Evidence Based Flashcards
Nurses collect data about the individuals state of ______. The purpose is to make a judgement or _______.
- History: ________ data
- Physical exam: ______ data
health, diagnosis, subjective, objective
_______ ________ is the process of analyzing health data and drawing conclusions to identify diagnoses.
*Attending, formulating (hypothesis), _______, Evaluating.
Cue- (a piece of info, a sign or symptom)
diagnostic reasoning, gathering
What are the six phases of the nursing process?
- ) Assessment
- ) Diagnoses
- ) Outcome identification
- ) Planning
- ) Implementation
- ) Evaluation
________ includes collecting data (review of the clinical record, interview, health history physical exam, functional assessment, risk assessment, consultation, review of the literature).
- use evidence bases techniques
- document relative data
_______ compares clinical findings with normal and abnormal variation and developmental events.
- Interpret data- identify clusters of ____, make hypotheses, test hypotheses, derive.
- Validate
- Compare cluster of cues with definitions and defining characteristics
- identify related factors
- Document
Diagnosis, cues `
_______ ___________ is individualized to the person, culturally appropriate, realistic and measurable, include a timeline.
outcome identification
While _______; establish priorities, develop outcomes, set timelines for ________, identify interventions, integrate _____ based trends and research, ______ plan of care.
Planning, outcomes, evidence, document
________ in a safe and timely manner, use evidence based interventions and review, collaborate with colleagues, use _______ resources, coordinate care delivery, provide health _______ and health promotion, document any ________
Implement, community, teaching, modifications
_________ includes; progress toward outcomes, make sure to conduct systematic, ongoing, criterion-based evaluation, include patient and significant others, use ongoing assessment to revise _______, outcomes, and plan, tell results to patient and family.
Evaluation, diagnoses
Is the means by which we asses and modify, if indicated before acting
*Assumptions, organized approach, validation, normal/abnormal, inferences, clustering, relevance, inconsistencies, patterns, missing info, health promotion, diagnoses, priorities, outcomes, interventions, evaluation, comprehensive plan.
Critical thinking
Consideration of the whole person, views the mind, body and spirit as interdependent and functioning as a whole within the environment
Holistic Health
Type of data that is the total health of the individual and includes a health history and a full physical exam. Describes the current and past health state and forms a baseline against which all future changes can be measured.
Complete database
Type of data for a limited or short-term problem, here you collect a “mini” database of usually one problem, cue complex or one body system
Focused or Problem-centered (episodic) database
Type of data for the status of any identified problems that should be evaluated at regular and appropriate intervals. What change has occurred? is the problem getting better or worse?
Follow-up database
Type of data that calls for rapid collection of the data, often compiled concurrently with lifesaving measures.
ex: substance overdose in ER, first history questions: what did you take? how much? when?
Emergency database