everything pt 2 Flashcards
what are tension
non chord tones a 7th 9th 11th and 13th above the root of a chord
characteristics of melodic tensions
any NCT longer than a beat
notes of any duration followed by a leap and not a part of a delayed resolution
harmonic tensions
part of a vertical structure of a chord
what tensions are available on a chord
any note that is a whole step above a chord tone is an available tension
what is not an available tension
any note a half step above a chord tone
what tensions should you avoid combining on dominant chords
t9 with tb9 or t#9
t13 with b13
5 with b13
5 with b5
what tensions can be on a major triad
T6 TM7 T9 T#11 T13
what are passing tones
NTC that fill the space between two chord tones by step
passing tones on the strong part of the beat
accented passing tones
double passing tones
two passing tones between two chord tones
neighboring tones
NCT that embellishes a single tone by upper or lower neighbor and back
leaps away(approached by) from a chord tone and then moves to a chord tone by step diatonically or chromatically
escape tone
moves away (approached by) step and moves to a chord tone by a leap
neighboring group
cambiata and changing tones
two consecutive non chord tones surrounding both sides of the previous chord tones and then resolving to the original chord tone
rhythmically anticipates a chord tone.
tones of the upcoming chord.
may be tied sustained or followed by a rest
hold a chord tone over despite moving chords.
prep, sus, and resolved a second below the suspended note
how are suspensions named
harmonic interval created above the bass note
bass suspension
2-3 sus down stepwise
sus with change of bass
suspension and change in bass
embellished suspension
the sus has added notes prior to resolution
chain of suspensions
the res starts the new prep
the same as a suspension however they move up a 2nd
what is a pedal point
a sustained tone over three or more chords
begin and end as a chord tone
a NCT in at least one chord
inverted pedal point
pedal in soprano
internal pedal
pedal in alto or tenor
what is a secondary dominant
momentary V to I of another key
what is the secondary dominant technique known as
characteristics of a secondary dominant
atleast one pitch from foreign key
how to construct a secondary dominant
identify tonicized chord
go up a perfect 5th
how do secondary dominants resolve
leading tones resolve up and 7ths resolve down
what is a tritone substitution
a dominant resolution where instead of a V7 to one you have b27 to 1. A tritone above the V.
labeled subV7
what is similar between a V7 and subV7
they have the same tendency tones
tritone subs can be used in
secondary dominants
secondary leading tone chords
vii diminished chords that tonicize a note.
what are borrowed chords
mode mixture: chords taken from a parallel key
what are common tone diminished chords?
chromatic non functional chords that are passing or neighbor harmony.
fully diminished chord that shares one note with the chord it precedes
what is a Neopolitan 6 chord
N or N6 is a major chord built on the lowered supertonic
N chords usually has what function
what is an aug 6 chord
the b6 and #4. they smoothly voice lead to dominant
Italian aug 6 chord
adds tonic
French aug 6 chord
adds supertonic and tonic
German aug 6 adds
Lowered mediant and tonic
swiss aug 6 adds
raised super tonic and tonic
what is simple modulation
moving to closely related key. relative major and minor. adding and subtracting one flat or sharp major and minor.
what is a pivot chord
links two tonal centers
diatonic pivot chord
common chord
when can modulations occur
after a few bars fully established by V to I
diatonic to chromatic modulation
diatonic in old key
chromatic in new key