assessment of own behaviour patterns after practices and games.
How can empirical evidence influence coaching?
Arose curiosity. Want to learn more, greater confidence in program. Improve ability to follow behavioural guidelines.
Guildelines for delivering a good program.
Prepare, prepare, prepare.
Cover less, not more - get in depth with less.
Seek to present information in objective manner, rather than trying to persuade (increases trustworthiness)
Ask rhetorical questions.
Provide modelling or opportunities for role playing.