Cultural Competence Flashcards
Total US population passed ____ million in the autumn of 2006
1 out of __ US residents was in a group other than single race non-hispanic white.
Minority or “emerging minority” population totaled __ million people. ______ are the largest and fastest growing group. Followed by Asians, american indians & alaska natives, native hawaiians and other pacific islanders.
98, hispanics
In comparison to the population as a whole:
- emerging majority groups tend to be ______, with lower median ages and high proportions of the population under the age of 18.
- The non-hispanic, single-race, white population has an ____ median age and a smaller proportion of the pop under the age of 18 years.
younger, older
There is one birth every __ seconds. one death every __ seconds, and one international migrant every __ seconds. Therefore, our country gains one person every 11 seconds.
8, 13, 30
An act that says services cannot be denied to people of limited english proficiency.
Title VI of the Civil rights act of 1964
According to the 2000 census, ___ million americans over 5 years of age speak a language other than English in their homes.
*this represented an increase of 15 million people over the numbers documented by the 1990 census
What states require that providers offer language assistance in heath care settings?
California, massachusetts, and new york
Possessing basic knowledge of and constructive attitudes toward diverse cultural populations
culturally sensitive
Applying underlying background knowledge necessary to provide the best possible health care.
Culturally appropriate
Understanding and attending to total context of patient’s situation including immigration status, stress factors, social factors, and cultural similarities/differences
Culturally competent
The thoughts, communications, actions, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious or social groups
What are the characteristics of culture?
Learned, shared, adapted, dynamic
______ describes a group united by:
- common geographic origin
- migratory status
- religion
- race
- language
- shared values, traditions, or symbols
- food preferences
______ is a system of beliefs, practices and ethical values, belief in a divine or superhuman power
What are some health related behaviors affected by religion?
Meditating, exercising/physical fitness, sleep habits, vaccinations, willingness to undergo physical exam, pilgrimage, truthfulness about how you feel, hoping for a recovery, coping with stress, genetic screening and counseling, living with a disability, caring for children