Evidence Flashcards
EVIDENCE - 3-Witnesses - B-Impeachment - 5-Bias or Interest
1. What is impeachment based on bias?
- a witness may be impeached based on bias, eg, relationship to a party, avoid prosecution, receive inheritance
EVIDENCE - 4-Tangible Evidence - B-Best Evidence Rule - 0-Best Evidence Rule
1. What is the best evidence rule?
- when the contents of a writing, recording, or photograph are at issue, the original must be used to prove it’s contents
- however, if the original is unavailable, through no bad faith of proponent, extrinsic evidence may be used to prove its contents
EVIDENCE - 4-Tangible Evidence - B-Best Evidence Rule - 3-Exceptions
1. Under the best evidence rule, what happens if the original is destroyed?
- if the original was destroyed through no fault of the proponent’s bad faith, other evidence may be used
EVIDENCE - 7-Hearsay Exceptions - A-Declarant Unavailable as a Witness - 2-Former Testimony
1. What is the hearsay former testimony exception?
- hearsay of a witness’s former testimony may be admitted if:
- the witness previously testified at a trial, hearing, or deposition
- the witness is unavailable
- the party against whom it is offered had the opportunity and a similar motive to develop the witness’s testimony
- testimony given at a grand jury hearing cannot be used
EVIDENCE - 7-Hearsay Exceptions - B-Declarant’s Availability Immaterial - 3-Statement of Mental, Emotional, or Physical Condition
1. How can a present sense impression be used to show conduct?
Present Sense Impression – Hearsay Exception
- a statement of declarant’s then-existing intent, motive, or plan may be used to prove conduct in conformity with that state of mind
EVIDENCE - 7-Hearsay Exceptions - B-Declarant’s Availability Immaterial - 5-Recorded Recollection
1. What is a recorded recollection?
Recorded Recollection:
- W once knew the information
- record was made or adopted when fresh
- record accurately reflects W’s knowledge
- W can’t testify to it fully without the record
- W can use the record to testify as to that knowledge
- The record may be read into evidence
R ecorded
R ecollection
K new
A accurate
T estify
M ade
A dopted
F resh
Hearsay – Business Records
Business Records
- A writing
- made in the regular course of business
- at the time or within a reasonable time thereafter
- as a record of a transaction or occurrence
- completed in the regular course of business
- is admissible as proof of that transaction or occurrence.
- Applies to records kept by any “business, organization, occupation, or calling, whether or not for profit.”
- includes records made by churches, hospitals, schools, etc.
- The record must have been made in the course of a regularly conducted business activity, and it must have been customary to make that type of entry
- ie, that the entrant had a duty to make the entry
- The record itself must also have been maintained in conjunction with a business activity.
- A hospital record itself is hearsay, but it qualifies as a record of regularly recorded conduct.
- The absence of such a record is admissible under to prove the nonoccurrence of a matter that would normally have been recorded if it had occurred.
- Thus, the absence of an entry can be used by the patient to establish that the medication was not administered.
Competency – FRE
Competency – FRE
- Under FRE, for a witness to be competent to testify, they must have personal knowledge of the matter they are to testify about
- ie, they must have observed the matter and must have a present recollection of this observation.
- This requirement is met if there is evidence sufficient to support a finding that the witness is speaking on the basis of personal knowledge.
- Proof of personal knowledge may consist of a witness’s own testimony.
Hearsay is an out-of-court statement offered for the truth of the matter asserted.
- a statement
- other than one made by the declarant while testifying at the current trial or hearing
- offered into evidence
- to prove the truth of the matter asserted
- A statement offered for any other purpose than to prove the truth of its contents, leaves no need to cross-examine the declarant, so the statement is not hearsay
Hearsay – Prior Identification without Memory
Prior statement of identification is not hearsay
- Even if DEC/WIT lacks memory & can’t testify as to the basis of the prior ID
- Only admissible if DEC is subject to cross-examination
Hearsay – Statement by an Opposing Party
- Stmt by opposing party is not hearsay
- Can be made in either individual or representative capacity
FRE 801(d)(2)
Evidence of Offers to Compromise
Evidence of compromises or offers to compromise is inadmissible to prove or disprove the validity or amount of a disputed claim.
Such evidence is also inadmissible to impeach through a prior inconsistent statement or a contradiction.
Evidence of offers to compromise or settle is typically inadmissible. There must be a claim at issue for the rule to apply. There need not be a filed lawsuit, but there must be at least some indication, expressed or implied of a claim. Additionally, the claim must be disputed as to liability or amount for the exclusionary rule to apply. Thus, if a party admits liability and the amount of liability, but offers to settle rather than litigate, the statements will be admissible.
FRE 408
Under Federal Rule of Evidence (FRE) 408, “evidence of conduct or statements made in compromise negotiations” is inadmissible.
Although the filing of a suit is not a prerequisite for this exclusionary rule, there must be some indication, express or implied, that a party is going to make some kind of claim. Thus, a party’s volunteered admission of fact accompanying an offer to settle immediately following the incident is usually admissible because there has not been time for the other party to indicate an intent to make a claim.
Admissions Accompanying Offers to Pay Medical Expenses
Similarly, evidence that a party paid (or offered to pay) the injured party’s medical expenses is not admissible to prove liability for the injury. Fed. R. Evid. 409. However, unlike the situation with compromise negotiation, admissions of fact accompanying offers to pay medical expenses are admissible.
A is correct. Under FRE 408, when there has been an express or implied indication that a claim may be raised by a party, any conduct or statements made during compromise negotiations is inadmissible. Here, there was a dispute, and the manager’s statement was made in an effort to settle that dispute. Therefore, the entire statement is inadmissible under FRE 408.
While an admission of fact accompanying an offer to pay medical bills would normally be admissible, here, the offer to pay medical bills was part of a greater settlement negotiation, making any accompanying admissions of fact inadmissible. The manager’s statement “. . . and you release us from any claims you might have.” elevated his statement from more than just an offer to pay medical expenses but instead, an effort to settle any future claims. Thus, FRE 408 applies and the manager’s entire statement is inadmissible.
Evidence of Precautionary Measures
Evidence of repairs or other precautionary measures made following an injury is inadmissible to prove negligence, culpable conduct, a defect in a product or its design, or a need for a warning or instruction.
FRE 407
Is evidence of a drug-sniffing dog hearsay?
Hearsay involves an out-of-court statement by a person, so there is no such thing as animal hearsay.
Therefore, the behavior of a drug-sniffing dog in identifying a suspect is not hearsay. A witness may testify to the actions of a drug-sniffing dog in identifying a suspect if there is a foundation showing that the dog was properly trained and is reliable in identifying drug carriers.
Offer to Pay Medical Expenses
FRE states that the use of any offer or promise to pay the medical expenses of an injured party is inadmissible to prove liability for that injury.
FRE 409
Character Evidence – Prior Bad Acts
Use of character evidence to prove how a person probably acted raises the most difficult problems of relevance, especially in criminal cases. The general rule is that the prosecution cannot initiate evidence of the bad character of the defendant merely to show that she is more likely to have committed the crime of which she is accused. Thus, under FRE 404(b), the prosecution may not use the accused’s bad character to imply criminal disposition. The prosecution may only introduce character evidence if the defendant puts her character at issue first, by having a character witness testify as to his opinion of the defendant or the defendant’s reputation. A specific act of misconduct, offered to attack a witness’s character for truthfulness, can be elicited only on cross-examination of the witness.
C is correct. Evidence of a person’s character is not admissible for the purpose of proving action in conformity therewith on a particular occasion. Here, the witness’s testimony is being offered as evidence of the defendant’s bad character. Although there is an exception that allows the prosecution to use character evidence, this is only in rebuttal to character evidence introduced by the defendant. Because the defendant did not introduce any character evidence intended to prove that he is a nonviolent, peaceful person, the prosecution is not permitted to introduce evidence intended to prove the defendant’s violent character. As such, the testimony is inadmissible.
B is correct. The general rule is that evidence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts is not admissible to prove the character of a person in order to show action in conformity therewith. Fed. R. Evid. 404(b). The evidence the prosecution is seeking to admit is being offered only to show the defendant’s bad character and that he was acting in line with that bad character. Therefore, the evidence should be excluded as improper character evidence.
Preliminary Questions of Admissibility
Preliminary questions concerning the admissibility of evidence shall be determined by the court. Both sides are permitted to present evidence and argument about the admissibility of the evidence, and the hearing should be conducted outside of the presence of the jury.
In jury cases, evidentiary hearings shall be conducted, to the extent practicable, so as to prevent inadmissible evidence from being suggested to the jury by any means, such as making statements or offers of proof or asking questions in the hearing of the jury. The jury should not be present for the evidentiary hearing.
Specifically, the court determines the trustworthiness of alleged exceptions to the hearsay rule, which includes dying declarations. In making its preliminary determination, the court may consider affidavits or hearsay. Therefore, the admissibility of the note should be determined by the judge, and he is permitted to consider the affidavit.
When a person’s character itself is the ultimate issue in the case
The rules regarding use of character evidence are affected by three major concerns: (i) the purpose for which evidence of character is offered; (ii) the method to be used to prove character; and (iii) the kind of case, civil or criminal.
A person’s general character, or a particular trait that he has, may be an essential element of the case because under the substantive law, that character or trait determines the rights and liabilities of the parties. In that circumstance, character evidence is not only allowable, but it is also essential. Therefore, when a person’s character itself is the ultimate issue in the case, character evidence must be admitted. Cases where character is one of the material propositions in issue are confined mostly to civil litigation and are rare even among civil actions. Most courts, and the FRE, allow three types of evidence of character when character is in issue: (i) specific acts to demonstrate character; (ii) a witness’s opinion of that character; and (iii) evidence as to the subject’s reputation for the character trait in issue.
In a libel case, evidence of the plaintiff’s despicable character is “in issue” and therefore admissible to support a defense of truth. Such evidence may be offered in the form of specific instances of conduct as well as reputation and opinion.
A trial judge has broad discretion to exclude otherwise relevant evidence if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of the issues, misleading the jury, undue delay, waste of time, or needless presentation of cumulative evidence. Fed. R. Evid. 403.
A is correct. Evidence of the plaintiff’s prior theft is admissible as substantive evidence to prove that he is, in fact, a thief because it is an ultimate issue (or “in issue”) in the case. The plaintiff is alleging that the defendant committed libel by writing to the plaintiff’s employer falsely claiming that the plaintiff was a thief. A defense to a libel suit is truth, and as such, the defendant’s claim that he was telling the truth is directly supported by evidence that the plaintiff had a previous incident of theft.
Authentication of a Phone Call
Statements made during a phone conversation may be authenticated by one of the parties to the call who testifies that the speaker has knowledge of certain facts that only a particular person would have.
A phone call may also be authenticated if a party called, for example, Mr. A’s telephone number, and a voice answered, “This is Mr. A” or “This is the A residence.” This authenticates the conversation as being with Mr. A or his agent. Self-identification by the caller, however, is insufficient evidence to allow for the admission of the telephone call against the speaker.
C is correct. One method of authenticating a phone call is when the speaker has knowledge of certain facts that only a particular person would have. Here, because the witness had given his unlisted number only to the defendant and a few other people, it severely limited the number of individuals who knowingly could call and threaten the witness. Therefore, this is the best basis to support a finding that the telephone call is what the witness claims it to be.
A is incorrect. As explained above, the self-identification exception will not work here, because the defendant, who was the caller, not the receiver of the call, identified himself. This does not prove that the caller is the defendant, as it could easily be someone pretending to be the defendant to blame him.
Best Evidence Rule
Any writing or record, whether in the form of an entry in a book or otherwise, made as a memorandum or record of any act, transaction, occurrence, or event, is admissible as proof of that act, transaction, occurrence, or event, if made in the regular course of any business, and if it was the regular course of such business to make it at the time of the act, transaction, occurrence, or event or within a reasonable time thereafter. Fed. R. Evid. 803(6).
The best evidence rule is more accurately called the “original document rule.” The rule is as follows: In proving the terms of a writing (recording, photograph, or X-ray), where the terms are material, the original writing must be produced. Secondary evidence of the writing, such as oral testimony regarding the writing’s contents, is permitted only after it has been shown that the original is unavailable for some reason other than serious misconduct of the proponent. Fed. R. Evid. 1002.
Although traditionally called a “business record,” the exception applies to records kept by any “business, organization, occupation, or calling, whether or not for profit.” Thus, the definition includes records made by churches, hospitals, schools, etc. Fed. R. Evid. 803(6). The record must have been made in the course of a regularly conducted business activity, and it must have been customary to make that type of entry (i.e., that the entrant had a duty to make the entry). The record itself must also have been maintained in conjunction with a business activity.
If the proponent cannot produce the original writing or recording in court, he may offer secondary evidence of its contents in the form of copies, notes, or oral testimony about the contents of the original if a satisfactory explanation is given for the non-production of the original.
C is correct. Although the business records themselves would be admissible under FRE 803(6), the manager’s oral testimony about the records would only be admissible in the event that the records themselves were shown to be unavailable, pursuant to the best evidence rule.
A is incorrect. This question asks whether the testimony about the records is admissible, not whether the records themselves are admissible. The business records exception to the hearsay rule would permit the records to be introduced for their contents. However, the best evidence rule precludes the testimony about the records as improper secondary evidence.
D is correct. The best evidence rule is only applicable to writings, recordings, photographs, or X-rays, and the robot falls under none of those categories. Therefore, there is no need to satisfy the best evidence rule by showing it was not destroyed in bad faith, or by giving advance notice of the intent to give oral testimony about it, or by introducing a photograph of it if one exists. Because the plaintiff has personal knowledge of the appearance of the model, he can testify without having to introduce the model into evidence.
Spousal Testimonial Privilege
If the witness and the defendant are married at the time of trial, the witness can refuse to testify against the defendant without being placed in contempt. The rationale for the rule is to preserve marital harmony, which would otherwise be damaged by one spouse testifying against the other.
Multiple Hearsay
A statement that contains hearsay within hearsay may be admissible as long as each part of the combined statement conforms to a hearsay exception. Fed. R. Evid. 805.
D is correct. The plaintiff’s proffered testimony contains multiple out-of-court statements: (i) the deceased’s statement that he had a chance meeting with the defendant on the street in which the defendant threatened him; and (ii) the statement by the defendant to the deceased: “I’m going to blow your head off one of these days.” Multiple hearsay requires that each statement meet its own exception to the rule. Here, it is true that the defendant’s statement to the deceased may be admissible to establish the defendant’s state of mind. However, the deceased’s statement to the plaintiff that the defendant told him that the defendant was going to blow the deceased’s head off one of these days is an out-of-court statement that is being offered for the truth of the matter asserted - that the defendant threatened the deceased. This statement is thus hearsay and is inadmissible because it does not meet the requirements for any exceptions to the hearsay rule.
Statement for Medical Diagnosis or Treatment
A statement that describes a person’s medical history, past or present symptoms, or their inception or general cause is admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule if it was made for - and was reasonably pertinent to - medical diagnosis or treatment. Fed. R. Evid. 803(4). The cause or source of the injury must be reasonably pertinent to diagnosis or treatment to be admissible, and statements assigning fault or identifying a perpetrator are generally not considered pertinent. Statements by family members and bystanders may be admitted under this exception as long as the statements were clearly made to obtain a diagnosis or treatment for the patient.
Attorney-Client Privilege
Crime-Fraud Exception
The attorney-client privilege will cover confidential communications made during a legal consultation between an attorney and client.
Crime-Fraud Exception
However, if the services of the lawyer were sought or obtained to enable or aid anyone to commit or plan to commit a crime or a fraud, the privilege does not apply. The defendant’s letter explicitly states that the deed she is seeking should be back-dated to avoid the tax law. Because the services sought by the defendant from her attorney were for the commission of tax fraud, the communication will not be privileged and the production of the letter should be required.